Hi, here's my take on canna:
I have been using cannabis regularly since 1968. I have been using it medicinally in California for the last ten years. My use has increased dramatically in the last six years, especially ingesting and vaporizing, because I find it to be so effective at providing symptom relief and otherwise assisting in my never ending battle against Crohns and other various medical disorders associated with Crohns (insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety, etc).
I am also an experienced grower and am happy to answer any inquiries regarding cannabis.
I ingest canna oil, usually in chocolate bars, at a clip of about 150 - 200 mg per day, usually at night as it helps with sleep and pain. Ingesting also tends to "smooth out" gut bloating and discomfort.
Nearly all my canna is THC dominant, and for medicinal purposes I prefer the indica strains (better for sleep, slower acting, longer acting). I smoke about four large, doobers per day, from powerful strains I have grown. Smoking delivers instant relief and for me excites peristaltic movement, I always take a doob to the john when I go.
Note: I do NOT have much experience with CBD dominant canna, although I intend to explore more in the near future.
I have ingested as much as 360 mg of THC dominant oil at one time in capsule form. It's too much, and wasteful, better three 120 mg caps for two more night's sleep. To be clear, 360 mg was NOT an overdose for me, but I would never do that much again for reasons stated. For someone else, esp first time or inexperienced user, this could be an "overdose" level (though still not dangerous). My body has built up significant tolerance to the psychoactive effects.
I vaporize daily as well whenever I want to relax, or maybe try for a nap. I will vape at night before I retire to help me sleep. Vaping is very easy on the lungs, but you can cough yourself silly if you overdo it. Vaping is more economical than smoking buds, it goes further.
But nothing replaces smoking the bud for me. And, for those worrying about all the nasty effects on the lungs, the studies don't support it. In fact, there is evidence that smoking high quality weed provides a prophylactic effect on the lungs, protecting tissue such that no increase in lung cancer compared to non smoker. You can look it up. They know, of course, that canna kills certain tumors.
I do NOT inform my doctors that I use canna. Depending on where you live, and how paranoid your doctor is, this might result in discontinuation of prescription pain killers, especially opioid based, which is too bad, because the combination works wonders on pain. I use perhaps 5 mg per day Norco for pain. More than that makes me nauseous. Luckily, canna is a WORLD CLASS anti nausea aid. Also world class expectorant, sleep aid, appetite aid, etc. However, by itself, imo, weed is overrated as a straight pain killer. It helps, but it isn't in the class of norco or morphine by any means.
I do not drink alcohol.
Also, to be clear, using large amounts of THC daily as I do will leave you physically addicted to THC and it can take a long time to completely wean your body of the "need" if you were to cut off your intake suddenly. You will experience withdrawal symptoms, though relatively mild compared to hard drug withdrawals, like heroin, alcohol, etc.
Much of the "paranoia" associated with canna is associated with sativa strains, as has been mentioned. They involve more of a "head high" and come on faster than indicas, which are sometimes described as effecting the "body" more (i.e., blunt pain, make sleepy, etc.).
I also believe a lot of the paranoia is based on the stigma and legal status in one's locality. Smoking/using in an illegal state is different and brings its own paranoia. It's totally different where it's legal and you have nothing to fear or hide. I smoke openly in legal smoking areas outdoors pretty much whenever I want, wherever I go. Never thought I'd live to see the day.
Stay well!