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Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone, not been on for a while as my wee boy has been doing good. Ive noticed recently when he has been having a poo that theres a little fresh blood on the loo roll, thinking its just a cut as he passes large poos! today he went again, more blood, so had proper look and looks as if its coming from the area where had an op for a fistula he had. its a small opening just at his anus. We had a prescription for movicol but didnt start it as his bowel movements are fine ( every second day) but im wondering if the movicol makes the poo softer. I just dont want him to go the other way n have too soft stools and have accidents at school. im probably stressing over nothing but im such a worrier. x
Hi dodie, my boy has been advised to take laxatives everyday eith lactulose or movicol as he as so suffers with fistuala and abscess,s , it can take just one tough poo for him to bleed then everyone after that causes the cut open up again , if I was u I would use the movicol at night that's when our doctored us to use it as the colon absorbs all the water out of the poo causing it to go hard and as the colon becomes sluggish , Lewis suffered terribly with stomach pain at night and this helped with his pain a night , you always can adjust if it's to runny or maybe start with half a sachet of movicol
, I'd may be take him to your docs to see if the fistula has flared up again they are a burden of our life these dam abscess's lew has had 3 fistulecetimy and well iv lost count of the flares ups he s had that required ab,s . Hope this helps im new to a Crohn's diagnosis but have a world of knowledge with abscess,s .
thanks for reply lewis's mum. I got the movicol today but i think i will wait til the october holidays to use it , just incase he has a prob at school. Kian was diagnosed with crohns 2 and half years ago. we would never have know he had it other than the abscess at his bottom. he got the op n healed well. he took another one but cipro and flagyl cleared it, thank goodness. he has been on 6mp and salofalk since the beginning and seems to do the trick, touch wood. what meds are your wee boy on?
Hi we would never of known either with lew he's had so many infections they've found his colander and small bowl is diseased , it took us 3 years and alit of stress and sleepless nights get the diagnosis, hes goin to be starting infliximab in 2 to 3 weeks as yet he's not on anything cause they waiting for the biopsies and see the extent of what's goin on, Lewis last infec they gave us cipro and flagy , it worked wonders then they gave him some metronidozle cause it lared up what part of the uk are u in , were up in Manchester, he's undvthe children's hops up here 'x
Sounds like he may have a fissure or a small tear from the large stools. We usually use a cream to soothe it and something like miralax to soften the stools just a bit so they don't continue to open up the fissure.

Hope he feels better soon!
Just wanted to say - from our experience with Movicol, it doesn't really send them running for the toilet - of course that's just my daughter. One sachet a day doesnt' seem to do anything and two sachets maybe just increases it a little. I was nervous as well when we started.
DS has been on it for two years. A normal doses just makes things soft no urgency.
We also use it for colonscopy prep and that takes almost 14 doses so one isn't going to do much. Plus it usually takes three days to start working.
thanks for the info. Im going to start it tonight, so its better to give it in the evening? lewis's mum, we live in scotland and we also have a childrens hospital in Glasgow, thats where kian attends his 6 monthly check ups. I had been putting sudocrem on the area where its bleeding but the nurse told me just to let it be n just shower him after each bowel movement which i always do anyway. hope all your little ones are doing well too. xx
I always found at night then I try and encourage him to do a poop In the toilet after breakfast if he hasn't had one before , I also used Sudan cream we say the Magic cream cream as lew has a habit of over wiping and making himself sore, if I have random words that are spelled out on my posts I can spell lol this dam computer has a habit of making up its own words I don't no were the setting is for spell check , lol let us no how the movicol goes at least u got the weekend to see if it's working or not.xx
well, off to the docs this morning to see bout kians wee bum, still some blood when he wipes, im sure its a very difficult place to heal. im going to mention the medical manuka honey as treatment again as thats what he got when he had the op few years back, was great for healing. just hoping its not a trip to the childrens hospital, finger crossed. xx
Hi, just wondered if you can actually see a little fissure where the blood is coming from? When Andrew was having a bad time with his abscess he developed an area where the skin wore thin and kept splitting. The IBD nurse from Larbert hospital gave me a plaster that is like a second skin which you just put onto the irritated area and leave on for 5 days or so - it allows the skin underneath to heal without getting rubbed/irritated for a while. Might be worth asking about if there is an area you can see. I would imagine Vicky or Lee would probably know about it as well. They definately like the showers though :). Poor Andrew still showering twice a day
thanks for that sascot, i will call his nurse today n ask about it. yea he has like a little extra gap down at his anus where i think it keeps splitting, has never happened before and his surgery was over 2 years ago. still not started the movico.... i keep putting it off, i know i really shud start it sooner rather than later. yea im same with kian, after every poo hes in the shower! better safe than sorry tho. how is Andrew doing? xx
As much as I agree with the showering - I do think the skin never really gets a chance to heal. Andrew is quite proud of the fact he has the cleanest bum :ylol2:. Andrew is doing well at the moment. There is still a tiny bit of his wound that just won't completely heal, but he isn't in pain and is back to school and football (mostly). I use a stick on wound plaster (allevyn thin) during the day so that his bum cheeks don't rub the wound - plus he is more comfortable that way. Beginning to think I will be looking at his butt for the rest of my life poor boy :lol:
dodie-my son's fissure opens up for no apparent reason from time to time and it has been doing this for over 3 years. I know the stool size and consistency has something to do with it. I've also read though that their skin is thinner and more brittle when they are in a flare. I can say that I have noticed a great improvement in his skin since we've gotten things under control...I am talking about his hands though. He's older, so no bum looking! His hands crack and bleed between his fingers.
thats good Andrew is doin well. Yea kians looks as if its just raw inside n hasnt healed over, theres no blood tho, just wen he has a poo. i rang yorkhill today n just waiting on a returned call now. just when u think things going good, theres something that gets in the way hey. same with kian, he must hav the cleanest bum in town, bless them, lol!!
I've been giving my daughter Movicol if she doesn't have a bm for 2 days and it seems to do the trick without making her have an upset stomach (one or two sachets, she takes it in the evening so it works overnight).
well the movicol has defo made his stools easier to come out but still a smear of blood on the loo roll when he wipes. We have an app at end of nov with his ibd team so im sure theyll all be havin a look at his wee bum. he has no pain or soreness , it just looks raw as if it needs to close over properly. will be keepin a close eye on it from now til nov. x
Thanks for the update dodie!

It's good to hear that the movicol is working. :) I hope it continues to work well and his bottom continues to heal, bless him. :hug:

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx

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