My name is Brian, I am a 51 year old father of 7 . I was finally diagnosed with Crohns disease in 1986. Prior to that I had all they symptoms but, everytime, even as a child, I complained , the doctors and my parents would just tell me it's all in my head. I was " nervous" . Well to make a long story short. I went through childhood, adolescence and part of adulthood without any relief. The inflamation had gotten so bad that I had developed paratenitis. And a Gall Stone saved my life. Literally. lol. One doctor decided to do an ultrasound on my gall bladder. He found a large stone and scheduled surgery for the next day. What was to be a two hour surgery turned into an eight hour one. While taking my gall stone and bladder out the surgeons found I had paratenitis, holes , fissures and fistula through out my large and small bowel. I was down to 120 pounds. I couldn't eat, sleep or function. The surgeons called me a miracle. They had no idea how I was alive. Even my apendix had holes in it. They took about 9 feet of large and small bowel that time. There were others. I have had over 30 years living with this disease. And I just want anyone here to know that I am more than happy to help them even if it's just to talk. I know this is a very nasty difficult disease. We all need compassion dealing with it.