Missing the second day of middle school.

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Apr 26, 2013
Nick started middle school yesterday it was also his birthday he turned 12. He had a great day, came home very excited and full of stories and smiles. I was SO relieved as school and Nick haven't always been a match made in heaven. Our bus comes at 07-04 so I woke him at 06-00 and he got up got dressed and was HAPPY, then at 06-45 gave them the 10 min warning and my lovely girl came to find me and said "mum, Nicks not well, I hear him crying in the toilet" Emma went down for the bus and Nick stayed in the toilet with cramps and d. He was so anxious not to be late and start the day with all his new friends, he didn't want them to know he was different or that he had something wrong with him. I plan on taking him in later this morning, if he is OK. But I am so MAD with this STUPID BLOODY condition. I know we are fortunate not to suffer to much compared to many others but I wish all of are lovely children could just enjoy being young and care free. Ok rant over.
Oh, poor Nick. I'm sorry he's feeling unwell. In your signature it says he's tapering off pred and starting maintenance soon. Has he started anything yet? Why not start a maint while still on pred?

I hope tomorrow is better!
Thank you, and yes I hope he gets over it fast to.
We actually stopped pred the last week in July and he has been back taking Slofalk for around 3 months. He has been SO well and happy. He lost all the nasty side effects from the pred and I had my boy back. He just had some blood along with the D so I have emailed the GI.
Bugger, bugger, bugger !
Oh, I'm so sorry that he had a bad day, did he get better during the day? I hope his birthday ended up being a good day! :ghug: Has this been happening since he stopped pred? Or do you think it was just the change in routine (ie getting up early) and the excitement?

If it has been happening lately, perhaps the salofalk isn't enough??? I'm really not familiar with salofalk but isn't it a 5asa? If yes, they are quite mild - perhaps it's not enough to maintain remission for him?

I really do hope it's just a one time event due to the excitement! :ghug:
Hugs, my heart goes out to you both.

Grace is starting school for the first time in a couple weeks and today I notice eczema starting on her bottom.:voodoo: I mean of all the places to get that. I'm already forming the words to let the teacher know why my child is shifting in her seat. lol

I hope it was a one time thing but......................
if not I hope stronger meds will help fast.
Hi Tess,
You are right it is a 5asa and it was the only 5asa available to the GI as the government regulates all available drugs in Malaysia and this is the one available to us, she did talk of AZA but we were really hoping to be able to control things with the Salofalk. The GI in her own omission is not experienced with Crohn's but is trying the best she can. I am making enquiries to see a pedi GI in Singapore but was hoping that we wouldn't have to go that route, but needs must.
Quick question, if there is blood it's always a flare? Can't be just a one off episode due to change of routine ? I think I already know the answer but denial and me we are the best of friends.
Ps how do I change my signature to update meds ?
I'm not sure about the blood... it was never a problem with Stephen. I know, when he was initially being treated (so treatment for a flare), he did have some mucous with only specks of blood. Nurse said the mucous and blood were due to inflammation.

To change your signature, at the top of the page, you'll see your user name, next to that you'll see "private messages", click on that. Once on your private messages page, along the left, you should see a number of options, one will be to edit your signature. (There's probably another easier way :lol: but this is what I know. :))
Sending you both hugs. It's a tough way to start the school year! We, too, are hoping for a better school year. My son missed most of the 3rd and 4th quarters of school last year. Had a surgery and started a new med. He's been recovering nicely over the summer. Hoping for a (relatively) Crohn's free 8th grade year.

I hope for all the best for you and your son.
Cheryl VT
So sorry to hear that Nick has had to miss his second day of school. Please rant away! I too feel like ranting when this rotten disease causes my son to miss things. At times it has felt like it has made him miss far too much. Hopefully Nick will be feeling better soon. It is always so crushing when they have a bad day and we can't make it go away.

Is it blood when he wipes or bloody stool? My son gets a bit of blood when he wipes on occasion, but usually when he has harder stool (even if it gets soft during the BM, if it starts hard he can get a wee bit of bright red blood). I pray it isn't anything!!
Thank you guy's,
From what I saw it looked like the blood was in the stool, it was tinting the water red. It wasn't a huge amount. The good news is, do I dare say it ? Is the C fairy listening ? It seemed to be an isolated one of episode. I took him in to school later that morning and we spoke with the nurse who emailed all Nicks teachers explained what the illness was all about and attaching a link to a web page.
We then saw the middles school principle whose father has CD and he says Nick can leave class when ever he needs to and without having to draw attention to himself by asking permission. He has also said if the boys bathrooms are too busy he may have access to any and all facilities including adult and faculty. I was so humbled by the kindness and understanding.
I e mailed the GI and she has increased his meds to 1000mg and we will see her on Sat at 10:30.
Oh, and best bit of all, he says middle school is cool ! Because they all have combination lockers, they have never had lockers before, I think they spend all the breaks opening and closing them.
Fingers crossed the CD fairy didn't hear and he continues to be OK.
Hope every one has a good week end.
Good to hear things have settled again Jane! :dusty::dusty::dusty:

Maybe the stress of first day nerves?? I hope so!

If you ever want to change anything just go to Settings on the top blue tool bar and it will bring up all your options. :)

Sending loads of luck and healing thoughts that all stays settled! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
We had some blood while on Pred too. It scared me to death but the nurse said it was probably just his body adjusting and to keep and eye on things. Almost 2 years later and everything worked out! So hang in there momma!

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