Managing fistula drainage

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Mar 7, 2013
Ladies, I am in need for some advice. I have a perianal fistula that's active. I do not have a senton. I still have drainage and its annoying. I wear a pad every day to catch it and change it a couple times a day to prevent mositure from occurring down there. Sometimes I feel "wet" and there is nothing on the pad. Is there anything I can do to wick the moisture because I am getting yeast infections as well. :( I am on Humira and the dr was hoping that humira would have healed up the fistula by now but it hasnt. Its the only medication that I am currently on besides the occasional pain med on a really bad day.

I also see a vagina fissure and approximately 3 anal fissures. The vagina fissure is the only thing that's sensitive at the moment. Nothing else hurts, but everything appears to inflammed I guess. One of my labia is also swollen and has been for sometime now. I have been to the gyno and they did a biopsy and she chalked it up to a dermititis and she said as long as the fistula are draining and/or I am having diahrea its not going to go away. :( I use baby wipes as well when I am at hope to clean up after a BM.

This is really affecting my body image and my quality of life.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Lucky!!
Can you go back to your GI surgeon and ask what his next game plan will be? Also, see if you can get in to see a wound care RN (it's the same as an ostomy RN) and ask her what else can be done.

I had a very bad abdominal wound that wouldn't heal for 2 years and I started with wet to dry packing and then did a wound vac which helped but then the wound reopened due to another infection. THEN when I was cleaning out my wound, I pulled out a suture that was tied off but not attached to anything. Turns out my body was trying to reject this the ENTIRE time. I showed it to the surgeon and infection MD and they both told me that "it happens sometimes with sutures being rejected".

I was like, WHY didn't it show up on a CT scan or sonogram??

I went to a wound care RN during these 2 years to assist me with packing the abdomen and dealing with the infections.

I'd call the wound care RN you saw at the hospital where you had your recent surgery done, get an Rx from your GI to see her, and have her give you a 2nd opinion.

feel better. ~Gutless Wonder
Gutless..... I had surgery in 2008, I had where small meets large intestine (2 ft in that area). I also live in a different state now, but am moving back home to where I had my initial surgery in a few months. I think that's why my current GI is not addressing the issue and putting it off. :/
if things get worse, like extreme pain, fever, nausea/vomiting, wound oozing green stuff, be sure to go to the ER STAT. that's a sign of something serious.
anything green means that an infection is present. like when blow your nose when you have sinus issues and you see green stuff on the tissue, it means you definitely have an infection. Then you need to see your doctor.
I'd definitely talk to your doctor tomorrow. Just tell him what's been discharged and you're concerned. You don't want it to get to the point where you do spike a high fever and are in any pain along with other issues it may cause.
Oh my! I will see if I can get in soon, but I have an appt next wed if I can't get in sooner :/ thank you for the info. This is so frustrating....
Hi Lucky....I m also dealing with at least one fistula which discharges stool, fluids and puss into my vagina. This does cause much personal anxiety and greatly effects my self esteem. Feeling that I have no control over my own body has left me very depressed . I too find it necessary to wear pads. I feel unclean and ANGRY and uninterested into socializing. No surgery is planned until after my next colonoscopy (in July) and then only if I can be designated to be in full remission. I am being treated with REMICADE infusions which have greatly helped my Crohn's digestive symptoms but done nothing to heal the fistula(s). One suggestion I can give is that I find that flushing out my vagina using a handheld shower attachment seems to be preventing the yeast infections.
I could not envision a more degrading disease with so many potentially embarrassing and life changing complications.
Gutless, I called the dr he prescribed the "terrible two" when taken together: cuprous and flagyl. They usually upset my stomach and make me nauseous :/
Sunione... The detachable shower head is a good idea. I feel much like u do in regards to the emotional distress. I don't quite yet have my digestive part of the disease under control yet but it's getting better. Fistulas are definitely the worst and I feel they such a lot of energy out of your body too. I wish u the best in your healing process and hope if u choose surgey that it works for you!!! :)
see if you can eat something before you take the antibiotics. What I usually do is after I eat is coat my gut with liquid mylanta before I take them so as to not upset my gut.

If it still hurts, take something for pain. I've done that as well. feel better.