My dd doesn't have a colon and she just turned 5 have you tried food modification to slow her stools down. Peanut butter on white bread, mashed potatoes, applesauce, bananas, rice, mashmallows of any kind and in anything. Rice Krispies treats are awesome. We avoid greasey foods, whole grains and raw fruits and veggies tend to make things move rather quickly. Iron supplements can also help slow her down, ask her doctor if she needs it. We use all proteins but add the slower downers with it so thing are a bit more controlled. We use psyillium powder to slow her down but this is something to discuss with the doctor bc it can stop her up too if not done right. When used as slower downer we use very little like 1/4 tsp in 1 oz of water during meals. Ignoring the directions to drink lots of water. We also avoid fluids when eating to slow things. But as I said my child's anatomy is completely different than most.
Best of luck to you both. Hang in there.