This is all pretty new to me, I was a pretty healthy person, I'm only 25, yes I am over weight, but then back in October I was doubled over in pain in my lower right abdominal region. Went to the hospital where they did a CT scan and said most likely it was Crohn's disease. At this time I had no idea what this disease was.. I just freaked out and cried and decided I was dying. They sent me to numerous gastroenterologists where they did test after test and blood work and then finally after a small capsule endoscopy they said it was Crohn's disease. I was then put on Entocort, which helped for about a month.. and then the pain got worse. They then added me on Aziothoriprone (spelling?) and that didn't help. I was then taken off of Entocort and they added me on Prednisone. Prednisone made me actually want to eat again! It was awesome.. but then the pain came back about a week later.
About the middle of February I was pretty miserable.. could barely walk, or move or barely get out of bed the pain was so intense. My gastrologist was afraid that I had an absess and I was sent for an MRI.. indeed she was right and I was admitted to the hospital for 10 days.. they put a tube a in my absess to drain it out which worked pretty well. But I also developed fistulas and was given the choice or remicaide or surgery. I chose to have surgery because since my body didn't react to all the other medicines my doctors said I should have reacted to I might as well take the bullet. I'm pretty freaked out for this surgery, I have no idea how much of either my intestines will be removed. But why should I go through medicine if it doesn't work and that means surgery anyways? Ugh..way too much on my mind.