Modulen - you have to give it time

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Jul 10, 2014
Dear all, I have been really ill this past six months resulting in my being threatened with losing the bit of gut I have left (157cm) and being left with TPN and the transplant list. Anyway, 12 days ago on yet another emergency admission to hospital I started on Modulen. To be honest I was too scared to eat so at least it was some nourishment. For days it went through me as green liquid and I had to stay very near the loo! But I had found a post from one of you saying this was her experience until day 10 when everything changed, so I hoped it might for me and just persevered. Today is day 13, the diarrhoea has stopped and this morning I had a normal-ish stool. I have stopped the awful weight loss and am feeling stronger every day.

I think looking at other people's experience what I have been through is fairly average. So if you are going down this road, do hang in there if you can for the first two weeks. I shall stick with the Modulen now for 10 weeks and let my insides rest and heal. It feels very safe, easy and I like the taste. I may have a stricture to deal with in the future, but at least we have options now. I do hope this can be a weapon in your armoury in the Crohn's battle and hope some of you find this useful. Good luck all. Xxxx:yfaint:
I was put on modulen a few years ago and while I felt better on the inside it didn't actually do that much. It was such hard work but it was definitely worth a try
I'm glad the Modulen is working for you! When I tried it in 2011, I was too far gone, and absolutely needed surgery. Even drinking liquids made me ill!

I know how tough it is sticking to the liquid diet. I hope this continues to work for you, and you're back in fighting shape soon!
Dear Carrie, thanks for your support. It was a bit touch and go for me too. The surprising thing is I don't feel at all hungry and the more I am on it, the more I like the taste. My Specialist Nurse says I am odd in this, but if I have thought anything might do me good, I have always been very able to dig my heels in and go with it. Yesterday I walked the dogs in the park on a sunny day that almost felt like Spring. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have thought it possible to do such a thing. So I have a long way to go, but I am much less stressed and can at least see a glimmer of hope and as you know, sometimes we are grateful just for that.

Good luck to you too. I hope you are well at present. This site is a life line for me, as it for many. It is so good not to feel alone and be able to reach out to people who instantly understand. Much love.
So glad you have found something that is helping you right now, especially knowing the stage you are at with this disease. I have about 150cm of bowel left total (90cm of small bowel) and never expected to be talking life expectancy with my docs at 36, so I completely understand the anxiety involved with potentially needing more surgery and losing more bowel and the consequences of that.

I'm with you on actually liking the taste of Modulen! I feel like it's just a nice plain slightly sweet milky taste - quite comforting really in itself! I like to make it up at 1.5 times the recommended concentration because it gives it a milkier/creamier mouth feel. And then I have less to drink to get the calories in too. I know any liquid diet takes persistence but the great thing is - as you've experienced - if you start feeling healthier that really does provide a lot of motivation to carry on.

Very pleased to hear that you are able to get out and walk the dogs and have some hope! I think that always makes such a difference.

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