Mini meltdown

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May 4, 2011
mini meltdown

After trying to keep positive, im so tired, sore, fed up, and had a mini meltdown over the weekend. Just got results from an MRI and things are a lil worse in there than first suspected. I knew! At time took news really well, had meltdown a couple of days later. Will try anything, done with painkillers and feeling like crap. no pun intended. Why do we feel so bad when we allow things to get the better of us, so hard keeping upbeat about everything when your suffering. Just about had it. needed to get that off my chest.
:hug:Oh Snookums! So sorry to hear you're having such a rough time of it. I'm going through the same thing right now, trying to stay positive for my kids and hubby when all I want to do is lie in the bed and cry! I hope you start feeling better soon!
I'm sorry to hear it Snookums I think we've al had mini meltdowns in our own way so don't feel too bad about it. Try to keep your chin up and roll with the punches, lord knows this disease throws enough of those our way!
Thank you both for responses. Its now Tuesday and Im not feeling any better really. I am not sure how long this will last but can only hope its not for too long. I really am normally extremely positive but think I may be a lil run down at the moment. I am on the verge of tears and I know it could become another episode just due to being exhausted at any moment and probably over the silliest lil thing. I will not allow this to last too long but I am definately feeling a lil sorry for myself right now. Trying to hide the pain from others throughout my working day is challenging. I work two jobs and have a lil girl almost 5 and know I am probably over doing it at the moment. Promise I will take care of myself and try to focus more on the good in my life. Thanks again for much needed support.

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