Mouth Ulcers!

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Sep 20, 2010
Anyone know of a prescription treatment available in the UK?

I am really suffering with mouth ulcers, they are either great sore lumps on the top of my jaw, or nasty round ulcers on my tounge/inside lip.

I've found bonjela very good in the past but these days it doesn't touch the lumps and gives little help with the ulcers- when I applied on my tounge today it hurt more while the gel was working, and then wore off after less than 30 minutes. Can reapply after 3 hours so not ideal.

Anything I can ask my GP to prescribe me? Or is there something stronger available over the counter?

Have found a topical gel best as the medicated mouthwashes can't be used more than twice a day.
I have had loads of them but everytime I get an appointment at the doctors they go :( just typical but when I do get them oh my gawd they are so sore. I always get a huge one just in the middle of my bottom lip on the inside and it kills me too eat or even talk

I have tried ordinary bonjella but that has not worked at all, so I will also pay a visit too Boots to stock up just incase.
try gargling with benadryl. Do not swallow. but gargle. I know it sounds funny, but it does a good job of coating your mouth pre meal. Also ask you doc about trying a course of antibiotics for it. After having a sinus infection last summer, I realized my canker sores were gone. Since then ever few month when i can't take them any more i get a script for antibiotics.
hi ya,my doc gave me adcortyl it's like a paste and does'nt taste nice but it works.I
get a lot of mouth ulcers. x
Picked up some Gengigel and very happy with it. No nasty taste, works nicely and best part is you can use it as often as you like!!
Hmmm, you might give the GI a call. My Crohn's has actually ulcerated my mouth and throat much in the same way you're describing. Not to be an alarmist, but it never hurts to get it checked out, getting you the right meds for the problem is the main thing.

When my Crohn's came under control, the ulcers healed.
When i flare ulcers are usually the first sign, and im currently riddled with them and they are frustrating the hell out of me. Ive never had anything actually prescribed just for the ulcers but next time i see the specialist i think ill be asking. Bonjela is ok for a bit. Ive also tried the new bonjela stick things. They sting like hell!!!

I've tried corsydyl but the taste is foul. Drinking a hot drink can soothe them quite a bit aswell though.

Is Gengigel available over the counter?
Hmmm, you might give the GI a call. My Crohn's has actually ulcerated my mouth and throat much in the same way you're describing. Not to be an alarmist, but it never hurts to get it checked out, getting you the right meds for the problem is the main thing.

When my Crohn's came under control, the ulcers healed.

Am not diagnosed yet but since a WBC scan found inflammation in my bowel I know I have IBD. Waiting for further tests currently :)

Is Gengigel available over the counter?

I don't know i'm afraid, I ordered from and had it delivered free to the shop.
In other threads we've recommended taking a complex B vitamin for mouth ulcers. Here's a little backup as to why the Vitamin B Complex supplements help with mouth ulcers:

A common symptom of folate (aka vitamin B9) deficiency is mouth ulcers according to the link above. People with Crohn's disease are COMMONLY deficient in Folate and some of the medications Crohnies take also interferes with folate metabolism.

If you have mouth ulcers, try a quality complex B but also be sure to get your vitamin B12 levels checked as supplementing folate can mask symptoms of B12 deficiency which are also common with Crohnies.
impeccable oral hygiene is the key imo.

brush and rinse with mouthwash after you eat anything.

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