My daughter.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 22, 2011
My name is Jenny and my daughter was just diagnosed with Crohns. She is 13. I am relieved that we finally have a diagnosis of what's going on with her. She has been having reactive arthritis is her knee which caused major swelling and pain every 6 months for the last year. This last visit they decided to send her to a GI dr. since she has also been having some small issues with her stomach. Having this diagnosis explains alot. She is very small for her age, she hadn't really started developing yet, and she's had fevers off and on for the last couple years with no explanation. I found this group to hopefully get an idea of what I need to know on this diagnosis and what others have found that works for them and their treatment.
I am 19 and have been on azathioprine for 6 years and it's been great.
I'm having a moderate flare up at the moment but my dose of azathoprine has been put up :)
It's an immunosuppresent which sounds scary but I have found it quite good with very few symptoms. you get generally "ill" more like colds and stuff, but it's nothing compared to Crohn's.
My mum is on it too and finds it great as well :) (she has Ulcerative colitis, I have Crohn's).

you should ask the doctor about it :)

hope your daughter feels better soon!
Hi Jenny
and welcome

Check out our Parents forum, lots of people here with children with IBD, thankfully your little un has a dx, now you can proceed with the appropriate meds.
Glad you found us, lots of friends and support here for you
any questions, fire away, always someone here
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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