Maybe not every day then...

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May 4, 2009
So, anyone who has been following my posts recently knows I've almost finished uni. I've still got a lot to do and I'm quite stressed out about it. I still have two presentations, two assignments, two exams and my dissertation to finish in this month.
So, I've been doing a lot of thinking about how much fun I'm going to have when I have handed everything in - celebrating, going out having fun, loving life, drinking all the time. etc.

Yesterday it was my two of my friends birthdays and luckily one wanted to do lunch and the other had a house party in the evening so I went to both and obviously started drinking early on in the day and carried it on all throughout the evening. (I didn't have dinner, stupid I usually don't do that).
By the time I got home, past midnight my poor tummy felt so bad! :(

So maybe I wont get drunk every day when I finish uni!!
Alcohol has always effected me like this, I guess because I haven't been drinking a lot recently with my work load I kinda forgot the bad side effects!!
you can definitely have a great time celebrating without drinking! Or if you do drink, maybe just a few drinks. :)

I can't drink. I can have a glass, maybe 2 of wine but that is it. Any more than that I am sicker than a dog!

Good luck this month with finishing school!!! :) That's a great feeling.
Yeah I know.
Me and my house mate are planning to make a 'Bath bucket list' and we are going to write everything we want to do before we leave. Things for sunny days and rainy days and evenings!
I think right now I imagine having nothing to do and I just want to go mental!!! And alcohol really helps that along!! Just a shame about the being sick, big d and hangovers!! (I really shouldn't be writing this sort of thing with the 'I'm studying Human Nutrition' thing in my signature)

Ok... what I'm trying to say is: WHEN ALL THIS WORK IS DONE I WANT TO GO MENTAL!!!:yoshijumpjoy: :mario2: :sheep: :applause: :luigi: :runaway: :puke_r: :banana: :cheerss: :kissgrits:

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