My daughter has both arthritis and Crohn's. For both my girls, MTX worked after about 6-8 weeks or so. But we only tried MTX with a biologic - not by itself.
Entyvio is actually known to have caused cases of new onset spondyloarthritis (SpA) or, if the patient was already diagnosed and their SpA was in remission, it caused a flare. There are a couple of small case studies that discuss this.
When my daughter tried Entyvio, her SpA (which had been doing better) promptly flared, causing severe, debilitating pain. She also developed drug-induced Lupus with it, but that's really rare. It was stopped and we moved on to Cimzia instead.
Have you seen a rheumatologist and have you been diagnosed with some sort of SpA? They may call it IBD related arthritis or enteropathic arthritis, but it's all the same thing - a type of spondyloarthritis.
Other types of SpA include Ankylosing Spondylitis (which is the type both my daughters and husband have) and psoriatic arthritis.
Are you also seeing an ophthalmologist? My husband had bad iritis for a while and it was controlled with prednisone drops.
It is possible you will have to switch to a different biologic - have you been on Remicade, Humira, Cimzia or Simponi? All of those would help with both arthritis and IBD AND with iritis.
Here is the study about Entyvio causing arthritis: