I posted here before.
I saw the GI clinic at the hospital. He basically dismissed all my test results, and said they were "nonspecific." He said the pain was probably not GI related. He did not even say why I had colitis. He does not want to order any tests. He just said I was constipated and to take Miralax and Senokot-S. I don't think he even looked at the ER or Inpatient Reports or anything.
They won't let me see another GI doctor there. I can go to another GI clinic. But, it's about 45 minutes away. I don't know if there are any closer ones.
My GP didn't really know why I had colitis. She said maybe I had a virus or an undetected infection. But, I still have symptoms.
I have endometriosis and fibroids. My gyn doctor said that could be causing my bowel problems. Or, even making it worse. He recommended a hysterectomy.
I saw the GI clinic at the hospital. He basically dismissed all my test results, and said they were "nonspecific." He said the pain was probably not GI related. He did not even say why I had colitis. He does not want to order any tests. He just said I was constipated and to take Miralax and Senokot-S. I don't think he even looked at the ER or Inpatient Reports or anything.
They won't let me see another GI doctor there. I can go to another GI clinic. But, it's about 45 minutes away. I don't know if there are any closer ones.
My GP didn't really know why I had colitis. She said maybe I had a virus or an undetected infection. But, I still have symptoms.
I have endometriosis and fibroids. My gyn doctor said that could be causing my bowel problems. Or, even making it worse. He recommended a hysterectomy.