My thoughts are and have been with you Kelly,Rosemary & and the little battle maiden. I really am awestruck that you have had to deal with this for so long. Would it be helpful for you to bring her to the ER at this point? Perhaps once she is in, someone can call Dr.PP and tell him that HIS patient is in crisis and needs his attention. Perhaps bring the pics of her and sit their in the ER, share your story with whoever dares to sit next to you, this may also serve to either fire up a room full of unexpected advocates (the others waiting for treatment) or clear them out as they hear of a doc associated with the hospital that is a total *******.
It really just breaks my heart that you have all had to endure such a hellish experience. If I were closer by I would go to his office and bring him to you. Please also call the AMA on him, I have had to do that with a doc around here, after i nearly died from anaphylactic shock in his parking lot. It really sounds as if Maddie may have put up with all she can, can't imagine the level of stress that you ladies are carrying around-wish i could take it on for the three of you. Perhaps you could look for a malpractice lawyer-explain the situation and have him call the doc to let him know what is coming if he doesn't get his act together. Please try the pic thing on the notebook,your daughter is so very beautiful i just couldn't imagine anyone NOT wanting to help her. If i had the money i would fly you all to somewhere where she could get the care she needs, Boston Children's saved my son and are known as one of the best in the world.
I am not much for prayer anymore, but i will say many for her and you ladies today. Also will send strength, white light and any other thing i can think of.
You are all so strong- more so now that you should have to be. In my opinion it is media time. Also, look to see if there are any hospital employees who are in charge of advocating for patient rights. Find the poor soul who sees pts. to survey hospital service satisfaction and chew up the survey letting her know what a warehouse for sick people the hospiital is. Use the words Neglect and Abuse, Mal-practice and of course media.
In Mass we have a thing called a mandated reporter- all people who are vulnerable and unable to advocate are protected by medical staff, social workers, police and fire personell as well as human service workers. This means that if they see or are concerned about the possibility of someone being abused or NEGLECTED (drPP) THEY ARE MANDATED BY LAW TO REPORT THIS LACK OF TREATMENT OR FACE JAIL AND SUSPENSION OF LISCENCE.
Dear god, I hope this stops soon. please let me know if any of my rambling helps at all. You are all so very strong I truly admire your fighting spirit. Please keep at it.