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Feb 23, 2012
Ko is here having Mre. We have never been to this specialty clinic before. Dr.P wanted this done Asap so this place could get us in the soonest. It seems Moms and patients know nothing here. They had to start an iv. Couldnt listen to us that Ko usually has to have iv team start it. He only has one sure hit spot. They didn't listen so they and ended up having to stick him more than once and finally got it started where Ko told them they would. This is after they put tape on his skin. After they were told he is highly allergic. Yes I started ripping it off. Nurse came in and said we had to make a report about the tape incident. Okay do what you need to. Now he has to drink the 3 bottles of crap. He got one down. Now his tummy is hurting so bad and he needs to throw up. They keep pushing him. He says I can't do it I need to throw up. He ask if they can just do an ng tube to put it in and he is told no. I just asked if I could give him his meds for nausea and cramps and was told no. Wtf. Sorry I had to vent
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Why do they need to make a report about the tape?
Is it because you took it off or that they never should have put it on?
My children and I have a tape allergy. My sons skin pulls of with the tape and we all blister up like crazy afterwards. Paper tape is the only kind we can use and only with a skin protectant.

Can you report this to the head nurse? The IV thing should have never happened. HUGS
Well we are home now. Today was a total waste. Ko has been halfway to hell and back and nothing to show for it.

I finally blew up. I told the nurse this was the worse experience ever. I said no one has bothered to listen to Ko or what he needs. I said no one here knows him better than he knows himself. I said he has begged for an Ng tube. No one listens. He tried to say where to put his iv and wasn't listened to. Then it clearly states on his allergy band that he is allergic to tape and no one cared. I said you have no idea what he feels. I said yes you may know the nurses side to things but you don't know his side and what he is feeling.

Ko was begging for the ng tube because his he couldn't stand it any longer. He was saying momma please just take me home. Finally after begging and crying for almost an hour they came and started it. Worse one yet. Usually he is told to drink while they are putting it in well today he was told not to drink just to swallow. When he started to cry again I said he is going to drink because it goes down more smoothly. And what do you know it worked.

They began to give him the 2 second bottle. At the end of the second bottle he began to start throwing up. He was throwing up as fast as they were able to give it to him. But continued to give it to him. At the end of the 3rd bottle they took him back.

We get back to the Mre room and get started. Guy takes about 3 pictures and says he has to call doctor. I think he is calling Dr P. But no he is calling one of his own dr. He then comes over the speaker and says what stomach surgeries has Dakota had in the past. What??? He hasn't had any.. I ask why what's wrong? I am told well I am not sure. We think he just didn't get enough of the drink. Well he drank as much as he could. Guy says did he throw up more when he went to the restroom? Uh no I was in there with him. Well for some reason he doesn't have enough in his system to do the test. He said it must have taken him to long to drink it. Well probably but it wasn't his fault it was the dumb ass nurses that didn't want to listen to him. So today was for nothing. Poor Ko went through so much for nothing. I called Dr.P as soon as we got to the car. His nurse called back and said he was out of clinic today but she would get ahold of him and see what he wants to do.

What a day. We are now home. It is super cold here. Ko wanted to bring his mattress to the living room to watch tv and watch the fire in the fireplace. So he is all snuggled in and watching tv and a beautiful fire.

Thanks everyone for listening once again
I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that! Sometimes medical professionals aren't competent or caring and because of that, patients suffer unnecessarily. :(
I feel so bad for Ko! Nurses that help IBD kids should know that they know their bodies and they have been stuck a zillion times so they know where they like IV's and Blood draws and such. They also know their tummy's. If he wanted to do an NG tube...they should have listened from the start. Did he not throw up the NG tube when he was vomiting? I also don't think the nurses should have been pushing in the 3rd bottle while he was vomiting...what if the tube wasn't in his stomach anymore??! Give your son a hug and relax tonight.
Geez. I'm so sorry LittlebitsMommy and to Ko too. :( That's just terrible treatment. While an MRE isn't fun they should have been able to start with the NG tube the second Ko decided he couldn't drink it. I almost couldn't drink it (they wanted me to get 4 down, I had 3 1/2). I don't understand why they told him no. I had an NG tube put in a while back and was told just to swallow. It takes forever to get down that way. Lots of gagging and tears. I'm sorry he had to go through that. :( As for the continuing to give him barium as fast as he's throwing it up, there's just no excuse for that. That's their own fault that he didn't get enough barium in him to actually do the test. I'd file a report to the hospital about the poor treatment because it sounds like they just forced him to vomit for no reason.

If his GI wants him to do the test again, just know that the test isn't that bad, apparently the facility doing the test can be though. :( Ask his GI about doing a CT scan instead unless he's had a lot of them already.

Glad he's resting now. So sorry for the horrible treatment. :hug: