MRI tomorrow, what to expect?

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Feb 21, 2011
Hello, I'm new to the forum and possibly CD. I had blood tests show elevated levels of white blood cells and anemia so doc said next step is an MRI to see if she can find anything without having to do a colonoscopy. I know I'm not supposed to eat for 12 hours before, but can anyone tell me what else I can expect tomorrow? I'm emberrased to admit I have no idea what an MRI machine even looks like. How long should it take? Is the stuff I have to drink really awful? What if I'm nervous in small spaces?

Thank you in advance for any advice/tips you can give me.
I've heard of lots of people saying they have to drink something but for me I didn't. They put in an IV and gave me buscopan(to slow down your bowel from moving so much) and some sort of chemical dye. You just lay there on your back and it slides you in and out. Mine took around 45 minutes to do. It is not painful and you barely feel anything. All I felt is kind of a knocking sound/sensation in a way internally where they're scanning or doing whatever. You get given headphones to block the noise and to play music as well if you'd like.
Only tip really is try to get as comfortable as you can when you start like balancing out on your body if you know what I mean. If your claustrophobic or don't like tight spaces you can always ask for some sort of drug to calm you down which I hear some people get as well.
I had to drink something for mine but it was okay. Everything else Zalanicht said was true of my MRI (although I don't recall getting Buscopan).

You may also be asked to hold your breath for 18-20 seconds at a time so that they can obtain clearer images.
Hey there!
Well usually you will get an IV that will color the parts they want to see, and I also had to drink a clear liquid, but some people do not. It is a harmless procedure, kind of like laying down in a big tube lol, then they will give you instructions like hold your breath and release. It normally takes me about 30 mins but that varies from person to person. Don't worry to much about it, and I wish you the best with good results
If it's an MRE, you will drink 8-12 ounces of a chalky-ish substance. It's not nearly as bad as the kind for a CT scan. I had an IV put in, laid down on the machine, put some headphones on, and let them scan at their will. Towards the end, they put a contrast in the IV and then something to slow down the bowels (Buscopan?). None of which hurts. One word of caution... For me, the barium went right through me. Thankfully whatever the med was they put in my IV slowed down my bowels enough to make it home.
All in all, the MRE (Magnetic Resonance Enterography) was one of the easiest and least annoying of all the tests we have to endure. Best of luck to you!

Edited to add: between bathroom trips, waiting for the nurse with the IV, xtra imaging at the request of the radiologist, etc my entire test took around 3-4 hours.
When I had my MRE they gave me Glucagon to slow down the bowels. They did push it wayy too fast those and it spiked my blood pressure which caused me to throw up everywhere. Kinda sucked, but hey! I didn't have to pass the Barium then! :)
For mine, i was given a glass of citramag (laxative used for Colonoscopy prep) and about a litre of water to get the bowels moving, then they gave me buscopan to slow the bowels. As with the others it wasnt too bad, i had to lie on my stomach and hold my breath every so often. Its very loud, sounds like a giant electric razor lol. Worst part for me was the afternoon following when had cramping and D from the laxative.

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