I totally disagree, but I'll have to return to explain things, I've been over this many a time, I don't think you read my post right, you're assuming best case scenario and that all kids are responsible enough to go to their parents and want it for medicinal use, you put too much faith in the youth of today.
Edit: Okay, to add, I want to reiterate a few things, and then I think I'll put this topic off in "I don't give a shit" land, with all due respect....I have nothing vested in this "miracle plant" so I could care less what people do with it on their own time, they can do pot enemas and if it helps their symptoms, fine, but those who don't want to try it, it's their right. It doesn't inherently make them close-minded, just like someone who likes red and not blue isn't suddenly close-minded because "they don't keep their mind open to the power of other colors" it's a choice, and an opinion. I've heard plenty about the gynocomastia (man-titties, it can happen, and I don't need to promote studies, it's not worth my time), the depression (read the other threads), the lethargy, the apathy (again, read the other threads), and the likes, about as much as I've heard of people claiming it changed their world and made them see the face of Jesus. A world of multi-faceted and contrasting anecdotal evidence, of it having/not having effect X, Y, and/or Z, swirling around this drug or plant is not going to make a lick of difference to me, but when you say kids are responsible enough to light up, opinion really goes out the door.
I'd also like to reiterate that you put FAR far too much faith in kids, kids are mischievous by nature, it's their job to get into shit. They are still learning about life and responsibility. You wouldn't talk about how you can get a gun around a kid and assume ON HIS OWN TIME he'll learn how to properly shoot it and only use it for self defense first. The reason it's less of a big deal kids go on crap like ADHD meds is because we are assuming the parents have the know-how to keep the drug away from them, and it's given with instructions by a doc, with dosages, and the med comes from a CONTROLLED environment in a pharmacy, not "Lil' Killer" down the street who also happens to be fronting stolen laptops, some Ecstasy, and pimps out 4 whores on the side. There's a reason doctors go to medical school for eternity to know how to dispense new medication, analyze risk-benefit ratios, know their patient, run checkups, take vitals, run blood tests, etc....... how is a Hannah Montana-loving child supposed to display and utilize the same logic, education, and caution? That's insane to even think about.
You REALLY want to put up the argument that some 10 year old would stumble onto this website, with or WITHOUT even having IBD, and see all this talk about how to attain pot, see some people talking about it the same way their friends did (TN and some others talked about it in slang terms), and expect them to go through due diligence to sufficiently research and monitor themselves? Cannabis is illegal in most states, yet it's very prominent, so it's obvious to many of us, and most adults I know, to keep information about medical marijuana out of reach of overly curious youth, because they won't make the distinction of what is proper research and usage...not everyone visiting this forum is here for Crohns. It's WAY too easy for some little kid to stumble onto the site after God knows how, and see all this specific and illicit information about pot, and go AROUND their parents AT SCHOOL to attain it. It's that simple, kids can't be trusted with that responsibility. And even with Crohns, how can you GUARANTEE (because you speak with such certainty) that their grades won't slip, they'll waste money on more expensive MJ, get it laced with something from God knows who, and keep it away from authorities, because statistically, it's probably illegal in their state...you can't put that on kids, that's why we have doctors and it's illegal to get a Rx NOT in your name. It's common sense.
That is why they don't drive until a certain age, own credit until a certain age, drink until a certain age, own a firearm license until a certain age, have sex until a certain age, see explicit movies until a certain age, buy cigarettes until a certain age...the list is endless. You talk about referring to this drug for medical use only, did you see how it was referred to? It WAS in regards to "getting baked", for each kid that would research the drug sufficiently, there's gotta be 5 more who wouldn't...if it's legal in their state and a doc wants to sign little Bobby up for the Harold and Kumar route, great, at least a doctor made that assessment, not Bobby himself....don't you get that?
I don't feel it's necessary to go on any further (a little late) than I have on the merits of "hiding" this information and material from youth, this is all VERY obvious to most of us, and it seems only a few people "don't seem to get it"....I again refer you to my other 258 posts (give or take) on this drug. The horse has been more than beaten, it's more than a bloody pulp, it's not even resembling a former animal anymore, it's been fossilized and the bodily fluids have evaporated into the atmosphere long ago. I'm glad this topic is safely tucked away from irresponsible eyes.
If you have any specific questions or rebuttals, I again, refer you to this post or any of the others, I can't fathom how this notion is questionable, but if you are that against "lethal drugs" fine, but they are given out by doctors who have gone to more years of medical school than kids have celebrated birthdays in many cases, and I don't see how it's even a viable discussion to debate why a kid shouldn't be hearing all about how he can get a hold of any drug, cannabis or vicodin, I just don't see how this is up for "debate". If you feel differently (you obviously do along with a choice couple others here) go ahead with that sentiment, I've said what I want to say and my time is more important than debating something so trivially transparent and blatantly conclusive.
Ask yourself this, are you willing to refute my claim that 90% + of people selling or buying or smoking pot are doing it recreationally, and that prescription drugs out there are nowhere near that percentage? That is why there is a difference.