Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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"This person wants to minimize the chances of a false negative. This person gets bad cramps all day long, mucous plugs, general unsightly poos with horrible odor and gut is increasingly distended yet a CT reveals no catastrophic processes."

This sounds like a gut in desperate need of probiotics ... before it gets any worse. 2 caps of organic apple cider vinegar with honey in 50mls of warm boiled water before each meal is where I would start.
Does anyone know a GI specialist in Oregon who is at all open to MMJ and other natural treatments? Our current peds GI doc is "very uncomfortable" with our regimen (despite good test results and no symptoms) and wants us to get a second opinion. I'd like to find someone who isn't so completely closed off to this course of treatment (especially when my kiddo is vastly healthier than he was when he was on prednisone, azathioprine, etc.) and not relentlessly push us toward carcinogenic immunosuppressant medications.
Mostly I'm posting this because I'm interested in reading the private forum, and I'm new, and you need to have at least one post to see it.

I have ulcerative colitis, for many years it was pretty much just an occasional annoyance, but I've been flaring almost continuously for about a year now. I've already failed on various forms of mesalamine and balsalazide. Prednisone works, but only for the couple of weeks that I'm actually taking it, as soon as I stop all the symptoms just come right back. It used to be I would flare, take a short course of prednisone, and then be in remission for a year or more. But I've taken a short course of prednisone 4 times in the past year, and I guess that's just not the case anymore. I know you can't just take prednisone forever.

I have tried various dietary changes (FODMAP, specific carbohydrate diet, gluten free, dairy free), supplements (turmeric, fish oil), probiotics (VSL3) ... some of it might help, but I haven't seen a dramatic enough effect to be sure.

The GI wants me to take some sort of biologic, but they sound scary, so I wanted to give this a try first. I just recently got my MMJ card, so now I'm trying to figure out what kind, how to take it, how much, etc. Lots of good info here, thank you everyone for sharing your stories.
I've had Crohn's for about 50 years but never so severe as to require surgery or extreme pain. Instead, I've suffered from diarrhea for this time--at 1st 3 times per day but now from 5 to 8. Everyday I'm uncomfortable.
I take Humira and I smoke a lot of marijuana. I've been smoking ever since law school in San Francisco in the late 60's and have done it steadily except for a 15 year span about 15 years ago.
If I don't smoke I feel sick. I lose my appetite and food repulses me. The Humira helps but without the marijauna I don't feel well. I keep testing this when I travel overseas--no marijuana. After just 1 day, I start feeling lousy and the diarrhea becomes fierce (8 times a day) I stay that way until I get home and smoke. Honestly, it works almost instantly and I feel better.
Even with Humira and marijuana, I'd like to find a different alternative to get rid of the diarrhea and my discomfort. In the meantime, marijuana is a Godsend.
"The use of Cannabis for more than 6 months at any time for IBD symptoms was a strong predictor of requiring surgery in patients with Crohn's disease"

In other words you feel better because Cannabis covers up the symptoms but does not stop the inflammatory process. I found that Humira stopped working for me after about 6 years. have switched to Entyvio, a biologic but not in the same class as Humira or Cimzia, and it seems to be taking effect OK.
I believe the marijuana reduces inflammation as well as masking the pain and discomfort.
Although a predictor of the need for surgery, I've gone 50 years without making me somewhat unique.
I'm not advocating that anyone use marijuana just that it has helped me tremendously.
I'm new here and am only really posting to access the private forum. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis last september with a nasty flair up that had me hospitalised for a few days. I was then in remission for a few months before having another bad flair up from December through to Feb/March.
I've since been in remission on a combination of Azathioprine and Mezavant XL. The only way i have been able to make my life livable over the last 4months, and be able to start returning to work, has been to be able to smoke marijuana to stop the unbearable nausea and control the constant pain and discomfort. I am fascinated by this amazing plant and all the beneficial medicinal effects it can have to people suffering from lifelong debilitating conditions.
I am in the United Kingdom where medical cannabis (marijuana) is illegal. However, I have a "friend" who has Crohn's disease who reports that cannabis helps greatly with the pain/inflamation and the side effect profile is a lot more preferable to azaphioprine. Should this be something to bring up with the doctor?
Hi, just posting for access.
I started out with aza and pentasa,moved on to remicade which seemed to have been a miracle drug. I built up antibodies to it unfortunately and moved to humira. Humira wasn't helping after awhile, so now I'm on entivio and 6mp. Still in pain daily, losing weight (92 lbs) and I'm looking into getting my medical marijuana card here in Oregon. I smoke already, but I'm interested in cbd as a treatment as well. Nervous to talk to my gastro about the idea though.
Hearing all of these success stories is really encouraging. When I asked my first GI a couple of years ago what he thought about MM for my UC he said any doctor who gave me marijuana to treat my disease should lose their medical license. Instead he decided to keep me on the same drug plan (Asacol only) for two whole years despite no real remission and continuously dropping iron levels. Now I'm on azathioprine and Humira as well but they give me bad side effects like frequent nausea (for which I've been proscribed 2 more drugs to treat). This all seems insane but I've been discouraged from asking about MM with my new GI thanks to the original response the first time I asked. I would really love to get off some of my prescriptions and think MM would help me a lot so thanks to everyone for posting your stories! I think I'll have to have a chat with my GI next week to see if I could me some medical cannabis
Lisa; I've told each and every doctor I see, including my GI, a rheumatologist, infectious diseases and an orthopedic surgeon, and none has specifically advised nor did they say don't use. They know it's helping but, in my judgment, their ethics prohibit them from encouraging its use.
Do the research, marijuana is great for nausea.
I now use Humira (once per week) and smoke a lot of marijuana. No real pain, just discomfort, although I do have a partial obstruction.
To be honest, I'm thriving.
This is interesting now im starting to wonder does it cure our disease or just manage symptoms and if you were able to leave your meds
I've just been prescribed 10mg of Elavil daily and I also have been using MMJ for a year now(I waited until 50 to give it a try haha). I'm wondering if anyone else happens to be using both these meds simultaneously?
My GI is recommending Imuran for moderate inflammation and now an ulceration of my terminal ileum. Really would like to stay more natural and avoid chemicals and cancer causing drugs. What is the best way to get the benefits of cannabis to the terminal ileum? THC oil in foods? I have never tried marijuana and apprehensive as well. Thanks much!
I need to get recommendations about dosage of MM for treating bleeding, which the hematologist says must be from my Crohn's. Have terrible restless leg/periodic limb movement disorder that may be resolved by successfully treating my anemia. First infusion did nothing so I must be losing blood. I don't have other Crohn's symptoms that I am as concerned with, but do not want to take the nasty, expensive Crohn's drugs. Any experience or research, etc. to share is much appreciated.
Hi, I have a practical question.
Do we start using Marijuana oil during steroids or after steroid short cure?
If anyone knows it would be much appreciated.

It is my experience that the marijuana acts as an anti-inflammatory and has other benefits including how it makes you feel mentally. Some like the feeling while others don't. Thus, to answer your question, if the purpose is to reduce inflammation, let the steroids work first. If you like the way it makes you feel, I don't think using both is a problem--it hasn't been for me.
Good luck
Thanks a lot 'pamshusband'!
I have another practical question:
What is the easiest way to dilute concentration of MM oil to accommodate smaller bodies or kids?
I have found that very low doses of thc and cbd can really help with my symptoms without too much of a stoned feeling. Helps ease my body physically and mentally. I recommend super low doses for anyone looking to start using MMJ, start low and work your way up.
Hey everyone question about CBD. I can not find a clear answer about it legal? I want to try it but I want to make sure I'm covered before doing so. I've heard it is really helpful for people with Crohn's!

A very important question :

-We know smoking is bad for crohn.
-Vaping only weed ( no tobacco) and in a vape pen ( at low temp) is bad too, or not ?

I'm using THC as oil, great, but sometimes, vaping weed is good to lower pain and the way i would like to know if vaping is bad too.

Thanks a lot,

Also what brands does anyone use and have had the best luck with?

Hello. I use an alcohol tincture made from a strain called Swiss Tsunami. The strain is very low THC and high CBD (it varies from batch to batch but I believe the last batch tested at around 1% THC to 17% CBD).
I've found that I've needed to increase my dose over the past couple of years to achieve the same effect. It's expensive to test each batch for content and it can be difficult to know exactly how much to take without the THC to give you that feedback of getting high, but my physician (in Oregon you need a physician to diagnose and sign for a card that allows you to participate in the medical marijuana program) suggested increasing the dose. There's some thought that changing the strain after long-term use is helpful and I'm going to switch to another strain recommended by my grower for my next batch, but I do not recall the name. It's another strain with low THC and high CBD.

I've tried mixing in small amounts of a high THC strain to the tincture batch but I'm quite sensitive to the psychotropic effects and find it difficult to dose if there's enough THC to feel it.

It has helped with cramps and joint pain, nausea, insomnia and anxiety. I've noticed a difference in how I feel when I travel and don't have tincture with me. I should add that I am also on Remicade, which has allowed me to function in the world but doesn't cure all. Hope this helps.
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My GI is recommending Imuran for moderate inflammation and now an ulceration of my terminal ileum. Really would like to stay more natural and avoid chemicals and cancer causing drugs. What is the best way to get the benefits of cannabis to the terminal ileum? THC oil in foods? I have never tried marijuana and apprehensive as well. Thanks much!

I haven't tried this but the OMMP clinic doctor suggested using a small dose of Rick Simpson oil rectally.
No. I don't smoke it. I use tincture, a vaporizer and CBD oil. It was recommended for Crohn's, but I don't know the dosage, and I use it for tremors and sleep with some effect. Sorry.
Hi all, hope everyone is doing good.

I really wish they would make a MMJ group do we can have more than one thread going. It is hard to fish through this thread for the info you need.

I've been using a simple vaporizer for my oils. I refill them a couple times but it gets too thick. I've purchased some vegetable glycerin. Can anyone help direct me on how to add it, how much? How to Mix it?

I couldn't find anything on youtube.

Thank you
My GI actually recommended high CBD low THC for me, and it seems to help. It also doesn't affect my mind the way high THC marijuana would. But I'm an adult. You've probably seen that there are a couple of parents on the forum whose GIs have suggested high CBD marijuana for their kids.
My GI is on board with cannabis as a treatment. He told me he read papers where colitis patience were helped and is fine with me using cannabis. I will try not to rant,but,cannabis is like diet to mainstream medical. They are not willing to concede that it my opinion.
Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing wonderful and finding that magic ratio or strain of mmj that puts and keeps you in remission!
Its been a while since I've been on here.
Just wanted to give you an update on Coltyn... He's STILL in remission!!!!
Going on 3 YEARS!
He's taking a 1:1 ratio 15mg per capsule 4 times a day. Isolated CO2 extraction. no specific strain.
Cannabis works.
Coltyn started his cannabis journey when he was 13, but really started using cannabis as his only medication on March 25, 2014.
3 years guys. He was 14 years old. And hes only grown and became NORMAL.
I wanted to thank Dave and Joe for all their support and love throughout Coltyn's journey, we couldn't have done it with out you! Much Love to you both. <3
We live in Chicago it's not approved for kids. Only adults with crohns can have it. He's 12. The only thing I can get him is the cbd oil with no thc. I have thought about taking a leave and taking him to a different state but I have two other children in school. I hope one day
You may want to check with your mmj provider one more time. All Children with all conditions are covered in IL with THC. I know Crohns is covered. I fought for that.
Thank you! I asked his doctor they don't give it but his dad has crohns and will look further. I thought he would have to wait until 18. This is great news i feel hopeful!
I just wanted to share my experience....lots of questions out there about what to take and how. My research begin with the benefits of just using my CBD. I took it via capsule and found it to work minimally. I can't handle too much THC as I get anxious and paranoid, but reading lots about the real benefits of whole plant therapy, I felt I needed to find something with both. I began to vape a 1:1 strain called Pennywise. I LOVE IT! It just relaxes and calms my guts. No racing thoughts or paranoia. While its an Indica, I don't feel super drowsy but can easily fall asleep when btime comes. I also sometimes take a 1:1 cbd/thc capsule and enjoy that too as I can function well without being super stoned. Lol my aches and joint pain ease off and I can eat without fear. I'd like to try the tincture next.
While I'm not yet confident enough to go off the Humira and go strictly mmj, I'm happy to be off all prescription painkillers.
I just wanted to share my experience....lots of questions out there about what to take and how. My research begin with the benefits of just using my CBD. I took it via capsule and found it to work minimally. I can't handle too much THC as I get anxious and paranoid, but reading lots about the real benefits of whole plant therapy, I felt I needed to find something with both. I began to vape a 1:1 strain called Pennywise. I LOVE IT! It just relaxes and calms my guts. No racing thoughts or paranoia. While its an Indica, I don't feel super drowsy but can easily fall asleep when btime comes. I also sometimes take a 1:1 cbd/thc capsule and enjoy that too as I can function well without being super stoned. Lol my aches and joint pain ease off and I can eat without fear. I'd like to try the tincture next.
While I'm not yet confident enough to go off the Humira and go strictly mmj, I'm happy to be off all prescription painkillers.

Hey DanaBanana, thanks for sharing your experience, I notice you are in BC too! I am from Vancouver and I have just recently been experimenting with a 1:1 ratio cannabis plant, it seems to help out very much and has little negative side effects. If only I could find something for the fatigue I experience haha. Cheers neighbour! :thumright:
Hey DanaBanana, thanks for sharing your experience, I notice you are in BC too! I am from Vancouver and I have just recently been experimenting with a 1:1 ratio cannabis plant, it seems to help out very much and has little negative side effects. If only I could find something for the fatigue I experience haha. Cheers neighbour! :thumright:

Wow, a fellow Canuck! Cheers, eh!! Hehe

Too cool! I'm in the Okanagan. :) I hear on the fatigue. Relentless at times. I'm pretty used to being a zombie....but I find the cannabis makes for a more smiley,giggly and zenful zombie. Haha

Hello I joined because my son has Crohns and is 22 has had it since he was about 12. He also has a learning disability which is why as his advocate I joined the forum.

He took Mecapipurine and Balsaliside ( spelling). He had two huge flare ups in the year resulting in a long hospital stay and two ER visits. The Doctor wants him on Remicate and or Humira. My son and us do not want him on these harsh medications and have read over time tolerance builds up. I read a few trials and articles on Canibus and thought would be a good idea. Here where I live its legal and we have a medical marijuana card.

Our Gastro Doctor wont even discuss it with us , I mean wont even have a dialog period leaving us to make a choice on his meds or natural with Marijuana. We have a few more weeks before committing.

I did allot of trials study before starting I am not giving medical advice this us what we are using and the results.

Canibus 20% THC, 1.5 CBD, .7gr 2x per day. He weighs about 170 and is average build and is 22.
We have now been doing this about a month he is doing well some watery stools and diarrhea time to time but watery here and there.
We use a Vaporizer that plugs into AC, works great.

I was curious of those why do use it what dosage are you trying? Not looking for medical advice, just doing research to see what works for others.
Also has anyone done Marijuana long term for Crohns ?

Thank You
I've used cannabis all my life and last year got approved for medical cannabis. I am experimenting the differences between indica and sativa & CBD. I have found indica gives me an excellent sleep. Better sleep has improved my quality of life. Before I had been approved my supply was often interrupted. Now that I can keep a regular supply on hand it appears that my CD symptoms are improving. I also find that enjoying some cannabis an hour before the meal helps with appetite.
What is the difference between the legal hemp oil, like Charlottes Web and watch you can not get everywhere? Is it a waste to try the hemp oil?
What is the difference between the legal hemp oil, like Charlottes Web and watch you can not get everywhere? Is it a waste to try the hemp oil?

According to the tests done it has to do with the CBD's more then the THC. However often the oils found are not very high in CBD. We are using a CBD of 20% and only a THC of 5% . Most people use a THC of 20% and maybe .5 CBD to get high and that really doesn't do much for Crohns. That said the Cannibus does help with discomfort too but caution should be used not to cover up symptoms though. The CBD is reported to assist the bacteria response in the digestive track that Crohns patients have. If insurance and doctors would not be so paranoid then Cannibus oil pills would be best and would treat the Crohns more efficiently. So what one is looking for in the oil is the CBD, if there is none then it wont do much. However the THC is also seen in some strains to help calm the over reaction of the digestive track and assist in things like Diarrhea.
i have seen many people who are suffering from conical disease and taking lots of medicine but have no relief . Then I will strongly recommend that go for natural therapy like yoga and full natural massage therapy which really help
I have some questions hoping someone can help with. I am on Entyvio, but not sure it's working. If anything it's stabilizing me, but I have a branched fistula with two setons, and still have a stricture at terminal ileum and ulcerations in that area last MRE.

I've smoked mj daily for years, and have felt like it helps calm my gut and mind. My GI doctors are very against it, so I don't tell them. Obviously it hasn't put me into remission.

The last time my setons were replaced, during the procedure I was under "twilight" anesthesia, and stopped breathing. My husband just read that mj can cause you stop breathing during anesthesia, so wants me to stop smoking. Recently the seton fell out, so I need to go back in and get it replaced, so haven't been smoking. Any thoughts on this?

I need to try something else, and want to try CBD oil. Do you need a medical license to get it? I'm in CA. Where do people get it? Can you buy it online? What is the recommended dose and ratio?

Thank you! (Sorry, I know this has all probably been discussed on this thread, and I'm trying to find it, but there's so much info it's hard to get through.)
thanks a lot for this forum, very interesting!
I have Crohn's diagnosed 5 years ago, after my father passed away. Looking for alternative meds, as I can't take some traditional meds due to a bad liver.
Looking to vaporize cannabis possibilities and want to get some details about the best option for the most appropriate strains.
So I just started vaping CBD. I'm starting at 100mg. But warning, have a tank set aside just for your CBD and I mix it with e juice. It's BAD. It's supposed to have the same benefits as medical mj but without the high. So, if you looking for the high, your not going to get it. There's a lot of stuff on YouTube and research about CBD and Crohn's. I did my research. There are no, "this is how much you take". It's available online. Here's some links I watched.

Hope this helps a little. I'm post-op right now. CBD isn't strong enough to deal with this kind of pain. So, maybe later I'll be able to give a better review. Sorry.
I was put on prescription vitamin D in 2004 but after constant blood tests showed low vitamin D and drs not increasing the dose I dropped it around 2009 and didn't take anything for yrs.

Hospitalised in 2004 for abscess. My aftercare was poor from a medical standpoint and I wasn't even aware it was Crohn's-related.

2007 that same spot turned abscess again, this time resulting in fistula, seton placement - just hideous! A hole as a big as my pinkie finger left in my body. That's when I really started researching and found all these issues are drug-suppressed immune system symptoms. Survived the pain by using anesethic-based roid ointment mixed with recently discovered coconut oil.

2011 when I had the ginger binge and haven't had an issue with the fistula since - meaning I could now sit without giving it a second thought, drive without being tense, sneeze without worrying about any pain etc. I applied coconut oil to the area many times a day after that and also eat a tsp a day.

Note: that ginger was stuck in the tract for some days before I tried the sitz bath, as I was convinced it was an abscess. The pain wasn't unbearable given the rewards.

I also dumped the Imuran in 2011 and started building myself up with high- density nutrition -- homemade bone / chicken broths/vege stocks etc. I was spending a fortune on heartburn remedies until someone put me onto the wonders of apple cider vinegar. The result was instant and I haven't bought any heartburn concoctions since around 2010/11.

Started taking 5000IU dose in 2013 and now my blood tests come back great. My dr said, " whatever you are doing for vitamin D, don't stop!" I use the sun on my skin in winter and the 5000IU in summer.

2016 started taking bovine colostrum and just feel well! Gums are healing. Fistula feels nice and soft - no issues if I sit on a hard surface for a short time.

I still eat ginger most days in some form or another; smoothies, tea, bone broths.

A 3cm chunk (peeled) goes into my green apple, dandelion and pineapple smoothie (high healing vitamin C) each morning. I also use lots of coconut water and coconut cream / milk. High density nutrition is the key, at least for me.

I hope this helps Mish, I had to get out my medical records for some of the dates lol. Time passes so fast!
How do you use the apple cidar vinagar? That it replaced heart burn medicine?
I live in a state where medial marijuana is not legal, however, CBD oil, which is 50 state legal, has helped me tremendously. I have severe crohns and been hospitalized several times for bowel obstructions even while taking the prescribed medicine. After reading the studies of tests done on medical marijuana's effect on crohns, I decided to try the next best things that is legal. It helps my pain level without the side effects of the pain medicine prescribed (tramadol, Vicodin, Percocet) which seem to do nothing for me.
New to this forum and have been experimenting with MMJ for IBS. I was wondering if I'm in the right place since IBS and Crohns are not exactly the same. Do you think the same strains may work for IBS? Most of the information I've found is specific to Crohns.
From the studies I have seen, the same applies for all types of IBD.

Well, that's the thing. IBS isn't an inflammatory condition. It can cause inflammation, but it's not the primary way the condition manifests itself. I believe it is more of a spastic condition. My bowels are erratic and sensitive, but I don't have the extreme pain or bleeding that some of you guys can have...

So, I was just wondering what type of overlap there may be in treating IBS and IBD/crohns. I'm not sure what attributes to look for in a strain...
From cresco labs:
[A Brief
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or spastic colon, ranks as the most common gastrointestinal disorder, affecting 35 million Americans. As a chronic disorder affecting the colon, IBS is diagnosed based on the symptoms experienced by the patient. IBS is classified as a functional gastrointestinal disorder, meaning that it is apparently of spontaneous origin because the biological mechanism which leads to the diseased state is unknown. First documented in the Rocky Mountain Medical Journal in 1950, research recognizes that painful cramping, nausea, chronic diarrhea or constipation. IBS commonly leads to stomach pain, gassiness, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or both.
How Can
Cannabis Help?
Although the exact cause of IBS remains unknown, it is known that, like many physiological processes, the gastrointestinal tract is controlled by the body’s endocannabinoid system. Experts report that the colon muscle of an IBS sufferer is overly sensitive, causing it to spasm after even the most mild stimulation because of a disruption in the communication pathway between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. Cannabis provides significant medical efficacy in the treatment of IBS because it is made up of hundreds of organic chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids, which are able to bind to the same receptors in the brain as the body’s own gastrointestinal tract regulating endocannabinoids. Medical cannabis is able to fill in the missing pieces of the homeostasis puzzle when the body fails to regulate its own endocannabinoid production.

The most abundant psychoactive cannabinoid known for producing the feeling of being high, THC, is also known for being an effective reliever of pain and nausea, which are two of the most common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. CBD, the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid works is a powerful anti-spasmodic that also produces calming effects in patients. Experts report that, in the treatment of IBS and many other conditions, the medical efficacy of each individual cannabinoid found in medical cannabis increases dramatically when they work together in a process known as the entourage effect. For example, CBC works synergistically with THC to increase the amount of the gastrointestinal regulating endocannabinoid, anandamide, that is in the body at any given time. More anandamide in the system equates to reduced pain because it prevents excessive spasms in the gut wall.
What Does The
Research Say?
The effectiveness of cannabis and its derivatives for treating IBS and other gastrointestinal disorders has been known for centuries. Many of those suffering from IBS report that symptoms of the condition, like abdominal pain, nausea, cramping and irregularity of bowel movements are more manageable or even alleviated with the use of medical cannabis. The experiences reported by IBS patients shows that medical cannabis is ideal for broad-spectrum relief, and is often an effective treatment even when the condition has been non-responsive to more commonly prescribed treatment options.

Medical research demonstrates that this interaction between medical cannabis and the colon can result in improved motility, calmed spasms, and pain relief. Recent research has shown that endogenous cannabinoids play crucial neuromodulatory roles in controlling the operation of the gastrointestinal system, and can control gastrointestinal motility and inflammation. A study conducted in Italy in 2003 found that THC, the most common cannabinoid known for its strong psychoactive properties, reduced intestinal motility, thereby alleviating colonic spasms and abdominal pain.
Links To
Cannabinoids for gastrointestinal diseases: potential therapeutic applications.
Selective inhibition of FAAH produces antidiarrheal and antinociceptive effect mediated by endocannabinoids and cannabinoid-like fatty acid amides.
Acute activation of cannabinoid receptors by anandamide reduces gastrointestinal motility and improves postprandial glycemia in mice.
Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD): can this concept explain therapeutic benefits of cannabis in migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other treatment-resistant conditions?
While research has shown cannabis to be effective in providing palliative and therapeutic effects for some patients, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before starting any new treatment utilizing medical cannabis or discontinuing an existing treatment. The content on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Interesting Fact
Medical cannabis not only helps to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, like pain and nausea, but it strengthens the body’s own gastrointestinal regulating abilities.
QUOTE=Murkydreams;977738]Well, that's the thing. IBS isn't an inflammatory condition. It can cause inflammation, but it's not the primary way the condition manifests itself. I believe it is more of a spastic condition. My bowels are erratic and sensitive, but I don't have the extreme pain or bleeding that some of you guys can have...

So, I was just wondering what type of overlap there may be in treating IBS and IBD/crohns. I'm not sure what attributes to look for in a strain...[/QUOTE]
I need at least one post to view the hidden forum so herexit is.

We've just started using MM to treat our sons crohns and he's currently at a 4:1 cbd to thc ratio, when he gets out of school next week we'll be switching to 1:1 and let him get used to it during the summer.
Does anyone have direct information about cannabis essential oil? I'm not ready for medical marijuana, refuse to smoke or the like, and was wondering if EO could provide relief for joint pain. I have just about every EO out there, love them, feeling it may be time to try the cannabis.
Wow so much good information. A little background behind my story; I had a severe back injury a couple months ago and my doctor prescribed a plethora of prescription meds and although they helped, the mental effects were too much to handle. This began my search for alternatives and what I stumbled upon was CBD. I found a brand called Quanta that sells CBD in vape form and ever since using CBD my pain has been substantially reduced without the hazy side effects. If anyone is in a similar situation and sees this post I highly recommend just giving it a try!
I take CBD gummies made by a company called Iris Gummies, and they have helped me a lot.

I weighed 103 pounds in January of 2009 (thanks, belly!) and through smoking weed managed to get my weight up to 130 pounds by June of 2009.

I don't recommend smoking weed in jurisdictions where it is still illegal, primarily because jail is bad for your health (or so I've heard).

I believe that vaping and edibles are much better for your body, because weed still produces particulate matter, which is terrible for your lungs.

However, if your only choices are kicking the bucket now or kicking the bucket later, I'm not here to judge you if you want to do it later!
Completely agree! When, where and what kind of cannabis your using will determine your hi.
I find that cannabis really helps me deal with my condition physically and mentally.
Hi, here's my take on canna:

I have been using cannabis regularly since 1968. I have been using it medicinally in California for the last ten years. My use has increased dramatically in the last six years, especially ingesting and vaporizing, because I find it to be so effective at providing symptom relief and otherwise assisting in my never ending battle against Crohns and other various medical disorders associated with Crohns (insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety, etc).

I am also an experienced grower and am happy to answer any inquiries regarding cannabis.

I ingest canna oil, usually in chocolate bars, at a clip of about 150 - 200 mg per day, usually at night as it helps with sleep and pain. Ingesting also tends to "smooth out" gut bloating and discomfort.

Nearly all my canna is THC dominant, and for medicinal purposes I prefer the indica strains (better for sleep, slower acting, longer acting). I smoke about four large, doobers per day, from powerful strains I have grown. Smoking delivers instant relief and for me excites peristaltic movement, I always take a doob to the john when I go.

Note: I do NOT have much experience with CBD dominant canna, although I intend to explore more in the near future.

I have ingested as much as 360 mg of THC dominant oil at one time in capsule form. It's too much, and wasteful, better three 120 mg caps for two more night's sleep. To be clear, 360 mg was NOT an overdose for me, but I would never do that much again for reasons stated. For someone else, esp first time or inexperienced user, this could be an "overdose" level (though still not dangerous). My body has built up significant tolerance to the psychoactive effects.

I vaporize daily as well whenever I want to relax, or maybe try for a nap. I will vape at night before I retire to help me sleep. Vaping is very easy on the lungs, but you can cough yourself silly if you overdo it. Vaping is more economical than smoking buds, it goes further.

But nothing replaces smoking the bud for me. And, for those worrying about all the nasty effects on the lungs, the studies don't support it. In fact, there is evidence that smoking high quality weed provides a prophylactic effect on the lungs, protecting tissue such that no increase in lung cancer compared to non smoker. You can look it up. They know, of course, that canna kills certain tumors.

I do NOT inform my doctors that I use canna. Depending on where you live, and how paranoid your doctor is, this might result in discontinuation of prescription pain killers, especially opioid based, which is too bad, because the combination works wonders on pain. I use perhaps 5 mg per day Norco for pain. More than that makes me nauseous. Luckily, canna is a WORLD CLASS anti nausea aid. Also world class expectorant, sleep aid, appetite aid, etc. However, by itself, imo, weed is overrated as a straight pain killer. It helps, but it isn't in the class of norco or morphine by any means.

I do not drink alcohol.

Also, to be clear, using large amounts of THC daily as I do will leave you physically addicted to THC and it can take a long time to completely wean your body of the "need" if you were to cut off your intake suddenly. You will experience withdrawal symptoms, though relatively mild compared to hard drug withdrawals, like heroin, alcohol, etc.

Much of the "paranoia" associated with canna is associated with sativa strains, as has been mentioned. They involve more of a "head high" and come on faster than indicas, which are sometimes described as effecting the "body" more (i.e., blunt pain, make sleepy, etc.).

I also believe a lot of the paranoia is based on the stigma and legal status in one's locality. Smoking/using in an illegal state is different and brings its own paranoia. It's totally different where it's legal and you have nothing to fear or hide. I smoke openly in legal smoking areas outdoors pretty much whenever I want, wherever I go. Never thought I'd live to see the day.

Stay well!
My GI is recommending Imuran for moderate inflammation and now an ulceration of my terminal ileum. Really would like to stay more natural and avoid chemicals and cancer causing drugs. What is the best way to get the benefits of cannabis to the terminal ileum? THC oil in foods? I have never tried marijuana and apprehensive as well. Thanks much!

I don't think a suppository is gonna get it to where you need it, terminal ileum, gotta come from the other side - or at least I do.

I have classic Crohns, concentrated at terminal ileum, for last ten years. I eat, food tries to fit through a straw where small meets large. Result, pain, more inflammation. Rinse repeat. My problem is on the small side of the ileum, nothing unusual as Crohns primarily effects the small.

Ingesting canna oil (my oil is THC dominant, which has known/studied positive, calming effects on gut when ingested) is something I do daily, religiously, and I have found it very beneficial. I have tried and rejected all the usual autoimmune therapy drugs for all the usual reasons. I have stared down the scalpel twice, including last year at this time.

I ingest the oil (THC dominant) primarily from club bought infused dark chocolate bars, in 70 mg squares, usually one or two bars a day, usually at night. Ingesting requires about an hour to really take hold. Chocolate also brings help/relief to the gut so the combo is great.

I have also done the oil in capsules in various doses. If given the choice I usually opt for the indica derived oils. If you ingest it, esp on an empty stomach, it will get to the ileum. Although I can't prove this, I would expect you would feel significant head/high effects only if the oil is absorbed through the small, like any other nutrient. So, absorption through small, and speed of transit could be a factor in how much ultimately reaches ileum. For me, I want and get both, head/high effects and deposit/relief at ileum.

For past year I have changed course and rejected autoimmune therapy/drugs in favor of AMAT treatment which I'm looking to start asap. Meanwhile, among other things, I credit daily ingesting of THC/canna oil for allowing me to be able to carry on without the pentasa, 6MP, humira, etc.

Best part, no side effects.
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As far as I'm concerned, it is a godsend. Until I started with a 3mg of LDN in January, whenever I traveled and could not smoke marijuana I became "sick--felt lousy, discomfort, diarrhea 8 times a day, the was even when I was on Humira.
With marijauana, felt well until end of last year when the Humira stopped working although marijuana still helped. Now I'm on LDN and smoke marijauana and feel really good for an old guy who has had Crohn's for about 50 years.
If you want to they marijuana, I recommend you start with the edibles and if necessary, progress to vaping and smoking.
Just wanted to say that in the last few days PA (USA) has moved further down the road to getting this to those it can help. As of now there is a list of doctors in PA, around 100 with another 200 finishing the certificate up.

You can find out how to register with the government and which doctors to try to get in contact with a the PA Gov website. It's under Guides. I would have posted a link but I need at least 10 posts and currently this is my third.

They will also list dispensaries, 22 located in PA right now, for when they are open.

If you live in PA and plan to try this just remember your street address needs to be all capitalized, your name doesn't except for the first letter and you have to type in the (000) 000-0000, the - and () must be entered.

It took me multiple tries as it wouldn't be verified because of my street address not being all in caps instead of just the first letter of the word.
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL

No THC or lower THC.
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Wanted to mention that marijuana and CBD are two different chemicals from the cannabis plant. THC gets you high, CBD doesn’t. You can obtain CBD oil, gummies, lotions, sprays from smoke shops and some pharmacies over the counter. Im sure both offer relief to people depending on your issues. I don’t smoke, but have tried the CBD gummies. They helped to relieve anxiety, but not much more. Best of luck.
I personally don’t feel ‘high ‘ from 1:1 ratio THC and CBD and it stops hours long vomiting episodes. I just left the clinic just now actually. The educator and doctor confirmed in my case, both chemicals are recommended. I am not sure if people coming off of medications with horrific side effects will even notice feeling ‘high ‘. The stigma associated with THC used recreationally to get ‘high ‘ kept me from trying it earlier. No different than people using any prescription for the purpose of getting ‘high ‘. The stigma stings as much as ever.
I personally don’t feel ‘high ‘ from 1:1 ratio THC and CBD and it stops hours long vomiting episodes. I just left the clinic just now actually. The educator and doctor confirmed in my case, both chemicals are recommended. I am not sure if people coming off of medications with horrific side effects will even notice feeling ‘high ‘. The stigma associated with THC used recreationally to get ‘high ‘ kept me from trying it earlier. No different than people using any prescription for the purpose of getting ‘high ‘. The stigma stings as much as ever.

Are you on any other medications while using the Cannabis? Like antidepressants or crohns treatment drugs?
Thanks! Just curious. Cheers
I would love if this could atleast the help pain since i am currently on low does opiods and they are currently barely helping me get by. The government is also cracking down on opioid usage for anyone even ppl who are sick so my doctor wouldn't increase my dosage even a slight bit. I had looked up the laws of my state and am wondering if I should ask my doctor if I should prescrip to the medical marijuana in my state. Would it help anyway and which part is supposed to help the thc or the cbd cause my state only allows for Marijuana with low thc and high cbd
I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, bone injuries, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about a marijuana strain from . Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don't even smoke. If this is true I cant find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy.
I'm new to this site and this is my first posting here. I figured I would post on something I feel strongly about after reviewing a few of the forums here(which all look great and I cant wait to get involved). But I am not exactly sure where the discussion is here, I know that I moved to CA where the use of medical marijuana is legal recreation use and medical of course. I've tried cbd products to full spectrum 1;1 ratios... higher thc contents. 1;1 ratio of cbd;thc (full spectrum plant extraction) is now my medicine of choice. I have NEVER got this close to remission (or so i think) on medications prescribed to me. I dont want to go into full detail of what i do or which exact choice of use of cannabis I engage in, unless anyone would like to know more info. Ive been trialing myself on this and i feel as though its a miracle I have figured something out.
Hi All,

Been reading this thread with interest. I have had bowel issues all my life. I use to roll around on the floor after dinner as a teenager. I did have a colonoscopy but nothing found. Throughout my years I was diagnosed with IBS. I had constant bloody diarrhoea throughout my 30s. I expected to never have a normal bowel movement again. Dr said it was haemorrhoids and IBS so I just went with that. Eventually, at about age of 42 (4 years ago) I was in the back of an ambulance getting rushed to hospital 40 minutes away with my heart going crazy. I had H.G of 8 no iron, mishappen small, clear red blood cells etc. No cardiac issues found, was put in hosi for a week ... they gave the option of iron infusion or blood transfusion. I went with the infusion (worked well). Colonoscopy was done during that week and found chronic active inflammation in large bowel and biopsy in one section confirmed changes the showed IBD as proctitis .. non specific other areas.

I went onto salazopyrin and within a short time I had normal bowel movements ! I stayed on that for a couple of years and bowel was good, but my iron crashed again (but no bleeding ?) and another infusion ordered ... this time I had an allergic reaction as soon as the flush went through and iron started, that was scary but I walked out of the hosi that day with no iron .. told never to have another iron infusion. Managed to get iron up to 50 with daily liquid iron drink over 6 months. HG was ok.

I was getting weird symptoms, like muscle aches and tight chest, sometimes shortness of breath like at 3am. Went through all the cardiac tests again, asthma test etc. Nothing showed up. I stopped the sulfa and the symptoms all disappeared within days. It was the side effects of the sulfa causing the symptoms. I stayed off all drugs for a while then UC symptoms started again so tried Mesalazine. Immediately I had the same side effects as with the sulfa so I stopped. Tried colozade but was not effective. So after reading around about MM and having the opportunity to have a supply of it, I thought I would try. I was a bit worried as I had smoked it in my 20s and new that it caused rapid heart rate .. my low iron issues caused rapid heart rate so I did everything to avoid it ...... it was a feeling that made me nervous. And the first time I smoked my heart rate was at 140bpm ! Scary ... the next day though it wasn't so bad and after a few days smoking once after work my heart rate actually went down to around 80s (it was normally around 100 before I started smoking).

Anyway the cannabis worked very well .. normal stools, no diarrhoea or bleeding after 9 months (of smoking) another scope showed disease was in quinessence (I get scoped every 2 years due to nasty polyp found). But I could not get a good supply of MM and hated buying it so stopped when I was really well. After a few months symptoms returned .. with bleeding. I was very worried about my iron levels and part of the bleeding was from my hems from years of diarrhoea. So I was booked in for what they call HAL/RAR hem surgery. I didn't smoke as I thought it might interfere with the surgery. The recovery was bad (6 months ago) and since then I am still seeing some bleeding plus now I have new symptoms in my stomach, nausea, sometimes vomiting (bile / highly digested food) and strange pains between my bellow button and sternum immediately after eating and iron back to nothing again. Really bad back ache in my spine and migraines too now. Dr says maybe it ulcer from NSAIDs from the operation. So now in 2 weeks time I have another colonoscopy and endoscopy.

My uncle had Crohns and Dr (specialist) says perhaps I do also and not just UC / proctitis. I'm not sure but its never ending and a central theme in my life although I know there are worse of than me for sure. It's embarrassing having to tell work clients that I am not well often too.

Anyway bottom line is the MM really helps me and after these scopes in 2 weeks I might consider going back to it if the stomach stuff is IBD related. I feel that if I had not stopped I might not be in this position now.

Well, I'm doing research for my future cash crop and haven't really put much thought into which marijuana strain I would like to grow. I'm looking for the highest strain to harvest, but quality is a must as well. I did a search for "Highest yield" and "harvesting" here and this was the only result it contains all the information I was looking for to came up. I'm a stage 2 Pancreatic cancer survivor. Doctors declared that im now cancer free and i'm so glad to hear that. Since then marijuana products has been a great help to me so i decided to grow my own marijuana for my personal use only. But growing marijuana requires more knowledge and need to understand its life cycle. I have encountered many different problems in growing myself but that doesn't help me stop from growing my own herbal medicine.
Using marijuana doesn't make you an addictive person, what Miss Universe Catriona Gray answered in her Q&A question “I'm for being used in medical use but not so for recreational use. Because I think if people were to argue, 'what about alcohol and cigarettes?' So everything is good but in moderation." Some people used marijuana for medical purposes, as one of the users i found this www greenmed io/blog/medical-benefits-of-marijujana/ and i think it is one of the best MJ that can help us when it comes to the medical aspects.
It's been 5 days since I started cbd with thc. I think things are different already. I'm not visiting the loo anywhere near as much. I'm not sure about the pain relief though. Mind, my Crohn's isn't good at the moment. Hasn't been for a long while and I have a lot of inflammation with my stricture. This is my chance to see if it works. I have wanted to try it for a very long while. I am worried about getting paranoid though. I'm not sure how to dose it really, so i'm starting with minimal amounts.
Just keep in mind that even though its legal in several states, it doesn’t mean it is allowed in many work places that do drug testing. One reason I wasn’t able to use it regardless. Now I could but found a different way to keep things under control.

MM is a pretty good option though. It’s also nice that it shouldn’t interfere with other treatments that are used.

Good luck to the new pioneers of MM.

Bergy, I heard that drugs stay in the system for three days. So I could get into trouble for drug driving (not that I go out much). Also, it's illegal here although they do sort of allow for personal use only.
Has anyone tried CBD to pass an over-stressed period? I'm about to lose my job 'cause I have problems in my family and I don't have enough time to do my tasks at work. So I guess that I'm about to lose it, but I need a job. My life started to become crazy. Everything is very stressful. One of my friends shared this solution. He told me to order this CBD oil and to read on that site how to use it correctly 'cause it is very individual. He couldn't sleep during the nights and he started to have hard headaches. So only CBD oil helped him to pass over it. Do you think it will help me too?
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I used to use cbd for anxiety, higher levels, which were quite expensive, worked best. However, i had a run in with cancer so used FECO which helped a great deal. I did find the body gets used to it. I think i will always use some form of cbd. Hope it helps you.