Metallic taste?

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Feb 10, 2011
I've been having something very strange happen lately, so I have to ask if I'm alone or it's related to something else, or...

Okay, I started on Cimzia last Friday. My father injected me with my first two loading shots. He also gave me my B12 shot.

Monday I had a colonoscopy. Not completely knocked out, but was in an OR with a nurse anesthetist and I don't remember a thing.

On Tuesday I opened a bottle of my favorite starbucks coffee Frappuccino. It tasted really metallic. I couldn't drink it so it went into the fridge. I just pulled it out and while it's not as metallic, it still doesn't taste right.

Last night I had toast with butter and grape jelly. The first toast I had brand name jelly on it and it tasted horribly metallic. My boyfriend tasted it, didn't think there was a problem, but made me fresh toast and put the store brand jelly on it and it was much better.

I just made myself a box of evil Kraft smack 'n sneeze (mac 'n cheese). I don't know why I wanted it. Saw a commercial and absolutely had to have it. We over-boiled the noodles a bit, but no other issues. I took it to the potty with me (like you guys haven't eaten in there!) and the first bite was like sucking on a dirty coin that had sat on railroad tracks for a month. Not that I would really know what that would taste like, but I'm grasping.

After all that I had only one choice - ask if anyone has a clue. I have had strange things after anesthesia previously, but I'm not sure if it was that or the Cimzia.

Any ideas?
I've not had that with Cimzia but got it really bad when I started 6MP. I carried around ginger Altoids because it was the only thing that would get rid of the taste (and the nausea as well).

I have read that certain anesthesias can cause a metallic taste. Do you know what they gave you? Usually I get Propofol (the Michael Jackson drug) but never have had that issue with taste. Hope it clears up for you because it truly is annoying.
I don't know what it is I received for my scoping. I do know that every time I go under my internal thermometer gets screwy. Sometimes I'm really hot, sometimes really cold and that change stays with me until I either go under again or go on a med (like prednisone) that has a hand in changing my weight.

If this keeps up over the weekend I'll ask my doc on Tuesday.

The biggest thing is I can't remember if I was having this going on over last weekend before my scoping. That weekend was one of the craziest I've had in a long time, so I can't remember if it was happening then or not. I normally don't put too much stock in these types of things because my whole body is screwy and different day to day, week to week.

It was what has now been dubbed 'the grape jelly incident' that really made me realize that there was something really wrong here. I'm still finding grape jelly everywhere for some strange reason. My 'belly pillow' which is a stuffed moose, is covered with jelly, it's in my hair, on my shorts that I just put on today! The whole metallic thing has made my life covered in grape jelly somehow.

Again, any help would be appreciated.

Though I will say I didn't have this problem on 6MP. I will say that Imuran and 6MP had a totally different and strange effect on my body. My hair went curly. I have always had extremely straight hair. I did the whole perm thing in the 80's but they always grew out and my hair was back to straight. But when I went on Imuran, then even more when I went on 6MP, my hair went wavy, then curly. My hair is still curly! Very strange.
I asked Gabrielle about this
I didn't figure it was happening or she would have said something, because when she took Flagyl that metallic taste was awful !
She said she doesn't get any weird tastes at all after the Cimzia though :/

She's only had the 2 loading doses, and the 2nd one was just this afternoon.
Hope this helps
I hope more that the awful taste goes away for your sake ! You poor thing :(
Also, I don't know how reliable this site is....but, none the is a link for a study done
I'm allergic to Flagyl. Actually, my allergy list that my docs and the hospital have is pretty funny sounding for a Crohnie.

- Prednisone
- Flagyl
- Iron taken orally
- Miralax

So I'm basically screwed 6 ways to Sunday when I go into the ER. I'm not truly allergic to Pred, but I have so many side effects and absolutely NO relief from it that I was told by a couple docs to list it as an allergy. Though it didn't help a year ago when an ER doc decided that I couldn't be THAT allergic and gave it to me after I VERY LOUDLY told her no. I'm still struggling with the extra 60lbs. The worst part is that my body doesn't deal well with any extra weight, so I'm struggling in a huge way.

But that's neither here nor there.

It only seems as though certain things have a metallic taste. It's not as if I have that taste in my mouth the whole time. If I did, then my GI would have to learn to duck as I'd drive the two hours to shoot the syringes at him.:redface:
Do you notice it's getting any better ? Or worse ? Or does it just basically stay the same consistently so far ?

And that part about shooting the needles at the doctor....priceless !!:D:D
I have a bad reputation for being mouthy. I completely earned the reputation as I am mouthy, but I won't put up with crap from anyone medical.

My father had a bone spur operation on both heels way back when they did it the icky way - don't want to describe, too gross. The anesthesiologist gave my dad a spinal block, but it wasn't working and my dad could feel every cut. Dad was on his stomach, so absolutely no leverage. He grabbed the anesthesiologist with his left hand and broke the guy's jaw with his right. I always warn people coming at me with anything sharp that I am my father's daughter.

I also don't suffer fools lightly when they don't have answers to simple questions about Crohn's and meds. Of course I will help anyone with anything they need, but medical professionals should know what the heck they're doing and have answers for me, or be able to find answers. I don't like knowing more than those taking care of me.

But about the metallic taste? It's still popping up in strange places. I have that horrible taste in my mouth without being related to a food for the first time. Not at all a good sign. But I did drink a small Frappuccino without it tasting too strange. I'm still giving it until Tuesday - because no one is in the office before then - then I'll call my doc.

It's just so strange that it's only now and then, not constant.
I've been on Cimzia since February and haven't noticed any metallic taste other than maybe a couple of times after having ice cream...but definitely not enough to bother me or make me not eat it! I used to get a horrible metallic taste in my mouth with Flagyl, especially with dairy. I couldn't even put anything in my coffee because it made it taste horrible! This is nothing like that....I've only noticed it once or twice with ice cream (which I don't eat very often). I'm not really a big dairy person except for the half and half in my coffee every morning...and the ice cream (which I always pay for later), but I'd rather suffer through it than give up the Haagen Dazs!
I get that metallic when I take Flagyl.
There must be something in some meds that causes it.

All the best~Nancy
The metallic taste seems to have stopped, but I haven't really been eating - back in hospital on bowel rest with my partial blockage rearing its ugly head. My boyfriend brought my Cimzia in and we went through the appropriate channels to have the nurse administer them for me. At least they knew they wouldn't be able to get the Cimzia themselves.

Just going to wait and see what happens next.
Never heard that mentioned before. I get a metallic taste in my mouth when I eat certain foods cause the back of my front teeth are reinforced with white gold. :p

But seriously my first thought was that you might be bleeding somewhere. I get nose bleeds at random times due to heat or whatever and it'll drip into my mouth and as you know blood does have a metallic taste with all the iron and all. Maybe if it happens again you could take a white tissue to your mouth and wipe from the back of your throat to see if there is any blood. Just a thought. Or maybe its gingivitis, check your teeth/gum line.
So sorry to hear you are back in the hospital! :kiss:

Hope you get to feeling better quickly!

Well, strangely enough, I'm out of hospital!

If at 8 this morning you had told me I would be home and feeling as good as I do, I'd have called you a liar! But by 1pm I was trying to get out of there because I was feeling fine. Well, as fine as I've felt this past year and a half of flaring, but well enough that I was no longer asking for happy juice in my IV and wanted out!

But the oddest thing of all just happened. I asked my dear boyfriend to make this certain fish dish that I love. Normally I make it, but he knows how and really didn't change things up other than a tiny bit more tumeric and a bit of lemon juice. Now, those things shouldn't have changed the meal that much, but it tastes like total ass to me. He's eating it, our oldest son is eating it and it tastes just fine to them, but to me it has a dirty, icky taste to it.

It's not quite metallic, but close. My grape juice also tastes like total ass to me.

While I was in hospital they okayed my boyfriend bringing in my little cooler of Cimzia. The nurse (one of those hatchet type who comes off scary but is very sweet when you kill her with sweetness and I've had her before, so I knew this) was very nervous administering the Cimzia. She hadn't seen syringes like those or knew how it was supposed to be handled or administered. I talked her through it and she did a wonderful job of it, but she was really out of her element.

But do you see where I'm going with this? I had my second loading dose of Cimzia on Friday and the first solid food I'm eating tastes really icky. It did wear off after a couple days last time, so hopefully it will again.

Hey, if the Cimzia works - after how many other things that haven't worked - I can put up with a couple of days of food tasting metallic or just downright wrong.
That is very interesting...

Did you happen to get a chance to ask your doctor about this while you were admitted ?

So glad that you are home though and feeling so much better !! :ghug:
I asked Gabrielle about this
I didn't figure it was happening or she would have said something, because when she took Flagyl that metallic taste was awful !
She said she doesn't get any weird tastes at all after the Cimzia though :/

She's only had the 2 loading doses, and the 2nd one was just this afternoon.
Hope this helps
I hope more that the awful taste goes away for your sake ! You poor thing :(

Same! Cimzia didn't give me a weird taste, but Flagyl's metallic taste was dreadful! I hope you figure it out!
Crohn's Mom - They had no clue about Cimzia while I was in the hospital. The covering GI called it Chimzia the first two times I saw him. He'd never heard of it. So glad he's not my regular GI!!

The whole thing was quite funny as no one knew about it, how to administer it or even how to use that type of syringe. It's a good thing I knew what was going on!

I'm still having that strange 'dirty penny' taste with certain foods. Actually, I have it right now without having eaten anything recently.

Hey, at least I finally ate something! Mom gave me heck for not eating all day which is funny as it's usually the other way around. It's actually kind of funny to have her visiting. We played musical bathrooms for an hour before we felt safe heading out into the world. Not that I wish CD on anyone, but I will admit I miss having her around to make CD semi-laughable!