My daughter is going to GI for possible Crohns...

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May 16, 2014
This time last year, to the day, I was officially diagnosed with Crohns. It has been a very difficult journey that I am unsure if I will ever "get use to." My daughter that just began college in August went to the doctor yesterday. After a gallbladder surgery 18 months ago for a non-functioning gallbladder (8%), she continued to have issues off and on. The last few months, it has increasingly gotten worse, with no relief from carrafate, immodium, and other stomach meds. With her symptoms, my history of crohns and other issues, her grandmother's history of diverticulitis & IBS, they ran some labs and are very concerned. They are sending her to the same GI I see so they will have a clear understanding of her family history.

She came home Wednesday on Fall break and looked so pitiful. She is bloated, but has D every single time she eats. I am so heartbroken for her and at the same time so guilt ridden! She has always been so active in sports and cheering and her academics. She is studying med. and has such a huge heart.

I hate this disease and wouldn't wish it on ANYONE EVER, not even for a day. To think she may have it as well is just too much.

I am not really asking for advice, just venting...I would love to have a day off from this burden!
I'm sorry you are both suffering so much. It's really terrible how much this disease and stomach issues in general tend to run in families. I know it's definitely got mine too :(
I'm sorry to hear what the two of you are going through. It sounds so frustrating. As terrible as it is for both of you, at least she has your support and understanding.

:hug: I hope things get better for both of you soon.
Big hugs...
Seeing your child suffering is hard,
But given your history at least she is getting in quickly and you already know the disease .
I can say dx was the hard part but once your kiddo gets the right med combo .
Kids tend to bounce back quickly.
DS is active in sports again almost at the same level as prior dx .
Granted he is only 10 .
Hope they figure things out quickly one way or another .
I took K to the GI today for her appointment. He was very attentive to her needs and ordered more labs. We will find out these results in just a few days. He did begin her on some meds for the Gerd, and to settle her diarrhea. Love her heart, she had to use the restroom so many times today. So praying for lots of relief for her. Will update as we find out more.
I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm a senior in college right now, I was diagnosed last year. I took a semester off school and am still struggling to stay afloat. I would recommend looking into whatever disability services her school may have to offer. I go to a small school where attendance and participation is counted, and sometimes I have to leave class multiple times to go to the bathroom. My school's disability program has made it so professors can't take points off if I am absent or leave frequently. It's really hard to cope with it in college, as having diarrhea that much is pretty embarrassing, but good friends, family, and faculty have kept me motivated. I'm even applying to grad school :)

Hope she hangs in there, I'm wishing the best <3

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