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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I was wondering. My original/first GI misdiagnosed me as having Crohn's along with Ulcerative Colitis and my current GI says that I do not have Crohn's. However, I do have Ulcerative Colitis or more specifically Ulcerative Proctitis. I know that because my past doctor put in that I have Crohn's, it's in my permanent medical record. But, do any of you know if I need to state the misdiagnosis along with my current diagnosis for an example on my medical card?

Thanks. :hug:
I don't think you do, no. I was originally misdiagnosed with Ulcerative Pancolitis when I actually have Crohn's. I think it's important your GI knows that history because of treatment, but otherwise just tell people your present diagnosis.
Ok. It's just so confusing that you aren't sure especially when it comes to important stuff like your health. Sad part about it is that there are so many here on this forum who are in the same boat as I am. Wouldn't be surprised if others might be asking the same question.
Well, hopefully they've seen this thread and you've asked the question for them. :) The only time I really had my previous diagnosis come up was when I had switched GIs, and he wanted to confirm the extent of my colitis diagnosis -- if it was pancolitis or not, which it was. So sometimes it comes in handy to at least remember, but otherwise I don't think it's necessary to declare to people who aren't your doctor.
I would agree, apart from with your GI where the history might impact treatment, you should be ok to just tell them your current diagnosis.

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