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Apr 2, 2012
with it being said that my fiancee is the one who has crohn's disease.

I have been fighting his doctor's office on getting him a refill of Budesonide for the last week. On his prescription bottle, it states that authorization will be needed for refill. No one ever told me that the insurance company was the one who needed to authorize it. With me calling daily for an authorization, no one started any paper work for the request. Why is it that someone who needs something so badly and is so dependent on this steroid, has to have authorization but it is so easy for drug addicts to receive lifetime refills on vicodins or whatever it may be. Someone with a real problem has to be approved for a medication that makes everything somewhat better?
Ridiculous! First of all as a steriod, it is not to be stopped quickly, it must be tapered! What on earth is the Dr's office going to do about it?
Well. I called our insurance company and they said it was pre authorized... so i had them fax the approval to his doctors office. So i called the doctors and they said that it would be filled by 4. His doctor went home at 3:30... he left without signing the script so he is pill less tomorrow. I'll be going up to his doctors office tomorrow.
Kayla, I've had a nice pharmacist give me a couple pills to last me until I get a new prescription, especially with medications that can't be stopped quickly. Maybe yours would? It couldn't hurt to ask. :)
Do you have a privately owned pharm near by? Sometimes they will give you more help. Alot of times they also sell hosp or "durable" medical supplies, and they also do meds.

Hope you get the help you need, it will always confuse me why Crohns pts have to fight for so much to get the care we need.
There aren't many privately owned pharmacy's around here. Big city, everything is corporate anymore. As of this morning, he is out of his pills, which is Entocort (Generic Brand - Budesonide) I truly don't think it is enough. It was for a few months and he hit rock bottom again. Not half as bad as it used to be.. but it's back.
I've had a chain pharmacy help me out (Rite Aid). They can also call the doctor's office and get the new script over the phone of electronically. I can't believe the doctor's office is making it this difficult for you though! Completely ridiculous!! I hope he gets his pills today.
We got through CVS. They have been wonderful. They have also called the doctors but no one has gotten anywhere. I hope he gets his pills today too... I hate every second of seeing him go through this.
It may be a vendor issue as well. I'm on Humira and when I first was prescribed it by my doctor, some random Rx company contacted me attempting to be the vendor to send me the meds and then another company contacted me. Only the latter was the one my doctor preferred but when they put in the system that they need an Rx for Humira some of the vendor sharks try to jump on the opportunity to service you first.

My reason for saying all this is that I went with the one company and this company actually calls the doctor's office themselves ahead of next refill time so that the authorization is in the system before. (This company also calls me ahead of time to schedule refills for shipment as well!)

Maybe you could do a little research to find an actual vendor that does all the legwork for you. To be honest that is how it should be. The victim is the sufferer and since we end up paying our money for these meds, we shouldn't have to break our necks trying to make sure the refill process is if we need any additional stress right?
I wasn't sure if there were certain vendors for those types of medications. That is definitely something I will have to look into for him. I am sick of having to do the leg work for a week and it gets me no where.

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