My body hates me!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 6, 2011
It's most likley because I'm under an extream amount of stress. Right now I am going through a touchy divorce(not so much because of "feelings" we've been separated for 5 yrs, he's got a baby with another girl... more because he's asking for things he doesnt deserve) I wake up every morning with bad headaches and extreamly tired like I had no sleep at all the night before.

Anyway I noticed that with all the medicine I'm on(remicaid every 8 weeks, 50 mgs 6mp, and 4 pills of lialda) that my crohns still hasn't settled. It's better but when I get around the 6 weeks mark then I start passing blood. Yesterday it was so bad I was passing clots. I can tell when it's starting to get bad too by how deep colored the blood is(and it was VERY deep purple yest). I made the mistake by telling the nurses in my infusions center that I was passing blood again and they flipped out asking me how much there was, called my GI(like I had the plague or something) and tol me I needed to call him after my infusion...they almost didn;t give me my infusion O.O. The remicade is supposed to resolve the bleeding why wouldn;t they give me the infusion??

Ugh I feel like I'm in an ever revolving circle of I think I'm getting better to steadily getting worse. I'm starting to think maybe the best option is to remove my blasted colon. I don;t get why my body hates me so much I'm running out of options. I feel like I'm a decent person but yet I feel like the world is against me. One step foreward, 2 steps back and nothing ever goes right for me either. :p

Anyway thanks for reading my rant I just really needed to...I dunno get it off my chest
Rant away... we all do it from time to time. Yikes you are dealing with alot. I feel for ya... about 7 years ago I was finishing nursing school (yeah no pressure there) and going though a divorce all within the same few months. Result was a nice flair... lost of pred, just what you want when you go to take a state exam... roid rage. UGH! I got through it one day at a time. Deep breathing, and occasionally a pedicure for me! You have to do something nice for yourself every once in a while. Sorry about the bleeding, has you GI chaged or given you anything new to help. Hang in there it all has to have an ending sometime... Woops!
You are more than a DECENT person. You are fabulous!

I'm sorry that you're going through such a horrible time. Divorce is always ugly. Just hang in there, sweetie. :hug:

And if you're bleeding at 6 weeks, maybe you need to adjust your infusions a bit. Your doctor may want to have you do them every 6, rather than 8. It helps a lot of people to move the infusions closer together.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :)
I was pushed into a corner and I feel I was forced into agreeing with a lot of terms when it came to visitation. Debts were dropped and they decided to not change child support. Either way I feel rather defeated...I know it's a negotiation and we worked rather well with it but still I feel like y lawyer kept deanding me to agree to things I wasn;t comfortable agreeing with and then she'd say well if you want a continuance then you have to pay his attorney fees *sigh* I have a migrain
I am new to the site and just wanted to give some feedback/information about how I have been dealing with crohn's for the last 20+ years. I am a 41 yr old male and have tried every drug out there except for Humira. For most of the last 20 years I have felt pretty good on a day-to-day basis. This last week I had a major episode with my Crohn's (which is in my small bowel) which landed me in the hospital. I ended up with a complete obstruction in my small bowel and am now being told I will have to have a resection of about 6 inches of my small bowel area. This surgery scares me to death!!! I am reading about the long recovery time and the issues people are having with the recovery(pain, etc.) Are there any success stories about the quality of life post-surgery??? If I am going through with the pain, I would like to know that there may at least be some type of light at the tunnel that will make this surgery seem worth it. Thanks!
Hey Van, First try starting a new thread in the support or general discussion area with a surgical reference and you will most definitely get much more response.... I just happened upon your post as I was reading but your post will be kind of lost here. I personally have just had a permanent ileostomy placed just 6 months ago and it has been the BEST thing ever and if you nose around the stoma sub forum you will find a lot of us are sooooo much happier having hadthe surgery. I don't know if you are having a straight resection or a temporary ileostomy ( I was under the impression that all rejections require at least a temporary ileostomy so that the respected area can heal....but maybe I am wrong.) you will findthat everyone has varying outcomes from surgery from great to a number of complications but as a rule surgery has made an improvement for the majority of us. I will leave it at that as I don't know ow enough of what you're looking at in terms of surgery but please feel free to message me back with any specific questions and/or let me know some of your specific concerns and I will do my best to help.... I could also direct you to some of our members that have had the same surgery as you.....

Welcome to the forum..... It's been a godsend for me,

Just want to apologize for my spelling and playbook is autocorrecting inappropriately......grrrr :ybatty:.


Thanks for the feedback. I have a final meeting with the surgeon on Thursday of next week and will the final information about what the exact surgery will be. I had been told that it will be a reconnect without the use of a bag. I have been told that they may be able to do a laparascopic surgery in my case, but may not know for sure until the surgery begins. I will know for sure next week and will ask for questions at that time. The forum looks like a great site and something that can be very beneficial to all.

VanAck ~ I'm 35, this time last year I weighed 82 lbs.

I had a resection way back in 1996 when I was first diagnosed. About 5 yrs ago I started having more problems, my flares lasting longer and longer until I was in a constant flare. I had a stricture at my surgery site and for about 3 years my GI dilated it during my yearly colonoscopy. The last time I only had relief for 3 months.

Last summer I hit rock bottom. I was hospitalized four times in four months, for a week at a time. My GI started giving me anti-schizophrenia drugs and ordering pelvic ultrasounds, he thought I was imagining it or it was "female" problems. When I finally went to a different hosp. & GI, I was told I needed surgery right away but I was too malnourished for it. I spent 6 weeks on EN and then had my resection.

Sorry for my long winded reply. The point is....

I'm in remission now. I've been canoeing 3 days a week since the beginning of March. I'm going camping in 2 weeks. This time last year, I was lying around waiting to die. The surgery was the BEST THING EVER. It was a reconnect, no bag. Mine was open, too much previous scar tissue to do it lap. Even so, my recovery was quicker than I expected. I found the pain to be less intense than I remembered from my surgery 15 years ago. Medical breakthroughs, I guess.

Good luck with your consult. I know it is frightening, but I can't stress how much of a difference made in my life. I feel like I can manage my Crohn's now, instead of it controlling me.

Went through something similar years ago with my ex.

It will get better, but not as soon as you want it to.

Thinking about you, good luck with everything!

Thank-you very much for sharing your story with me and the feedback. I will keep you posted on the consultation and what direction I will be heading for sure with the surgery. I look forward to continued talks with you. Your story is for sure a success!!! Congratulations to you and I wish you continued success with your Crohn's. I hope mine turns out just as successful.


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