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May 5, 2010
I thought I'd start this so we can vent about all the little things that might not necessitate their own individual threads but are still worth addressing. I'll start.

It snowed today and there was ice underneath the snow, and I hate driving in those conditions.
I have a headache and it won't go away and Tylenol isn't helping any.
I have a new fissure. It hurts and it bleeds a little every time I go to the bathroom.
There are a few changes happening at work and I don't like change and it's stressing me out.

Ahh, I feel a little better for getting that out there. Although my head and bottom still hurt, but no amount of venting will fix that! Anybody else got some mini-vents you'd like to get off your chest?
I'd like to vent on the behalf of my friend Beth. She is going thru some really tough medical and also personal relationship stuff right now. It breaks my heart. She has always been there for me and is my rock. I just want to be there for her. I hate to see her suffering.
And my second less serious vent is that I am trying to wait until the last possible moment before my surgery to have my lip and eyebrows waxed and it's driving me nuts!!! I think I look like a beast!
I know what you mean about waiting on beauty procedures - I'm going on vacation at the end of the month, so I'm waiting to dye my hair until a few days before I go because I know that lots of photos will be taken on vacation and I refuse to have any photographic evidence of my gray hairs. But in the meantime, my grays are showing because it's been too long since I last dyed my hair!
I want my hair dyed too, but with no money and not being able to get around without all of the pain, I just keep putting it off. Pretty soon, I have to though, because I can't take looking at all the grey to much longer. Driving me nuts.
Just keep venting if you need to, Cat. I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately. I'm sorry that you are dealing with a fissure. OUCH! Like you, I live up north and I am darn sick and tired of all the snow! I'm so ready for it to just dissipate. The hair part, I can't yet relate to. I'm 38 and just found one gray (or white) hair this year. Evidently I did inherit a good thing from my father's side of the family; they take forever to grey. I wish they would have kept the Crohns and digestive problems to themselves. I'm bad! I really could use a pedicure though. I want to wear my sandals. Maybe in a month.
I know what you mean about waiting on beauty procedures - I'm going on vacation at the end of the month, so I'm waiting to dye my hair until a few days before I go because I know that lots of photos will be taken on vacation and I refuse to have any photographic evidence of my gray hairs. But in the meantime, my grays are showing because it's been too long since I last dyed my hair!

Cat, read this and started to chuckle because I am doing EXACTLY the same thing. I will be leaving on vacation soon, so I only have 2 more days to put up with the gray roots!

My mini rant is I have vacationitis! I don't want to work & I do have to work & it is making me grumpy! That's what happens when you save all year for one week away, I guess.
Wow Andi, I agree with Michele - no gray hair?? My parents didn't go gray until later on either (my mom went gray in her mid 40s and my dad just started going gray in his mid 50s). But I started going gray at pretty much the same time this illness first hit - just before I turned 30. :(

Amy, I doubt you could look beastly if you tried.
Andi, I'm wishing you warm weather and a pedicure as I curse your lack of gray hair (lol).

My mini-vents/rants include........

I've had a headache now for two days. Really. It is on my last nerve because like everyone else, I don't have time for a headache. And tonight, I doubt it's going anywhere because I just learned this morning that Claire has to sing the 50 state song by herself for her guessed it.........TOMORROW! We sang on the way to school this morning and she can only get to Georgia. I'm pretty sure I will be able to sing it quite well by tomorrow morning. I promise NOT to post my version to You Tube.

My vacationitis is from lack of vacation. I started this new job back in September (long story) so I have a vacation scheduled for 4th of July week but I'm pretty sure I won't make it until then. Can vacationitis kill?

I could keep going but then it won't be "mini" for long. :D


I am sick of people complaining in their Facebook statuses: "I hate my life! Why did it have to rain today!" or "I locked my keys in the car. What a way to start a day!" I don't want to undermine anyone's problems, but when people flip over the littlest thing, it really gets to me.
Andi, I found my first gray hair ON my 40th birthday. So you still have a few years yet! ;).
Jill, you know what gets me? FML. I had someone say that to me because she couldn't remember where she parked her car. To me, that's very minor but I guess it was the end of her world.
Michele - you said it. I am so sensitive to when people overreact. I feel like saying, "If you only knew how good you have it."

Since I was diagnosed, I have certainly learned not to sweat the small stuff anymore.
Jill and Michele I agree totally, 100% with people that whine/complain about small things. I think the toughest for me were people complaining about college courses and interference with their drinking schedule. Try college and working with crohn's disease and 2 setons sticking out of your butt! I guess that's my mini-vent even though I graduated last May. haha it just still gets to me!
Andi- I am 46 and (shhhh!) - no gray!

Julie- Yes, vacationitis can and will kill. I am with you... I NEED TO GET AWAY. My daughter is begging me to visit and it is getting real tempting to take time off without pay and head to New Orleans.

Everytime I make beauty appointments something always comes up and I have to cancel. Gads, I look like a hag.

My mini vent of the day----I just want my hamster wheel to stop and let me off. It has been a year of one thing after another.


LOL on the Facebook statuses! Those people don't know the meaning of FML!

My mini rant - I ate too much sushi today for lunch and am having my own little Japanese tsunami over here. Ugh!
My mini rant - I ate too much sushi today for lunch and am having my own little Japanese tsunami over here. Ugh!

I just had a big juicy burger and fries. I'll have some discomfort for a while, but boy did I want it!
My boyfriend offered me an ice cream cone. I wanted it so bad, but can't. Not worth the price again tonight, beings that I have already hugged the toilet twice today. Grrrr
I know what you mean about waiting on beauty procedures - I'm going on vacation at the end of the month, so I'm waiting to dye my hair until a few days before I go because I know that lots of photos will be taken on vacation and I refuse to have any photographic evidence of my gray hairs. But in the meantime, my grays are showing because it's been too long since I last dyed my hair!

OH do I ever know how you feel with waiting ! ... My daughters surgery is in 8 days and she and I both need our hair done. She has been complaining about hers for a few weeks. I told her it is pointless really to go spend the money on our hair when she will be "laid up" for a month or so after surgery. She complained...that's when I pointed out my own hair, and my roots that have grown out almost to my ears ! Ha ! She didn't realize I haven't had mine done either because I feel bad for her. Just my little way of trying to make her feel a little better..but, uggghhh....does my hair look awful ! :ylol:
Here's my mini vents of the day. I took the dog to the park and I didn't realize how muddy it would be there. I thought the ground would be more frozen but it was sooo muddy! My dog jumped and played in every puddle. Then, when we got home, she refused to go in the tub! She loves jumping in muddy ice-cold water, but won't voluntarily go in a nice warm clean bath. Grr!

Also, I cleaned today. Vacuumed, did laundry, generally picked up, went through my closet and took out old clothes I don't wear anymore and put them aside to donate to Goodwill. My hubby had to work this morning, and when he got home at noon, he said, "We really need to clean today." Um, hello - what do you think I've been doing?? Seriously, I think he needs to get his eyes checked!
Cat, my hubby said that once. You know how I combat that now? I take lemon pledge & give the room a couple spurts right before he gets home. Works like a charm, even when I just straighten & don't really clean!

My mini rant is people that go to the register & are not really sure if they want to buy this or that & make the rest of us wait 20 minutes to buy two packages of underwear! John Pinette has it right, "Get outta the line!" ( look him up on YouTube, he is so funny).
Michelle - excellent suggestion!

Rant for today - shat myself TWICE last night in a way I can only describe as epic, lost two pairs of underwear, permanently soiled by favorite sheets AND put a big stain on the bathroom rug.

UGH!!! Surgery - BRING IT!
Oh, how many nights like that I have had!! Biz seems to work wonders for my sheets but some things are WAY passed saving with me too!

Smile girl, cause you are soon to be a bag lady! I want to hear all about how it goes...I may not be far behind you.

I HATE sharing a room with 5 strangers
I want to be able to have a nice relaxing bath.
I really would like to be able to eat whilst not sitting on the loo!

I Want this to all go away- my vents been building since I returned to hospital on Friday. I just want my 'old' life back.......
I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time right now. I hope things are better for you soon. I, too, wish that I could have my old life just isn't in the cards for any of us. I have learned to just live one day at a time right now, and make the best out of every day, even if I am feeling really down. I refuse to let this disease rule my life.

Please try and keep your spirits up. Thoughs and prayers are with you.

God girl, I can't even remember my "old life". You're right though, it would be nice to eat a meal without the wonderful smell of poop wafting around!
My mini-vent of the day: my body has decided that it's very upset that I dared to eat one piece of turkey bacon yesterday. D, nausea, and pain all day long - yuck! It wasn't even worth it! If I had known I would feel like this today then I would have eaten more bacon! :(

Also, I'd like to vent for a moment on the cost of air conditioners. We have no air conditioning in the house and our goal was to get central air conditioning by this summer. I had budgeted $1500 tops since my parents said their AC cost about $1000. Well, they apparently bought theirs before some new special laws went into effect saying that air conditioners need to be of a certain grade (energy saving or not polluting, something like that) and they are like double the price now. We got 3 different cost quotes and the lowest was $2100! The most expensive was $3800! Eek! I guess we're going to go with the $2100 one, but wow, I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it! We only get a few really hot months a year here. But my guts do cramp up like crazy if the temp goes over 90 so I guess I have to look at it as an investment into my health, right? Urgh, it's just sooo expensive.
Boy, Cat, that hurts! My unit is about 15 years old - I hope it can hang on a little bit longer (*knock wood*)!

On an opposite, but similar note, can I vent about the cost of home heating oil?! My husband and I are dropping about $300 every 6 weeks to heat our small home (less than 1,800 sq/feet) while keeping it at like 66 degrees. I can't wait until spring!!
Jill, I hear you! We have a gas furnace which is supposedly cheaper to run than electric, but our heating bill was still quite high this winter (in the $250 range every month - our electric & gas bill is lumped together, but in the warm months our electric bill is more like $80ish, so close to $200 per month for heat??). And our house is only about 1,000 square feet! I am with you, I am waiting for spring to show its face around here. It's 50 degrees out today but it's supposed to go back down into the 30s later this week. So I guess I have to keep my furnace on a little longer...
My car is playing up again. Sometimes starts sometimes won't. Warnings going off and on on the dash. Garage here had it for a week and don't know what's wrong. Can't afford a new one. Breakdown will recover to mainland but then I have to go and pick it up.
"Amy, I doubt you could look beastly if you tried." - I second that. You're absolutely gorgeous in your picture!

My vent for the day is I spent the last 4 hours crying in the bathtub. My family thinks I'm dramatic. But nothing soothes the pain. If I so much as twitch my bum feels like it's being stabbed. And when I'm not moving it's just a throbbing burnig feeling.

I too live in the dreary north and can't wait for summer. Snow is in the forecast for Wednesday.
argh.....clipped my toenails the other night - and got too close oon my right big toe....NOW it has been sore for the past 2 days, was actually throbbing yesterday...and is REALLY REALLY annoying me!!!!! Don't see any surefire sign of infection though, so that is good....and of couse while typing this it has started to throb again....
Take care of that toe, Lisa! OUCH! I had about 10 ingrown toenails on my great left toenail. I no longer have a nail there. They removed it twice, and it grew back weird each time. The third time, the podiatrist killed the matrix. I use a fake nail if I'm wearing pretty sandals.
My minivent for the day is that my throat hurts from the vomiting....grrrrrrrr....darn violent episodes sometimes.

And I hear you with the heat bill, my gas company is telling me that my little 900 sq ft home is costing close to $200.00 a month to heat it. RIGHT!!! Tired of the utility companies here is MI ripping people off.
My mini-vent today is that it is supposed to be springtime! But it's been snowing and freezing rain here and so cold lately! It was 15 degrees and very windy when I got up this morning. Brrrr! Of course I had already put away my winter coat, thinking I wouldn't need it any more this year. I even went shopping and bought some cute tops for spring. They're sitting in my closet unused and the winter coat came back out for an encore!
I woke up to over an inch of nice, fresh, light SNOW on the ground! was about 20 degrees here.....brrrr......I really really really want the snow to melt so my pastures dry, AND so I can get out and fix some fence - need to move my horses to my Mom's house while I'm away next week - but the fence is almost on the ground in one spot (electric wire fence)....kind of hard to tell because of the 2 feet of snow still left from the drift! I need it GONE!!!!!

on a good note...I did just pick up 2 days of teaching Defensive Driving at $200-/day....yay! Working on my hay money already!~
Congrats pasobutt on your defensive driving job. Spring needs to come soon that is for sure.
thanks Margie - I've been working for this driving school for about 2 years now, last year I think I taught 4 classes far this year these will be my 3-4th ones with more to come!

After taxes it is about $160- but still not bad for an 6-7 hour day talking.....
My vent for the day- My brother's CD is also flaring up. His two kids are just getting over the stomach flu. That stomach bug must have hit the Anchorage bowl pretty hard. My brother actually caught it before his kids. He was sick for a week, and after recovering, it through his CD into swing. So unfair!
My mini-vent is that I feel like crap today and it's partly my fault. The part that's my fault is because I ate turkey bacon yesterday - yes, I know it causes me problems, but in my defense, there was a small amount of it and it was in soup. I was thinking that the greasiness of it was what causes me problems, and it wasn't greasy in the soup. But it still hit me hard this morning. And also, I'm on Amitriptyline and it sometimes causes me to have vivid dreams. The last dream I had before I woke up this morning was that everyone around me was vomiting all over the place! It was so gross, and then I woke up and was super nauseous - partly from the dream and partly from the turkey bacon. 2 Zofrans and 1 Lomotil later I'm functional, but still don't feel very well. Yuck. :(
Awwww Cat, hope you start to feel better soon.

My mini-vent for the day is that I was all ready to head out for my fistulagram....all warmed up....had my one cup of coffee to wake up.....stood up, put my coat on and pooof accident happened, no warning at all, it just happened. Needless to say, I was late for my appointment. Tired of feeling this way.
Hang in there, Cat! Nausea has got to be the worst feeling in the world. Hugs!
Mini-vent of the day for me - 24 years old, Friday night, biggest thrill of my night is opening up the new sitz bath for a nice soak before bed..ugh
Here's my mini vent

After an extremely hard challenging week at work I was looking forward to a Saturday lie in.
Not a cat in Hell's chance!
9am the phone rang - wrong number, back to sleep
9.30am the phone rang to ask if I received the free local paper, back to sleep
10am the phone rang - Indian cold caller, back to sleep
10.15am another Indian cold caller, and this time I screamed F*** Off!

I am now sooooooooooooooooo knackered!
mini vent over
Anna - is there anything better than a nice sitz bath???? They really are great.

My mini-vent is where are the men on our mini-vent thread??? It's like an estrogen-fest in here!

- Ames
Mini-vent of the day for me - 24 years old, Friday night, biggest thrill of my night is opening up the new sitz bath for a nice soak before bed..ugh

I hear ya! I'm 24 and I cannot remember the last time I went out on a Friday or Saturday night! *sigh* My friends and boyfriend want to go out all the time but I can't take the chance!
Yep i'm 24 and haven't had a night out since my 22nd Birthday after which I got really sick.
Mum has a better social life than me and I just know she will meet someone before me!

My mini vent is inconsiderate family. Grandad is in Hospital and no-one has thought to ask how we are managing. They hop in the car and 30 mins later they are at the Hospital. We have to get 2 buses, travel time 35 minutes plus waiting time and walking to and from stops. We do live near a back way home for them too. Mum works full time, not one of them can remember what that is like since it's been so long since they did!

We may live the closest to the Hospital but that doesn't mean it's easiest for us to get there.
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My vent - I would like to get up in the morning and feel full of energy to run after my kids, or go to work without feeling exhausted and nauseous. I'd like to eat what I want, and actually be hungry for it! I am sick and tired of being in a flare. I wish that others understood better what it feels like to live with IBD and yes, stop complaining about the little things.
1. I've had a bad sore throat for a few days that's not getting any better so I've probably got a doc visit in my near future. I don't want to go on antibiotics because I always get a yeast infection when I do.

2. My back hurts. All the time. I'm so tired of hurting all the time.

3. My liver enzymes are still elevated, which probably means a biopsy. I suspect it's due to CD and that's really angrifying me for some reason. Why can't it just stick to its own area?? At least I'll get some good drugs during the biopsy. :D

Edited to say that while I don't wish any of this on anyone I got some good laughs out of this thread.
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Mini Vent:

I'm in Florida. Supposed to be having a wonderful vacation. First day here and I'm laying on the couch in excruciating pain. Sweet.
I'm tired of being unemployed.

And I'm tired of not liking my jobs when I finally am able to get hired somewhere. :( I do have an interview for a part time job at Banana Republic this coming Friday. I would LOVE a good clothing discount ;) And maybe an easy job is what I need right now...

I am also tired of debt and tired of moving every year because we can't seem to afford our rent, even though we keep paying less and less.
I felt well enough Friday to go get my hair done, if that is what you want to call feeling well. Anyways, I make it to the place, had my niece do my hair, felt and looked great, and get out of the place get half way home and have an accident, so now need to go buy more undies. Thank God had a pair in my purse.

Didn't even know that Michigan passed the law to be able to use the employees restrooms. Just need to get the script from my doctor now
I have a few mini-vents, all related to rude people.

1. Parking across the school gate
2. Standing in the school gate
3. Letting your children run round the supermarket, so I have to keep swerving my trolley round and can't get to the stuff I want
4. This guy in front of me in the checkout queue just had 2 loaves of bread, and put them right on the end of the conveyor (leaving about 3/4 of the conveyor free) so I had no room to put my groceries

I mean, why would anyone do those things? I don't get it!
I am auditing an undergrad creative writing class and there is a total of 6 people in the class and NONE of them are ever prepared and bring in their stuff for workshop. I am constantly busting my butt to finish things just so the teacher doesn't get pissed that no one is prepared, but I need a break sometimes!!

Not to mention, I'm starting to get the feeling that these kids are purposely being critical about my writing because I am not afraid to actually share my opinion during workshop unlike others who just say fluffy comments like "I really liked it." I am always constructive in my criticism, but I think people just want their egos stroked. So, now they're giving me crappy comments on my stuff.

I SO cannot wait until this class is done!

OMG, of my pet peeves is people who park their carts in the middle of the grocery aisles too. I don't get it!
Marisa, you say you are auditing the class. Are the others doing it for credits? Wonder what would happen if you just sat there one day like a bump on a log? Would the others actually step up? Be interesting to find out.

And I so agree with the shopping cart thing. And the little darlings that are tearing down the lane.

Well, my grade will still show up on my transcript, so maybe auditing isn't the right word. Either way...I don't think they would be able to step up because the problem is they never bring in their work for workshop. We are required to have stuff copied onto transparencies for an overhead projector (yeah...not as updated in the technological department here, haha). Even if I brought in nothing, they still would have nothing.

The teacher is just as disorganized though. At the beginning of the semester I kept having to e-mail her about discrepancies on our syllabus on where to find homework assignments. Apparently I was the only one who had e-mailed her, which I guess meant if I hadn't no one would have done the homework??

Anyway... ;)
Oh, okay. Then it is different from when I audit a course.
I am sorry you are stuck with a bunch of nitwits! All you can do is your best & the heck with them! Also, the course will end sometime & then you can grade the instructor. Hopefully she can take constructive criticism better than her students.

My minivent is that now for crying out loud I have to go buy some more undies. Ruined 3 pairs today after the stupid small bowel series and the barium I had to drink
My vent of the day is having to cancel my dental appointment again! The five cavities that need to be fixed are not big, but they will get bigger. It's a money issue now. I used to have such good teeth. I take good care of them, but now they are wanting to raise cane with me.
Can i mini vent too?
Today was told "Ooo youv'e lost weight everywhere apart from your face , kinda looks like you wearing one of those prostetic fat suits " Yeah Thanks !
I am also tired of debt and tired of moving every year because we can't seem to afford our rent, even though we keep paying less and less.

I hear you and agree 100%! We bought our house 2 years ago because our apartment complex was going downhill and we figured out that it'd actually be cheaper to have a mortgage than to pay rent, even with taxes and insurance. We gave up cable TV and our land line phone when we bought the house and we now watch all our TV online (hulu and Netflix) and only use cell phones. And I'm sure our grocery bill is less because I don't eat much nowadays. My brother moved into our spare bedroom last year and he's paying us a little bit each month for rent and utilities. But for some reason, I still feel like we have less money now even though we're spending less on housing and other bills. Lately I've even been considering looking for a 2nd job (already work full time, not sure if I'd physically be able to work a second job with the fatigue and everything). My hubby's got more steady work now too but somehow it's just never enough. It sucks! :(
Cat - We're in the process of possibly getting rid of our TV and just finding what we watch on the internet, or buying it from iTunes. It seems to be cheaper that way. But, we will keep internet access because we need it for school. Money sucks! Haha.

Today's mini vent is that I have a job interview Friday for a part-time job at Banana Republic and I'm worried about what to wear. I have a Banana Republic suit, but don't want to seem like I'm overdoing it for a part-time sales position.

I also applied for a full-time administrative assistant position at a center that studies bioethics. I'm worried I'll be offered the part-time job before even getting interviewed for the full-time job.
I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming interviews Marisa. Hope it goes well and you get the job that you really want.
Mini-Vent- I'm in so much pain! The pain meds only offer semi-temporary relief for a half an hour. I've beenin this stupid flare up for 5 weeks after having been pretty much sympton free for a year. I feel like i'll never feel better and be able to go back to work :(
That is all
Can i mini vent too?
Today was told "Ooo youv'e lost weight everywhere apart from your face , kinda looks like you wearing one of those prostetic fat suits " Yeah Thanks !

I really hope this wasn't a friend that said that! My goodness, gives some weight to what our mothers used to tell us "Think before you speak" huh?
Marisa: Good luck with the interviews! I hope that whichever job you get, the manager is much better than your old boss at the bank! Don't want to read any more horror stories like that, she sounded pretty awful.

Oh, and this is just my opinion, but if I were an interviewer and I saw that my candidate arrived wearing one of the same suits sold in the store, I'd be pleased that they were familiar with the clothes. Interviewers like it when you know what the product or company is all about. For example, my mom's friend has been looking for a job, and she recently interviewed at the senior center. The interviewer asked her why she wanted to work there, and she said that she had looked at their website and she was impressed with all the great programs they offer. That scored her major brownie points! So I would guess that wearing the suit would score you some brownie points too.
Oh yeah, I suppose I should add my mini-vent of the day! My mini-vent today is that my allergies are driving me CRAZY! I cannot breathe through my nose, my eyes keep watering, and oddly I'm more fatigued than usual (I think because I haven't been sleeping well due to not being able to breathe) and the skin around my nose is so raw from blowing my nose every 5 minutes. The only allergy med that seems to work for me is Zyrtec but that makes me really sleepy so I have to wait until tonight to take some. Ugh!
Thanks, Cat :) The hubby is all for me wearing the suit. Your affirmation makes me feel not as silly now!

I hear you about the allergies. While I'm not sneezing, I'm definitely noticing more post-nasal drip and stuffiness. Not to mention the air seems to be getting drier in the house, as it warms up, but our heat is still on. Even with the humidifier on in the bedroom I wake up with bloody noses. Yuck. I just turned up the humidifier to a higher setting hoping it will ease my nasal problems!

Another mini husband told me there are 3 part-time positions opening up in his office that I won't be able to apply for because his director refuses to even consider me since we are married. Ergh. We have prior experience working together in the same department in the past. He was even my boss! It was never an issue. Most people didn't even realize we were in a relationship (this was prior to marrying), haha.

He DID just apply for a job in another department though. Would be pretty awesome if he got that job so I could apply for jobs in his old office, haha.
Oooh. My aunt was on the phone with me a bit ago and I guess my mom had told her I had lost weight... my aunt asked if everyone in the family should be jealous of me! Yea, you should be totally jealous that I am vomiting every time I eat and I'm losing weight because I don't want to eat! Definitely! D:

So insensitive!
Marisa, good luck with whatever jobs you apply for! And can I ask, did you meet your hubby through work or were you already dating when you started working together? I don't think I could work with my hubby, he's the one I vent to at the end of the day! My parents worked together at the same place for years but they worked opposite shifts so they didn't have to see each other at work but they could still gossip about co-workers and stuff. Now my mom is retired so my dad has to keep her in the loop about the goings-on at work.
We were already dating when we started working together. :) But, he didn't hire me. I was hired by the director whose job he then took over.

It was kind of cool. We worked in an extended care program at a private school. He was the director and I was one of the "teachers." Basically I watched kids as they played. I never really saw him during the day, so I could still vent to him on the way home from work, haha.
Not much of a mini vent but needed to get it out anyways so hopefully ye can forgive me :)
Basically just been havin a sucky time recently im in my 2nd yr of a 4 yr course that i HATE im so sick of it ..partly because i felt so crap i ve missed tests/lectures/labs etc . I feel like im drowining in a mountain of work and i ve stopped paddling.... My friends and family know i dislike my course but always say "it ll get betr " or " just stick with it till u graduate". Now with my diagnosis of crohns it feels pointless continuing with it but im 2 scared to drop out or defer a year.I just feel like i have SO much on my shoulders between college ,part time job and family. Im an only child and i know my parents are upset/relieved to finally know whats goin on mom has crohns but i cant talk to her ..we used to be such a tight family but im so angry and depressed i know its not fair to blame her but i am directing my anger at her . My friends have pretty much stayed away since i found out even tho i told them of my results they have no idea of what it really means.. I hate to come across so negative i know people in much much worse states than me but i just cant burst this depression bubble . I had plans to go away for the summer to us but now im terrified of my exams and being away from home comforts i used to be such a social person and now i only feel secure at home near a friggin toilet.

Sorry for such along post just feeling so so down .. this forum has really helped loads so far seeing other people cope so well with this truly horrible disease.
Trying 2 be more like my name Sunshine xx
TRAGEDY!!! My beloved Gloria, cleaning lady extraordinaire, will not be coming back... she needs to tend full time to her husband, who just had a stroke and suffers from "old timers" as she calls it.

I always said Gloria was my reward for ****** health. So maybe this is G-d's way of telling me that I will no longer have ****** health???

This and my parents are leaving tomorrow. I am going to be so lonely!!


PS Marisa, that must be soooooo annoying to sit in a small class with others that don't give a ****. Keep bringing your good stuff - let them look like a bunch of slackers!
Sunshine - I know it probably feels like you are trapped and have no resources. Have you tried talking to a counselor or the dean or even whoever is in charge of working with students with disabilities/special needs? Your school wants to see you succeed and they will do what they can to help you. Even if you go in to talk without making any decisions, it can help make you feel a bit more in control or like you have options if you need them.

I am sorry you have to deal with this awful disease. School is hard. Harder than most people realize. And even harder when you have a disease like this. Please do seek help or advice from someone who can help you. Don't let yourself become any more overwhelmed. *big hugs*
My mini vent today is that I don't understand why my doc sent me the results of which were not good in the mail rather than have me come to the office to talk with him about them. Guess my insurance money isn't good enough cause it is through the state. Therefore, I am not worthy of his time.
Hey MADiMarc, It was actually the Lady who owns the Boutique where im buying my wedding dress shop from, Left there feeling very deflated even though it was the first time id seen my finished dress, shoes and veil. Tapering now so im hoping by the time the big day comes (27th Aug) im not going to look like im wearing a comedy fat suit lol :)
My mini vent of the day is Why the heck cant I hold anything down after 11am in the afternoon, I get my tea and soft pretzel in in the morning but if i eat anything of substance after 11, I will end up throwing it up or feeling nauseous all day.
My mini-vent today is on behalf of my hubby. His kidney stones were acting up really bad last night and he was in so much pain that 2 vicodins didn't even take the edge off. I have spent my fair share of long sleepless nights staying up in pain and I hate to see him go through something similar (although a little part of me is glad that he can now kind of relate to some of what I've been through). Poor guy has to work today too, I hope he is feeling somewhat better by then. At least he gets to sleep in - he teaches an after-school art class to elementary & middle school-aged kids.
We have a very finicky cat that gets bullied by one of the other cats. If she feels cornered, she will poop outside the litter box (which is upstairs) so she can make a quick get away. Well, this morning, I woke up, went downstairs and made some coffee, and went to get on my computer when I noticed she had left a nice smelly present to the right of the dining room table.

Really? Ergh. Pretty sure she came right upstairs after doing the deed to come snuggle in the bed with me. She does that a lot. "Look how cute I am. I just made an accident on the floor. Please love me." The joys of being a pet owner, haha.
Marisa, ewww! Cats can be so gross sometimes! Reminds me of something my cat does, actually (sorry, this is going to be really gross too). I have long-ish hair and I always have to clean the tub drain really well after a shower, or my cat will go in there and eat any hair of mine that's still on the drain hair-catcher thing, and then when she poos the hair will get stuck and she'll walk around with a long hair sticking out her butt and a poo stuck to the end of it, dragging along behind her! SO gross!

Another gross thing my pets do is that if my cat barfs and it's mostly comprised of food rather than a hairball, I have to clean it up right away or the dog will eat it! Yuck!
Marisa, good luck on the interviews!

Joleen - really. How rude! Sometimes people just can't control what comes out of their mouths!

My mini-vent today - my parents left this morning and I am so sad. I don't remmeber being this weepy last time they left after taking care of me. I miss my dad's engaging conversation and my mom puttering around the kitchen and doing the laundry. I have been intermittently crying all day.

Good luck on the interview tomorrow.

I share your cat vent - your cats sound like mine, one likes to bully the other especially when coming out of the litter box so we find suprises on the floor.

Oh, Joleen! I am so sorry she said that! I am sure your gown looks spectacular and that your day will be wonderful.

Marissa- OMG! My husband would have come home to see me bleaching the table!

Amy- hang in there hon. :hug:
Michele - Thankfully, the cat didn't poop ON the table, just next to it, haha.

So, I'm getting anxious about this silly interview. I just hate anticipation of something. Just want to get it over with already. ;)

So, my gripe today is that I found out the admin. assistant job I was hoping for was finally posted, but I'm not qualified for it anymore. Someone else got let go out of the department and they combined the two jobs together. One of which was like technological stuff and I am not qualified in that at all. So, that was kind of diappointing to find out.

On the upside...there are going to be like 10 more jobs posted soon there. So MAYBE I will be able to apply for some of those. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't HAVE to accept his part time retail job if they offer it to me. :) Only 3.5 more hours...
Wahh! I'm a couple minutes away from leaving to head to the interview.

I hate how whenever I anticipate anything I lose my appetite. Hope my stomach doesn't growl during the interview, hahaha! I ate a yogurt cup a banana and a handful of pretzels. Oh well. ;)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes!
Good luck Marisa! I'm sure you'll do well! If your stomach growls you can just say you're hungry for the job (ha ha - sorry that was really corny!).
Haha, Cat! It actually went pretty well. She's calling me for a second interview on Monday. The job actually sounds a lot cooler than I thought it would be. So, we'll see. Maybe I could get a part-time job where Alan works and then I could work both places and still get an AWESOME discount. ;)

I actually went in feeling overdressed. The service manager that interviewed me had on olive-colored chinos, a black cotton long-sleeved top, a peach scarf, and gold earrings. I was wearing a full suit with pantyhose, and heels! Haha. OH well.

Is it true you can dress down a little for a second interview?
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting! My mini-vent today is that my brother apparently has decided to move to another city to go back to school. He's already started the application process for the university - and he hasn't told me yet! The problem with this is that he lives with us and has lived in our house for almost a year. A little communication about when he's moving out would have been nice! I found out today from my mother, who didn't realize my hubby & I didn't know about this. It was news to us!

So it'll be good and bad - good because we'll get our guest bedroom back, but bad because my brother's been paying us a little rent money every week and I've grown accustomed to having the extra cash - I'm broke as it is so I'm somehow going to have to be even more frugal now. I'll miss the cash, I'll miss my brother, and I'm a mad that he didn't tell us he was thinking of doing this. After all, I took him in after he was medically discharged from the military and he had nowhere to live except my parents house, which wasn't really an option anyway (my father told me several times that if brother moved back in to my parents' house, my father thought he would probably end up killing brother or himself or both - a bit of an exaggeration, but those two just do not get along and cannot live together or there are many many fights). So I took him in and let him stay with us, and I didn't even ask for rent money - brother decided on his own that he should be paying us. I just feel like I did a kind thing for him and he isn't returning the favor now by telling me his plans. I'm rambling on here and I'll stop now, but ugh I'm just upset!
Oops, Marisa, I think I was writing my long diatribe of a vent while you posted your reply. Glad it went well and glad it sounds like a good job, and yay for the second interview! I've actually never had a second interview - only had 3 jobs in my life (high school job, college job, and "real" job) and with all of those, I got hired after the first interview. The last time I interviewed was when I got hired for my current job, and that was in like 2002, so I wouldn't even know how to do a first interview anymore!

Edited to add: A lot of workplaces have casual Fridays - maybe the person who interviewed you was a little dressed-down because of that? Just a thought. My workplace requires business attire M-Thurs and on Fridays we're allowed to wear things like polos and khakis. (I did hear of one company in my city where they don't allow jeans, but that's as specific as the dress code gets - so most everyone who works there just wears sweatpants to work! How tacky is that!)
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Yeah, I've never had a 2nd interview either. She said they always have 2nd interviews with Banana Republic. So, I guess it's just standard procedure.

You make a good point. I forgot it was Friday. Though she said they tend to dress on the more casual side for business casual. I'm not really sure what that means, haha. Guess I'll find out at my 2nd interview ;) She said they were trying to get jeans on weekends, which would be nice too!

Anyway, that totally sucks about your brother moving out and not telling you. I would feel exactly the way you do. Though, perhaps, he didn't want to say anything until he knew an exact date for moving? But, yeah...I would want to know. Especially if he told your mom. He could at least tell you too. :p Maybe you should apply for a part-time job at Banana Republic too, haha.
I've been thinking about applying for a 2nd job, although I'm leaning towards Bath & Body Works. I love their products and there's a really nice one not far from my work. I could head there in the evenings after work and put in a couple hours here and there, if my body would let me. That's what I'm not sure about - I actually posted a thread in Anything Goes earlier today asking if anyone else here works 2 jobs. I've never worked 2 jobs and I'm not sure if it'd take too much of a toll on my body, so I'm giving it careful consideration before I even apply.

The good new is, I just found out hubby's going to be picking up a lot more hours working during the summer. He teaches after-school art classes and he's going to be teaching some summer school-type art programs during the summer, which will be great! There's only so much he can do with an art degree, and teaching is one of the things that most artists end up doing just to survive, so it's a pretty crowded field already so it's great that he can get more hours and more teaching experience over the summer. Yay! :D
Mini-vent of the day: I found out yesterday that a former co-worker of mine passed away. This was a guy who was a very interesting person and always had a funny story, it is really sad that he passed. He was only 40 (he had a lot of health problems including multiple organ transplants and diabetes).

But I'm mad because I didn't find out that he had passed until the day AFTER his funeral. Apparently he passed on 4/1, the funeral was 4/9, and I found out (on facebook of all places) on 4/10. None of my other co-workers knew about it until after the fact either - we were all messaging each other on Sunday morning in shock about it. Seriously, I know his family is grieving, but couldn't someone, anyone, who knew about this have informed us sooner? He worked at my company for something like 6 years so it wasn't like he was just there a short time. I would have liked to have gone and paid my final respects, and I feel like that option was taken away from me by omission. We were a tight-knit group and I know most of us would have gone to the funeral had we known. Ugh, I'm just upset. It's an upsetting situation all-around.
I'm sorry that happened, Cat. I think I would feel that way, if I were in your position. Maybe they had a smaller funeral?Or maybe they really did completely forget about how his coworkers might have wanted to know about the news.

Maybe you all could decide on a way to all do something for the family. Send a card with thoughtful comments or a bouquet of flowers to the family. Maybe it would help you all in paying your respects and letting the family know how much that person meant to your office. :)
Marisa, it didn't sound like a small/private funeral - the obit said all family & friends were welcome to attend. I think I will send a card "from the group" if I can organize it. It's kind of a complicated situation, but I don't work with this tight-knit group anymore. Our department was downsized a few years back, and as a result I'm the only one who still works at the same company. We are still close though and most of us still keep in regular contact with each other. The co-worker who passed away had gotten married in the last year or two and I know the rest of our little group found out about that quickly and sent our congratulations - I guess his family maybe didn't know that he was still close to former co-workers from a few years ago, although they should have - I know he talked about our company a lot and how much he liked working here and how fond he was of our group.

I guess it's reasonable but irksome that we were overlooked. I feel better about it today than I did yesterday. No matter how sick, it's always shocking to me when someone relatively young passes away, you know? Especially when it's someone you know, it really hits home. I was going through a lot of emotional stuff about this yesterday and I feel a bit more stable today. It's still shocking, though.
Yeah...death always complicates things. :( I'm glad you are feeling better about it today though. I can imagine I would feel devastated.

I've been pretty lucky to not have had anyone super close to me pass away. I had the pastor of a church that I worked at suddenly die and that was pretty shocking to me. And a friend from middle school recently had her father pass away.

But, I am glad you are feeling better about it :)
Marisa: Count yourself lucky that nobody very close to you has passed away. I *have* had someone very close to me pass away - one of the best friends I've had in my whole life, he passed when we were both only 19 - it was very sudden and unexpected, he died in a house fire. It took me years to get over his death and I still think about him a lot. That was hands down the worst experience of my life, worse even than what this gut illness has put me through. My co-worker's passing is shocking and awful, but I have to say that it's nothing like what I went through when I was 19.