My husband's co-worker shared a christian paper with him yesterday and after thumbing through it quickly, it landed on this particular article. It hit so close to our situation and I felt it might be something for you to think about as well. Just know that we are all in this together and months from now we will be sending emails of joyous occasions like birthday parties, family gatherings, and holidays vs. hospitals, doctors and more tests. Keep the faith and may God be with you all during these next few days. Your friend, Beverly
There are times we may wonder why The Lord would allow some of His children, who are obviously physically or mentally challenged, to be brought into the world. This could also be true of those who become physically or mentally challenged at some point during their lifetime. Why would He allow them to suffer through a life which is so far removed from normal and be so restrictive...And, perhaps even more puzzling, why would He allow these children to be such a burden to their families and loved ones. Even to the point where they require constant care throughout their lifetime, which places unbelievable demands on their families and loved ones. One could call these God's tests, or trials, for those who are directly involved. It is extremely important how the people who are directly involved in these situations respond to such challenges. For we shall be judged on how we respond-not just once but throughout our lives-to such trials. There is no doubt that it takes a special person to carry such a burden upon their shoulders. And, you might say, they are the fortunate ones. For their mission in life is clear...They are to love and care for these who are challenged. Perhaps, we will look with a different view now upon those who are challenged and those who care for them. They are not to be pitied, but to be admired... As well as understood. For they are responding as God would have them respond to His challenges.
May God bless you
and your loved ones.
As this was an anonymous post, I am assuming we can use it, postsed anonymously. I wish the writer would come forward for some recognition, as I feel it is a very heart-felt piece of journalism. If you wish to share as another thread, that's up to you, but I personally wanted to send it to 3 of my new favorite ladies. I'll pray that God is able to give Maddie some relief soon. Good Nite.