Oh Yeah! Kind of like the weather sometimes.. Don't like the mood, wait 5 minutes. Like Ya Noy I tend to choose my battles. All though I will call him on his moods, basically tell him he is having an attitude and I choose not to discuss "whatever" with him until it changes as I'm not going to just argue.
His younger brother is hitting the same stage although with that kid it is hard because he throws out these incredible one-liners that I have a hard time keeping from laughing. The latest of why he did something "I'm an inspirationalist"
It is not always as easy as it sounds, C can pull me down to his level quickly which always ends badly. Once I'm sucked into the battle I always come out the other side wondering, "what just happened?"
I swear I won't let myself get sucked in but they can be soooooooo infuriating, that you can't help it! Ugghh...
Next thing you know we are in a full blown argument about the strangest things! Funny thing is he rarely knows the facts behind his arguments or he changes them to suit him(both of which set me off) and it is seldom something I should put the effort into arguing about(which sets me off even more)!!!!!