I'm an Apache pilot in the US Army. Was diagnosed with crohns a year ago, then after a bowel resection I was told it wasn't crohns. Fast forward a year and I was recently hospitalized with an obstruction and have all the syptoms of a pretty good flare up. Will probly be re-diagnosed with Crohns after I get scoped in a few days. I will of course be grounded permanently. I will fight toothe and nail to stay in and re-branch wich I am told shouldnt be to difficult with my service record both deployed and in garrison and plenty of the brass owe me one
Worst case If I do get drummed out I would like to know what former service members got from uncle sugar when they were put out. I have 10-1/2 years in deployed 3 times to Iraq and have 4 years remaining on my current ADSO. Thanks for your input!