My ass is sore!

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Not sure why, I haven't had any particularly hard or runny poops lately. But I got the mirror out, trained to be a contortionist, and had a look, and my anus is a mass of tiny splits in the skin.

I know I am contributing to the problem by over wiping (since I often feel icky down there, I have to wipe whenever I visit the bathroom, even if it was just for a wee).

I did use wet wipes, but I had a fungal infection a while back and I think the wipes were contributing by keeping things moist all the time.

So how can I keep fresh and dry, yet not irritate my skin?
Whipe separately. No pee on the poo area. Also, try the wet TP. And dont forget, our lovely prescription meds for our ass. Such as the lovely pred foam for a butt facial. :rof: Lots of things to help with the wee bum. Sudocreme, fresh and only for our lovely cheeks can help. Dont mix it with anything else...obviously.
I do wipe separately, thanks. But I will dig the sudocrem out, I just hate the white streaks it leaves in your underwear (better than brown I guess though). Though I'm lol-ing at the thought of a butt facial!
Yes indeed. Sudocream white steaks good. Waxing bad.

Waxing goooood on face after a course of pred!! Waxing baaaaad on lady bits.
Y'all gave me a giggle this morning thank you I needed that..
I agree lady waxing is worse than stubble burn I'd say.
I use the tux pads for hiney wiping. Yes at times it burns pretty good but I don't have to worry about the moisture affect. It helps with the itching as well more so than preparation H. Someone else said they used the Huggies free wipes and they work well or the ones with aloe. Maybe something to try at a later date.
Have a great day
I have a similar problem as this...the splits in the skin were not just in the anal area, but in the vaginal area as well. Couldn't use the bathroom for anything because those cuts STING. I went to the gyn and he tested for bacteria and yeast and gave a steriod cream. He said with taking immunosuppressant drugs, it can begin to thin the skin down there which then produces those splits in the skin. The steriod cream used over a few months time is supposed to thicken the skin. So, here I am a month later and the splits are gone (yay). I'm also pretty careful to keep everything as clean and dry as possible, and the occasional sitz bath helps too.
Just two things as I was looking at your post again...fungal (yeast) infections can be avoided by taking probiotics. Maybe ask your doc about that...I didn't notice any listed in your sig.

And practically speaking, to keep things really dry, consider using a hairdryer down there to really dry it out.
One other thing that sometimes helps is going "commando" If I'm at home, I'll wear a long nightshirt and nothing underneath. I don't know why it helps, but it does.
Perhaps look at wearing pure cotton undies (not sexy, but very good for airflow :thumright:) and don't under any circumstances wear tights (very bad for airflow :thumbdown:).

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