"Moon Face"

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Mar 5, 2010
How long does it take for"Moon face" to go away after taking Prednisone? It's bad enough Pred has so many other side efffects as it is. I could have really done without looking like a moon pie as well.
I have been off Pred over 2 weeks now, it has just about gone, however if you gained weight it may take some time. Best thing to do is drink water to flush it out... it works! Avoid salty foods, it holds it.
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ThanksP said:
How long does it take for"Moon face" to go away after taking Prednisone? It's bad enough Pred has so many other side efffects as it is. I could have really done without looking like a moon pie as well.

TP - Can I ask how long you were on the pred, and what the maximum dose was?
I'm down to 5mgs now and most but not all of the moonie look has gone. It started to go when I got down to 10mgs.
heya! i have the same thought as well... i started out on 30mg and decreased. iv now been on 5mg for about 2 months. but im still full of fluid, i gained about 7kgs but lost 2 again.

lol so my question is as well... does it depend on the person or will i stay fluidy until i go off it completly.
It depends on the person because as its been said, sometimes it isn't just water retention, sometimes you actually gain weight/fat. If it's actual fat weight you need to lose, then it can take months just like any other person trying to lose weight. For me I was on very high doses (75mg) for close to a year before my surgery. It took about 2 months to go back to normal.

At most it should take a few months but could be as little as a couple of weeks.
I had really bad moonface and bloating so with the two I kept getting asked how far along in my pregnancy I was!! NICE.

I was on Pred for about 10 weeks and it probably took about 4 weeks for my face to go fully back to normal and it felt great when it did. I thought I must have put all this weight on due to the steroids till I found out about moonface. But be assured it will go down just may take a while.
I was on 40 mg for 5 months, and that Moon face only took a few weeks to kick in. It's very reassuring to know that this will go away sooner than I thought. I have 5 days left on 5 mg and then I'm free of this beast!
i was on pred for 5 months, i got alot of side effects from it tbh, not a drug i'll ever take again unless im at deaths door. i got moonface, joint pain, weight gain( gained about 40 pounds, only lost 10 so far) moonface for me took 1 1/2 months to disappear. dont know if im the exception or the rule tbh. take care, try not to worry about it too much x
David in Seattle said:
What was your maximum dose, and how long were yo on it?

I've been on a low dose but still got bad moonface after three weeks. I started on 25mgs and stayed there for three weeks then started tapering. Been on it six weeks and down to 5mgs now. The moonface has deflated a bit but not gone yet. I'm thinking of changing my name to Pan Lid.
Prednisone terrifies me. I had a bad experience with it when I ws a teenager. Did not know that it had so many side effects. I've becoem a huge control freak trying not to have to go on it. Controllign my food and exercise. I gained a lot fo wieght back then and still have not been able to get it off. But I am trying.
hmm im on 5mg for not sure how long.. which im not impressed with and tried to change his mind lol. my face is still fat but then like mum says is it moonish or just the fact im not meant to be carrying this exctra 7kg. iv been lucky and the only side effect iv had is the weight gain and moon face.

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