My GI appoinment

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Feb 6, 2012
I posted here before.

I saw the GI clinic at the hospital. He basically dismissed all my test results, and said they were "nonspecific." He said the pain was probably not GI related. He did not even say why I had colitis. He does not want to order any tests. He just said I was constipated and to take Miralax and Senokot-S. I don't think he even looked at the ER or Inpatient Reports or anything.

They won't let me see another GI doctor there. I can go to another GI clinic. But, it's about 45 minutes away. I don't know if there are any closer ones.

My GP didn't really know why I had colitis. She said maybe I had a virus or an undetected infection. But, I still have symptoms.

I have endometriosis and fibroids. My gyn doctor said that could be causing my bowel problems. Or, even making it worse. He recommended a hysterectomy.
Hello Caeryn
It is quite troubling to hear of such a peremptory dismissal by the GI without even suggesting a colonoscopy.
It might be best to look for another GI.
Thickening of the colon can be indicative of ongoing inflammation, and it needs investigation.
Sometimes gyne problems complicate the issue, but your gyn could be right
There must be some help for you with regard to your lack of insurance.
Hope everything will get adddressed to ease your situation.
Feel better soon.
Hugs and best wishes
Thank you for answering.

He did not want to order a colonoscopy. He said the thickening was "nonspecific" and didn't cause pain. The ER and Admitting Doctors said the thickening was something to look into. And, that it causes pain. I don't know why this GI dismissed everything.
Hi Caeryn,

I just reviewed your threads and remember them quite well. My thoughts:

1. Go to the other clinic.
2. Try some dietary changes and see if that helps. Have you thought about going on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet or Paleolithic Diet? Since you have funding and insurance issues, this might empower you to take control of your situation and potentially improve your symptoms.

All my best to you!
I would go to the other clinic or if your symptoms suddenly get worse go straight to urgent care or the ER. Sometimes you have to push for the care you deserve. Doctors are not always right and sometimes need to check their egos at the door.
It is a common occurance for our many sypmtoms to be repeatedly dismissed as - girl problem side effects, all in your head, caused by too much stress in your life, caused by something you are eating, needing more physical activity, etc. Don't give up. Keep telling people you are sick and eventually someone will hear you.
Thank you for answering.

I have food allergies. I still have certain symptoms even when I don't eat those foods.

The 1st GI said I probably don't even have IBD. He also said if you test different people, they could also have "off" test results. He also said the elevated Lactoferrin didn't mean anything. I said I was sick with symptoms, that's why my results were off. It's not like I had 1 or 2 random off results.

One problem with the 2nd GI clinic is that it's about 45 minutes away. Also, not everything is covered by financial assistance. But, I suppose they can't be much worse than the 1st GI clinic.

I could ask my primary care doctor to order a colonoscopy. She is at the hospital where the 1st GI clinic is. Patients don't have to go through the GI clinic to have one. If the results show something, I could follow up with a GI.

I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy on 3/5/12. Maybe that will help some of my GI issues. Like, if endometriosis is on my bowel.
I could ask my primary care doctor to order a colonoscopy. She is at the hospital where the 1st GI clinic is. Patients don't have to go through the GI clinic to have one. If the results show something, I could follow up with a GI.
That sounds like a pretty darn good plan.
I had a hysterectomy due to a benign ovary cyst and that was when they found alot of other problems. I had a very bad case of endometriosis - undiagnosed - and it was all through me and had caused my small bowel to adhere to the back of my uterus. I was having repetitive partial small bowel obstructions without knowing what they were. So some of my issues now are because I have damage to the small bowel - scarring form the endometriosis.

So what is going on with the bowels can be intertwined with the girl parts. Also the nerves that control uterine contractions are connected at a point in the spine that allows those contraction signals to also influence bowel contractions so if you are having extra bleeding and cramping issues from the fibroids then it is possible that bowel function is being influenced as well.