I had an MRE today. MRE is magnetic resonance enterography.
Most people have never heard this word and are familiar with the more
common test MRI, but the MRE is for people with Crohns and other intestinal
problems. I am posting because I experienced side effects after the test
that nobody at the hospital warned me about, yet they tell me it is common.
I am upset that nobody warned me about this. I had to drink Barium sulfate before the test and in the middle of the test I was injected (by IV) with
glucagon and contrast. The Glucagon slows down your digestion.
The magnet also affects your digestion, and so does the Barium.
Anyways, I didn't arrange for someone to drive me and I was there by myself
since I expected to feel normal afterwards like I did with my CTs which
also involved an injection of dye and drinking something. As I discovered,
you feel totally different after an MRE than a CT. After the test
I had cramping and diarrhea for 2.5 hours so I couldn't leave to go home immediately, and was stuck driving home late in rush hour. I had
to ly down in the lobby since the nurses had left the MRE department already. I am fine now, but just wanted to warn everyone about this.
I am ticked that nobody told me in advance.
Most people have never heard this word and are familiar with the more
common test MRI, but the MRE is for people with Crohns and other intestinal
problems. I am posting because I experienced side effects after the test
that nobody at the hospital warned me about, yet they tell me it is common.
I am upset that nobody warned me about this. I had to drink Barium sulfate before the test and in the middle of the test I was injected (by IV) with
glucagon and contrast. The Glucagon slows down your digestion.
The magnet also affects your digestion, and so does the Barium.
Anyways, I didn't arrange for someone to drive me and I was there by myself
since I expected to feel normal afterwards like I did with my CTs which
also involved an injection of dye and drinking something. As I discovered,
you feel totally different after an MRE than a CT. After the test
I had cramping and diarrhea for 2.5 hours so I couldn't leave to go home immediately, and was stuck driving home late in rush hour. I had
to ly down in the lobby since the nurses had left the MRE department already. I am fine now, but just wanted to warn everyone about this.
I am ticked that nobody told me in advance.