is a Russian equivalent of
A man claims to have cured his Ulcerative Colitis after a 5-year battle by treating the following underlying infections that were found in his system via some very thorough tests/blood panels etc:
- Bacillae Hominis
- Cytomegalovirus
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Herpes simplex 1 and 2 type
The link to his original post (in Russian), that he posted in 2011:История-cured
I've translated his original post here:
A man claims to have cured his Ulcerative Colitis after a 5-year battle by treating the following underlying infections that were found in his system via some very thorough tests/blood panels etc:
- Bacillae Hominis
- Cytomegalovirus
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Herpes simplex 1 and 2 type
The link to his original post (in Russian), that he posted in 2011:История-cured
I've translated his original post here:
Greetings to all who were tortured including myself.
I'll tell you my medical story, so-called "UC". Looking ahead so it's interesting to read-- I must say that I no longer have the disease for several years and it's not expected to come back. Now the details for those who want to be healthy.
It all started as the usual - pooping with blood, etc. Found some polyps as well. I was shocked and did not believe it. I said I wanted to live! I did a sophisticated analysis on my own initiative through an Institute of blood. It is called immunohistochemistry.
Next. They began to look into it at the Institute of proctology-- UC indeed. Was assigned a course of Mesalamine and other crap. Diet - only porridge, rice, boiled chicken and water. I lost 12 kg. I was in great shape, master of sport in swimming. Weekly visits to the doctor for 700 rubles, Mesalamine 4 grams/day, and I was getting worse and worse.
Again, I do not believe this! I started thinking about deciphering NUC - "non-specific ulcerative colitis". "Non-specific" just means that doctors admit their powerlessness to understand the cause of the disease, just do not know how and why. Ok. I'll find out myself. I cancelled Mesalamine myself, which I got pancreas from and then was treating it with herbs for a year. Cured it. UC has become neither better nor worse. Well, a little worse, not critical. I got used to defecating blood, started consuming more beets to make up hemoglobin and take Vitamin K (Menadione) for blood clotting. Kept giving analyzes to make sure thrombosis has not arisen. Started feeling better.
Began surfing the Internet, looked on the American sites - all the same - take Melasamine or sulfasalazine, and go to the doctors with an open wallet. Money was not the issue, but still bitter. Started looking for doctors, asking friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends, distant relatives and acquaintances. In short-- all the possible options. I found a witch doctor from Odessa-- Alexey. Wanted 4 thousand dollars for treatment with some pig's blood. He said he recovered himself. I did not believe him. Those who truly treat-- do not take money. Then I went to Murmansk, where I met with The Doctor. He explained this to me in very simple terms. If there is inflammation in the body, there are four reasons for this:
1) Bacterial infection
2) Viral infection
3) Simple and helminths
4) Genetic characteristics reaction on the environment (allergy)
The first three are clear, 4th is more problematic. Need to deeply investigate the immune status.
I went through all 4 points systematically with his help. Bacterial infection was Staphylococcus from which it is difficult to get rid of. In fact, this problem is secondary (T-cell) immunity. Staphylococcus lives in us and doesn't poke his head out as long as our immune system doesn't let it. It's not a big problem, but I got rid of it. Wonder how? I'll tell you later. But the main problem was not solved. Mucus, blood and everything continued.
"Simple and helminths". Found Bacillae Hominis. This is again evidence of low immunity. They are in us and lift their heads when they are given the opportunity to. Giardia lamblia was also found, I was treated, everything is OK. The problem of UC was still there.
I continued to investigate into viruses. Did analyzes on all that might cause similar effects. Found Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), in addition to herpes simplex 1 and 2 type. Found IgG and IgM antibodies to EBV according to IFA. And a lot of IgM to EBV, which should not be the case. IgG was very high. To comment on EBV-- this virus is present in 90% of the adult population, but usually the immune system copes with it. Cytomegalovirus - also a kind of herpes, but nasty. May cause inflammation of the intestines. He, like EBV was detected in the blood by PCR. Cytomegalovirus-- cured, I'll tell you how later, but wasn't easy. But the problem remained -- UC.
Already started to think "maybe the doctors are right and UC is UC-- the property of the body and is incurable?" From time to time, in the search of treatments, self-control and nerves red-lined... But the faith in the victory remained. I continued.
There were very serious suspicion of EBV. Modern medicine does not suggest that it can be localized in the intestines. Almost rejects it. But my doctor was treating a patient with a gastric ulcer, and found herpes simplex virus type 2 by PCR in the gastric mucosa. Killed virus and the person was healthy. Gastric ulcers sometimes happen because of Helicobacter pylori (which I also tested for). We suspected EBV so decided to check thoroughly.
The laboratories, which refused to take bowel's exudate for PCR. I submitted it as "saliva". They took that. They found the EBV again. there is hope. EBV is very insidious virus, it lowers the immune system like HIV, but less - builds into the T-cells and paralyzes their activity. To verify this, I took the advanced immune status and interferon status tests. Gamma intereferony were below any standards, and the T-cell immunity was skewed to a critical stage. All this is in principle had no effect on health. I felt okay. But if there is a problem - it is necessary to fix it.
Tried to get EBV out - antivirals (2 infusions of Cymevene a day for 3 weeks + Valtrex + immunomodulators etc). It helped. EBV in the blood is no longer detected, as well as in the intestinal exudate. All of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis were over. But came back, as well as EBV. It is an insidious virus and is almost incurable. BUT! I now knew the cause, and had to find a solution. Just at this moment I became happier - I know the reason! None of this "non-specificity" in my UC non-sense.
Gradually, not immediately, over the years I have worked on immunity under the supervision of a physician. During this time, we realized that Aciclovir and its derivatives do more harm than good, and canceled them. We worked on the immune system full force. I for myself have developed the following scheme - dose reduction of gamma-interferon-replacements, and increase in gamma-interferon stimulants. Plus the usual procedure of stimulation of immunity - thermal procedures. Artificial hyperthermia during critical periods.
Done! Within a year, I brought my interferon and immune status to the desired, normal level and forgot about UC. This was in 2006. 5 years of unhappiness, depression and struggle with the unknown. After that periodically appeared episodes from EBV. Once I think that something might not be right, I know what to do. Day or two, and the problem is gone. To date, no problems have occurred for several years and are not expected. EBV is afraid of me now.
Getting rid of the virus completely is impossible, it is lifeless protein compound capable of replication, and you can not withdraw all of its molecules from the body. But it is possible to keep it under complete control, like acute respiratory infections and influenza viruses. You just need to know how.
I'm not a doctor, but throughout the years of my illness (more than 5 years), I learned a lot in immunology, virology, how the gastrointestinal tract works (that modern doctors do not really understand), and so forth. I read books on medicine, studied medical practice in immunology and virology, dug the Web and experimented on myself. Now I do not get sick at all, neither with the flu nor acute respiratory disease. Food poisoning in tropical countries are a 1 day deal. I eat what I want and I drink everything that pours and burns. This is the side effect of the understanding and controlling the organism's immunity. If EVB "left" me-- then any other disease is hopeless.
I'm not proposing the panacea to all possible variants of UC. Maybe UC is unknown as the disease, but I got rid of it and forgot it like a nightmare. And maybe my experience will help someone find a way to health.
This story is very, very brief. In fact... I've been to the Institute of proctology, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical university, went to Germany, different commercial clinics, grandmother-fortune tellers, psychics with herbs and other crap. Thousands of dollars and years of time. Roller coaster! But the casket opened when the key was found.
Another simple thing the doctor told me: If there is inflammation in the body - it means the body is healthy, because inflammation is a natural reaction to the pathogen. This means the T-cell immunity is working on its destruction. It is not always possible, sometimes the pathogen is stronger. You just need to find and help the body get rid of it. You have to understand how the immune system works - amazing and brilliant thing in our nature. Protect it and train it. And all the diseases will pass. Good luck.
I'll tell you my medical story, so-called "UC". Looking ahead so it's interesting to read-- I must say that I no longer have the disease for several years and it's not expected to come back. Now the details for those who want to be healthy.
It all started as the usual - pooping with blood, etc. Found some polyps as well. I was shocked and did not believe it. I said I wanted to live! I did a sophisticated analysis on my own initiative through an Institute of blood. It is called immunohistochemistry.
Next. They began to look into it at the Institute of proctology-- UC indeed. Was assigned a course of Mesalamine and other crap. Diet - only porridge, rice, boiled chicken and water. I lost 12 kg. I was in great shape, master of sport in swimming. Weekly visits to the doctor for 700 rubles, Mesalamine 4 grams/day, and I was getting worse and worse.
Again, I do not believe this! I started thinking about deciphering NUC - "non-specific ulcerative colitis". "Non-specific" just means that doctors admit their powerlessness to understand the cause of the disease, just do not know how and why. Ok. I'll find out myself. I cancelled Mesalamine myself, which I got pancreas from and then was treating it with herbs for a year. Cured it. UC has become neither better nor worse. Well, a little worse, not critical. I got used to defecating blood, started consuming more beets to make up hemoglobin and take Vitamin K (Menadione) for blood clotting. Kept giving analyzes to make sure thrombosis has not arisen. Started feeling better.
Began surfing the Internet, looked on the American sites - all the same - take Melasamine or sulfasalazine, and go to the doctors with an open wallet. Money was not the issue, but still bitter. Started looking for doctors, asking friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends, distant relatives and acquaintances. In short-- all the possible options. I found a witch doctor from Odessa-- Alexey. Wanted 4 thousand dollars for treatment with some pig's blood. He said he recovered himself. I did not believe him. Those who truly treat-- do not take money. Then I went to Murmansk, where I met with The Doctor. He explained this to me in very simple terms. If there is inflammation in the body, there are four reasons for this:
1) Bacterial infection
2) Viral infection
3) Simple and helminths
4) Genetic characteristics reaction on the environment (allergy)
The first three are clear, 4th is more problematic. Need to deeply investigate the immune status.
I went through all 4 points systematically with his help. Bacterial infection was Staphylococcus from which it is difficult to get rid of. In fact, this problem is secondary (T-cell) immunity. Staphylococcus lives in us and doesn't poke his head out as long as our immune system doesn't let it. It's not a big problem, but I got rid of it. Wonder how? I'll tell you later. But the main problem was not solved. Mucus, blood and everything continued.
"Simple and helminths". Found Bacillae Hominis. This is again evidence of low immunity. They are in us and lift their heads when they are given the opportunity to. Giardia lamblia was also found, I was treated, everything is OK. The problem of UC was still there.
I continued to investigate into viruses. Did analyzes on all that might cause similar effects. Found Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), in addition to herpes simplex 1 and 2 type. Found IgG and IgM antibodies to EBV according to IFA. And a lot of IgM to EBV, which should not be the case. IgG was very high. To comment on EBV-- this virus is present in 90% of the adult population, but usually the immune system copes with it. Cytomegalovirus - also a kind of herpes, but nasty. May cause inflammation of the intestines. He, like EBV was detected in the blood by PCR. Cytomegalovirus-- cured, I'll tell you how later, but wasn't easy. But the problem remained -- UC.
Already started to think "maybe the doctors are right and UC is UC-- the property of the body and is incurable?" From time to time, in the search of treatments, self-control and nerves red-lined... But the faith in the victory remained. I continued.
There were very serious suspicion of EBV. Modern medicine does not suggest that it can be localized in the intestines. Almost rejects it. But my doctor was treating a patient with a gastric ulcer, and found herpes simplex virus type 2 by PCR in the gastric mucosa. Killed virus and the person was healthy. Gastric ulcers sometimes happen because of Helicobacter pylori (which I also tested for). We suspected EBV so decided to check thoroughly.
The laboratories, which refused to take bowel's exudate for PCR. I submitted it as "saliva". They took that. They found the EBV again. there is hope. EBV is very insidious virus, it lowers the immune system like HIV, but less - builds into the T-cells and paralyzes their activity. To verify this, I took the advanced immune status and interferon status tests. Gamma intereferony were below any standards, and the T-cell immunity was skewed to a critical stage. All this is in principle had no effect on health. I felt okay. But if there is a problem - it is necessary to fix it.
Tried to get EBV out - antivirals (2 infusions of Cymevene a day for 3 weeks + Valtrex + immunomodulators etc). It helped. EBV in the blood is no longer detected, as well as in the intestinal exudate. All of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis were over. But came back, as well as EBV. It is an insidious virus and is almost incurable. BUT! I now knew the cause, and had to find a solution. Just at this moment I became happier - I know the reason! None of this "non-specificity" in my UC non-sense.
Gradually, not immediately, over the years I have worked on immunity under the supervision of a physician. During this time, we realized that Aciclovir and its derivatives do more harm than good, and canceled them. We worked on the immune system full force. I for myself have developed the following scheme - dose reduction of gamma-interferon-replacements, and increase in gamma-interferon stimulants. Plus the usual procedure of stimulation of immunity - thermal procedures. Artificial hyperthermia during critical periods.
Done! Within a year, I brought my interferon and immune status to the desired, normal level and forgot about UC. This was in 2006. 5 years of unhappiness, depression and struggle with the unknown. After that periodically appeared episodes from EBV. Once I think that something might not be right, I know what to do. Day or two, and the problem is gone. To date, no problems have occurred for several years and are not expected. EBV is afraid of me now.
Getting rid of the virus completely is impossible, it is lifeless protein compound capable of replication, and you can not withdraw all of its molecules from the body. But it is possible to keep it under complete control, like acute respiratory infections and influenza viruses. You just need to know how.
I'm not a doctor, but throughout the years of my illness (more than 5 years), I learned a lot in immunology, virology, how the gastrointestinal tract works (that modern doctors do not really understand), and so forth. I read books on medicine, studied medical practice in immunology and virology, dug the Web and experimented on myself. Now I do not get sick at all, neither with the flu nor acute respiratory disease. Food poisoning in tropical countries are a 1 day deal. I eat what I want and I drink everything that pours and burns. This is the side effect of the understanding and controlling the organism's immunity. If EVB "left" me-- then any other disease is hopeless.
I'm not proposing the panacea to all possible variants of UC. Maybe UC is unknown as the disease, but I got rid of it and forgot it like a nightmare. And maybe my experience will help someone find a way to health.
This story is very, very brief. In fact... I've been to the Institute of proctology, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical university, went to Germany, different commercial clinics, grandmother-fortune tellers, psychics with herbs and other crap. Thousands of dollars and years of time. Roller coaster! But the casket opened when the key was found.
Another simple thing the doctor told me: If there is inflammation in the body - it means the body is healthy, because inflammation is a natural reaction to the pathogen. This means the T-cell immunity is working on its destruction. It is not always possible, sometimes the pathogen is stronger. You just need to find and help the body get rid of it. You have to understand how the immune system works - amazing and brilliant thing in our nature. Protect it and train it. And all the diseases will pass. Good luck.