Meals pre and post game/workout

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Jul 18, 2008
getting diet right on the day of a game


just wondering if anyone can offer any good advice for pre match/workout meals and hydration? I have celiac disease and lactose intolerant (as well as Crohns!) so diet is pretty limited. Usually the day of a game my crohns plays up and i suffer pretty bad diarrhea right up until i get to the game . Because i suffer pretty bad before a game i usually end up starving myself (in case it adds to the diarrhea) and as a result am usually wrecked during the game ... I've had to give up playing for about a year cause it just takes too much outa me but really want to get into it again..

anyone have similar experiences or advice? cheers
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Hi there!

luckoftheirish said:
I have celiac disease and lactose intolerant (as well as Crohns!) so diet is pretty limited.

Wow, that's tough. With your celiac, are you able to tolerate oatmeal? That might be something to try a few hours before you're playing/working out - for me oatmeal is really easy on my system, but the frustrating thing about food is that every Crohnie's different. Protein helps me after working out - things like chicken breast are good for me.

I think I read somewhere that water is good if your workout is under an hour, and after that a sports drink really helps. This was just general advice, not Crohnie specific.

Are you on any meds? It sounds like the D is really interferring with your life - ask your doc if there's something that can help you out. My flares always take prednisone to stop the cramps/bleeding/D, and 6mp is my maintence med.
thanks for the reply. unfortunately can't take oatmeal, traces of gluten in it so its out of bounds. I'm on prednisone and imuran, my maintenance dose of prednisone is pretty low so maybe that's something I can change. i think my biggest problem is that all too often i break the cycle with my meds and miss a day or else take less today than i did yesterday, it adds up and the next thing im in the middle of a flare up, after so many years with the condition i still havent been able fully adapt..
luckoftheirish said:
after so many years with the condition i still havent been able fully adapt..

Yeah, I hear you on that one!

After my last flare up I finally went out and bought a big weekly pill sorter... It was really annoying at first because I hated looking at all the meds I take, but it has really helped me keep on top of taking all my meds at the right time.

I just thought of this - do you ever do stretching routines/yoga? I bet the stress before your games is contributing to your symptoms - I know that even "good" stress (like anticipating a weekend trip, etc) can make me feel off. Maybe if you had a pre-game routine in place that involved relaxing stretching/yoga if would help to settle your system?
Are you able to eat chicken, beef, or fish? They would have a lot of protein which would help you.

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