My bm's hurt so bad

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Mar 12, 2014
So I am currently undiagnosed but for about three months my BM's are the consistency of diarrhea...Last two days I havent pooped much at all and I normally do. When i try to it feels like im getting stabbed in the gut and sometimes a little comes out and its harder than usual but its so painful. I called my doctors and they told me to try a suppository and i have a bigger bm but now im just in constant pain and still feel like its very incomplete. I just have no clue how to deal with this... it hurts so bad!!!
ADVICE? know what it could be?
I took miralax and im starting to move my bowels better...but theres fresh blood and mucous(lovely details)...still in pain... I had a flex sig a bit ago and he said nothing about hemorrhoids or you or anyone else know how fast they can occur and heal ... i get occasional fresh blood but have no clue what its from and it goes away normally in a day or two
I feel like somewhere in my intestines its too narrow for big things to pass... is this possible? and should i worry about obstructions because of it?
I think that you should call your GI and explain all of this to them. If your symptoms get very bad, you may need to go to the ER. IBD can cause numerous problems and complications that need treatment quickly. I am not trying to scare you, but blood and large amounts of pain is not good. Take care of yourself, and please keep us updated on how you are doing.
Talk to your GI and honestly, consider going to the hospital. As someone who knows what extreme BM pain can be like let me tell you it's better to go and have the bill or trying to live through extreme pain when you try to do something you need to do everyday. I also have incredibly mucousy stools when my Crohn's so bad, so mucousy you can smell it throughout the bathroom after a bad BM, that awful vaguely sweet smell.

Please get yourself looked at. :(
Tried getting a hold of my GI its nearly impossible to get a hold of them they told me to contact my primary and i couldnt get through to him i got a nurse who told my try laxitives and although it has help i dont think its fixed it. My rectum hurts and when i push even the slightest on the toilet i get sharp pains :( i have been considering the er all day but i just dont see what they would do...
You may have anal problems like fissures, abscesses, proctitis, or ulcers. The ER would certainly be able to help diagnose what is going on, give you pain relief, and give you treatment to heal your body. If you feel bad enough that you are considering the ER that is usually a sign that you need to go.
Im gonna wait til tomorrow if its still going bad and i cant get through to my doctor ill go to the er.
I have a constipation type of IBD which occasionally flares into diarrhea. It really really confuses GI doctors. Your description fits very well with things that happen to me. I have shifted to only using magnesium citrate as a laxative (the bottles of clear liquid sold in the pharmacy, not the CALM powder sold in the health food store) during the "blockages" and I fast during diarrhea. Literally eat nothing for 3-7 days until the flora dies out and I can restart it carefully with the yogurt that works best for me.

However, you're in the middle of an emergency. And you need to be seen to:

1. Have the disease diagnosed

2. Rule out something serious like a rupture that could kill you or appendicitis

Keep trying your GI and GP, but head directly to the ER. Who cares if they find nothing and don't have anything to do for you? Worry if they find something and want to do surgery on you. Bring family members if you can, for support.
No obstructions.... sigh gotta love when your doctor tells you he really thinks your problem is functional and that its your nerves and your diet making you crap blood and mucous... and have diarrhea for like 3 months and lose 15 pounds and have body aches...oh and the chronic inflammation in your stomach and edema in your duodenal ... I guess its me... lol ugh... i hope that my pill cam comes back with results... cuz right now i just feel like im not being taken seriously and that im crazy.
Your GI told you that?! How frustrating! If you aren't feeling better you may want to go to the ER, I think you will get better treatment there.
Its frustrating. I think I am already due for a new one. He gave me pain relief...tramodol i really hope it doesnt hurt my gut. I have an ultrasound next Tuesday and hes scheduling a pill cam and after that Im getting a new doctor I cant handle the things he says to me...