My day

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Apr 28, 2017
Here's basically the summary of today, which is like most of my days:
Went to bed at 9:30 woke up before 1. Laid in bed the entire time not getting back to sleep. Stomach making some noises of course. Well realistically, I got up numerous times to drink water, go pee, eat some cheese, and lifted some weights about 3:00am. Had hunger pangs. Prayed for it to go away or to take me away (nightly occurrence). Decided to arise at about 4:30. Feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Ate some organic grass fed cheese, not feeling comfortable. Took probiotic. Instant gurgling. Cooked organic grass fed scrambled eggs (do every morning). Took all of the other supplements. Start to feel pressure in rectum like I might have to go poop. Fart a few times, but the feeling of course does not go away. Browse on the Internet hoping to stumble on a solution. Decide to leave for work at 5:45.
Get to work, feeling to poop still there. Finally about 9am or so since I'm not getting the "natural" feeling to go, I just go. Some hard pellets, but not bad, no straining necessary, comes out easily. A bit uncomfortable afterward, like it's not all gone. Immediately after returning to my desk, I get intestinal gurgling, that is so annoying.
Ate at 11, was hungry, but food is just something that has to be done, not at all enjoyable. Ate cold chicken (organic) that was slow cook from earlier.
12:30, another bowel movement, pretty normal really. Feeling pretty uncomfortable in the lower abdominal region. More gurgling throughout the afternoon. Also, just a bit uncomfortable in the rectum, but not really bad. Surprising, not much upper colon pain, which is quite odd.
1:30 Some more gurgling, but not really really too badly at the moment (about as good as it ever gets).

Could I have crohns? I have not had a colonoscopy or pill swallow, but have done all of the others and they are all negative.
Everyone is different. You could have Crohns Disease. You might ask for a colonoscopy. Let us know how you are.
I'd start with colonoscopy and then move on to a capsule camera endoscopy if the regular colonoscopy didn't see anything suspicious in the large bowel or ileum. A regular colonoscopy would give a much better view of the large bowel and the capsule camera gives a view of the mostly the small bowel.

A regular colonoscopy has the advantage of viewing the gut in real time. The doc can pause and look around or adjust and focus on one area or whatever else is needed based on what the doc is seeing right then. By contrast the capsule endoscopy tumbles through the gut in an unguided fashion and records images that are played back later, after the fact. If it didn't happen to get a good view of something, well, too bad.
Get it checked as fast as you can I used to get the same rectal pressure like you and didnt do anything about it just thought to myself why does it feel like my ******* is going to fall out then 6 months later started having accidents and now full blown really bad crohns oh and how i have suffered at times is indescribable get it checked as soon as you can
The other benefit of having a colonoscopy first is that biopsies can be taken at the same time. These may be able to rule some things out or confirm others

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