Manuka again and possibly more investigation.

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Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone, just had Kians check yesterday and all is well, height and weight all good. only thing im worried about now is his bum. He had surgery couple of years back on abscess by his anus and it was left open to heal from inside out which it did, i must also mention it was treated great with medical manuka honey and healed wonderful. In the last couple of months the wound seems to have opened ( Kian passes huge stools) and its been bleeding slightly when he wipes. We give him movicol to keep it soft but now he may have to go back again for investigation under general anaesthetic again or an mri. Ive been told to use the manuka again which im collecting tomorrow from our chemist so fingers crossed it heals again. Has this happened to anyone else after havibg surgery like this?
Sorry to hear the abscess is rearing it's ugly head again. Although Andrew is doing well, he has never completely healed - there is a small patch of skin that stubbornly refuses to heal over. I am still using the honey every night - the doctor surgery is probably wondering why I'm still asking for it! :ysmile:
Hope the honey does the trick so Kian doesn't have to go under general again!
thanks everyone, it doesnt seem to be an abscess again as no discharge or soreness at all, just the area where he had surgery is paper thin im guessing? yes im hoping the manuka works sascot, keeping everything well and truley crossed. how is yr little ones doing? xx
Well, have now started the manuka again so im hoping it helps the area to close over, wee question for you Sascot, is the area where Andrew had it the same? im thinkin it must just be a vulnerable area now after the surgery? been a couple of years though since Kian had the op. Oh why is there always something to worry about after a period of it all being good. His skin is pimply around his mouth and a few under his eyes, does anyone think this is crohns related or maybe just the cold weather? its so hard to tell as kian is more or less symtomless. xx
Hi, Andrew has a tiny bit of skin (about the size of the top of a cotton bud), that has never healed since his operation. Otherwise he is well with no tummy issues. This little area is where I am still putting honey on, and I always put an Allevyn thin dressing straight onto it everyday as it irritates/rubs Andrew when he is walking/running around.
As for the spots, it is a hard time of year to know whether the spots are caused by the cold or a virus from other kids or from Crohn's . Probably worth phoning Vicki or Lee and asking them.
I wonder if the area is scar tissue that won't stretch/give? Just a thought, I have no experience with these. A side note, Ryan has terribly thin, dry skin especially in cold weather. I give him a biotin supplement which seems to help. His nutritionist also said to pop open fish oil pills and put them on bad areas.

Ryan has some weird spots at his hairline on his forehead and his chin. I had just chalked them up to acne, but regular acne cream isn't helping them at all. May have to try the fish oil on them.
Thanks for the reply everyone. Well his ibd nurse just called and kian had to go in for them to have a wee look, under general :(. thats the bit i get really nervous over though It doesnt put kian up nor down, he says it "cool", lol. at least it soesnt phase him. I just hope its something simple. On a happier note his bloods are all perfect and hes still at therapeutic level. x
Sorry to hear about the general - however at least he won't feel it. Better than poking around there while he's still awake :eek2:.
Glad to hear his bloods are good though! It's funny, I try to avoid the hospital as much as possible but Andrew loves the fish and chips at Yorkhill so much he actually wants to just "pop in" - I don't think so!!
Ohhh well, tomorrow is the day Kian goes into hospital, early admission, 7.30am so im hoping he first on the list as we could get back out later that day if eveything goes well... fingers crossed. nerves are kicking in now but Kian as cool as a cucumber, might be something to do with the new ds game he's getting treated to for bein such a good kid. xx
Thanks everyone.... Well Kian had his op on Wednesday and im glad to say no seton was needed as there was no fistula inside, it was a fissure on the outside so the surgeon cleaned it all out and we now have to treat it with the manuka and 5 months of metronidazole. Poor wee soul was very sick as they couldnt get a vein for the magic milk so they used gas this time, he was more bothered about that than his op on his bum! So glad its all over now and can relax and look forward to christmas. xx
Glad it went well, that's great there is no fistula! Amy didn't like the gas either - said it tasted/smelled funny. Have a good Christmas :D
Thanks - we are all doing ok at the moment! Crossing all fingers and toes that it lasts for a while :D. Now, if I could just get organised for Christmas, I would be more relaxed!
Woohoo for no fistula! :poop::poop::poop:

I hope your little guy is feeling better now, what a champion! :)

Good luck with the honey and the Flagyl, may they both do a fab job at healing your boy, bless him. :hug:

Dusty. xxx
Hi Dodie glad kians op went well , how old was he when he got his first , Lewis was 2 when he got his , he had sufffrd with some stomach ache but nothing to write home about he got lots of abscess though hence the need for the colonoscopy , were snouts in is bowel is his disease I'm only ask as I wonder if it's the same as lewis and sascots andif there's a link somewhere , were having a rough time I'm looking for any answers to help us , x
Hi Dodie glad kians op went well , how old was he when he got his first , Lewis was 2 when he got his , he had sufffrd with some stomach ache but nothing to write home about he got lots of abscess though hence the need for the colonoscopy , were abouts in is bowel is his disease I'm only ask as I wonder if it's the same as lewis and sascots andif there's a link somewhere , were having a rough time I'm looking for any answers to help us , x
hey lewis,s mum, ive just read about your son too n my heart goes out to you.
Kian was 7 when he was diagnosed. he had an abscess down at his anus and was very bloated, the odd sore tum but nothing bad. things got moved along quick as my husband also has crohns. After a colonoscopy, endoscopy and cam capsule. kian was diagnosed with crohns. he has area of crohns at his anus, stomach and ileum. its his bum that causes the worry for us and im constantly worried about fistulas and abscesses. the 6mp and salofalk seem to keep him at theraputic levels and so far he has been ok, apart from the fissure which he had surgery on. I hope you get answers soon huni, keep us posted and keep in touch. xx
hey . sorry for late reply i forget were ive posted sometimes . i bet its hard for your hubby that kian has this to . we dont have anyone in our family that has crohns . lewis is still stuggling i hope when his surgeon amd gastro meet up they come up with a plan . i dont want the fistula laid open again its been done 3 times already and. it dosnt work for him . opefully the meds will kick in soon . how was your new year . xx
Happy new year to you, yea we had a pretty quiet one, with lots of wine mind you, lol. how was yours? Hope your wee guy is doing ok? Kian has been fine over the festive period, still using the manuka and touch wood his bum is looking ok.
Our youngest son is covered in chicken pox tho, poor wee soul was miserable yesterday and woke up with lots more spots this morn so gave him a bicarb bath and my hubi went to boots n got the aqueous calamine cream rather than lotion which seemed to leave him more itchy.... oh the joys, always something hey. xx

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