My cousin is pissing me off

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Jan 9, 2010
I've got enough **** on my plate and I'm sure she does too. I'm 29 and she's 14. I helped watch and raise her when she was a baby but she doesn't remember any of that nor does she care cause she's an ungrateful brat.

She has an eating disorder and posts on her facebook page about it. I didn't know why at first so I asked about it and let her know that I'm here for her whenever she wants to talk. She takes what I say the wrong way and says that if I've never had an eating disorder then I don't know what she's going through and that I can just go screw a tree for all she cares. She didn't actually say that but that's about the gist of it.

Well well well miss prissy pants. Easy for you to say on the internet. If you knew ME at all you'd know that I also suffer from a disease and have been forced to not eat or throw up against my will not to mention the loads of body issues forced on me by not just Prednisone but being a kid and teenager with a disease that no one else had that I could talk to and relate with. I tried to kill myself around her age and this brat thinks she knows all the horrors of the world.

I'd like to give her a big **** you but I can't cause I'm still family and will still be there for her dumb ass until she decides that she's ready to talk.

We all have problems but my god, how thick can you be? She knows I have a disease but doesn't know a thing about it nor does she try to look it up. I've had friends with eating disorders and still struggle with my own body image to this day. Guess I don't have it as bad as her. Little bitch.

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. I have enough stress as it is right now.

They know everything and feel the only people on the planet who could possibly understand them are rock stars, celebrities and their friends. Parents or pseudo parent figures have no knowledge of which they find useful.

How do I know this you ask?? You see, I currently have two of these creatures!!
I agree with Kllyeve. The fact that she's 14 makes me not even take her seriously, as you shouldn't either.. I've got cousins as well that are in their early teens and they practically think they're rocket scientists. Although, I tell them where to go regardless of whether or not they're family. I think that makes it easier lol.

Point being, I wouldn't take offense or even think twice about what she's saying. Like all, she still has a lot of growing up to do and will one day look back and think about how stupid everything sounded coming out of her mouth.
Ah teenage girls!!! Aren't they the best? It feels like yesterday that I was one! Ya, the consensus is don't take it personally and I agree. Teenage girls can be some of the cruelest people to walk the earth and one day she will look back and be quite embarrassed about her behavior. Best not to engage her until she reaches 25. That is when the prefrontal cortex is finished growing.
lol, come talk to me when your brain finishes growing. I like that. :D
Hey Crabby,

Oh boy, did you strike her at the "lovely" age. As soon as I read 14 i thought this is really gonna suck for you. :( Ask any high school teacher and they will tell you the worst bunch of kids you will ever get is the 14/15 year old girls! They are bitchy, rude, so far up themselves that they are just about turning inside out and just plain hateful.

I know she is family and what all that entails. If she really needs your help she knows where you are, so I would avoid her for the next couple years or until she takes on human form again.

Good luck!!!

Dusty. xxx
I agree with what the others have said and also - I always think people who are being fairly public about these things, as you said it was on facebook, are maybe a bit more of a cry for help situation or slightly attention seeking. Thats just speculative though.
I'm so glad I'm not a teenage girl anymore! :) (kind of... I wouldn't mind being 19 again).
My fiance also thinks its a cry for attention but my cousin says stuff like, "people with cancer can give updates, that's all I'm doing for my disease." Well shoot. All her posts get me down stuff like "I threw up X many times today" or posts in response to someone being rude and her saying, "you don't know me or what I go through, don't tell me I'm stronger than this, I'm stronger than you'll ever know," and then shows pro Ana videos which end in the girl killing herself. Dude, every disease deals with depression so quit acting like you're the only one.

I'd love to just remove her from my friends list and let her know how much of a downer she is but that solves nothing and will only make her feel like crap. I'm just not a dick. I don't recall being such a little bitch at her age.
Just think, over the next 14 years, you get to watch life change her perspective into that of a 28 year old. ;) No one can tell you like life can tell you.
I'd love to just remove her from my friends list and let her know how much of a downer she is but that solves nothing and will only make her feel like crap. I'm just not a dick. I don't recall being such a little bitch at her age.

Crabby, on the right side of the page there is an option to hide your cousin's status updates. She will still be on your list, but you won't have to see it. I have people on my list like that. When I as your cousin's age I was full of teenage angst. I also thought I knew EVERYTHING!! I grew out of it and I'm sure your cousin will too :)

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