Lupus anticoagulant anyone???

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Jan 7, 2009
Does anybody out there have this condition? It is a blood disorder (not to be confused with lupus) that causes you blood to clot. My father was diagnosed about 20 years ago after suffering a stroke. Since I am currently undergoing fertility treatments, I am wondering if I should be tested because I have read that it can complicate a pregnancy. As i was trying to research the heredity of the condition, I came across several sources that linked it to auto immune diseases including Crohn's disease, which I found interesting. I still was unable to find much information on the hereditary component of the condition, so I thought I'd ask you all if anyone has it and what information you can offer. Thanks!
No I don't have that. From what I read is that you don't get treated for it unless you have recurrent symptoms. Symptoms are blood clots and recurrent miscarriages. Another site said that they don't even test for it unless you have recurrent symptoms. Bring it up with your doctor and ask them what they think.
That's what I read also. But I think I would want to know if I had it if I do get pregnant since miscarriages are common because blood has a hard time getting to the uterus. My friend who has it said that she had to get shots of heprin in order to keep sufficient blood supply to the uterus. Since they don't test you if you don't have symptoms, if you don't know you have it you may have to have a miscarriage before anybody tries to find out. At 39 years old, I can't afford that (not that anyone can, but...). I was just trying to figure out if I am at higher risk of having it since my dad does and if that would warrent testing for it. It sounds to me that the test might be complicated which is why it is not often done.
Ok so let me first by saying that I do not have crohns. I have had a colonscopy and EGD to rule out crohns and celiac (both of which came back negative). Although I am not convinced something is not going on with my digestive symptoms. I have chronic diarrhea, anal fissures, fluid in my jejunum and patchy atrophy. My doctors seem to say this is all from stress related to my diagnosis of lymphoma five years ago. But in regards to this forum I have positive lupus anticoagulant. I was diagnosed about six months ago after my PTT prior to a tonsillectomy came back at about 56, much to high. I had been presenting to my hematologist for about six months prior with constant bruising. I am getting frustrated no one seems to be putting all these autoimmune conditions together.