MY LIFE is crazy right now

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 23, 2009
Hi Im 26, I was diagnosed with Crohns disease while doing my Masters degree, 3 years ago and it wiped me out of school I went back and despite the pain, chronic illness etc. I survived one of the toughest programs, I wrote and passed my written national exam, got additional certification in acupuncture, but I just found out I failed my national practical exam, and well might be losing my dream job and retake the exam. Its unfortunate I barely failed it and Ive been in severe pain for months. I am appealing the exam and shouldnt have any problems getting it approved but its made a mess at work and I will stil have to rewrite it to be fully liscened in my field -something I prepared 4 months for.

In late August i had severe pain nothing like I have had before, everyone just said I was stress from school, but I knew better. I finally convinced my own specialist to order a HIDA scan -which showed my gallbladder is functioning at 2% and I have chronic colecystitis. I meeting with the surgeon in a week - cant wait to get this sucker out. MY QUESTION IS -could the gall bladder of been the problem the entire time -Ive been suffering for 8 years, I was only diagnosed with crohns once it was done during a biopsy of the small intenstine -but since then theyre is no active disease, or inflammation on my last CT-barium scan. And I saw a few specialists some of which said I had IBS and not chrons.

Failing, my exam, potentially losing my job (find out today hopefully) and someone I was able to meet a great girl this week - its so hard to start a new relationship let alone go on a date when ur in this much pain - but ive managed to go out a few times -trying to keep it together when its so easy to fall apart.

Thanks for ur help in advance - just wondering if someone was diagnosed with crohns but it was the gallbladder the whole time?
Hey Mark. School is tough enough without be in pain to boot. Hopefully you can get your life back in order.

I had my gallbladder out before my second resection. Piece of cake it was laproscopically done. I only had one bad attack but I too thought it was crohns. I was full of stones and I also get kidney stones...yay. :(

It could of been the gallbladder but it really depends on where your pain was? When it is in attack mode sometimes it is hard to differentiate what it was. Did you vomit? Were you on any meds? When do you see your doctor? Sorry for the questions it helps me to help you, if I can.

Welcome to the forum markbills85!

I am sorry about your exam results. It certainly sounds like a very stressful time for you, which can do nothing good for your health.

I do not know too much about issues with gallbladders, but I would imagine it is possible that your symptoms are now due to your gallbladder as opposed to active disease. Typically you are diagnosed with IBD based on seeing active disease in the intestines. Therefore, if your intestines do not show any signs of being inflammed or having IBD, Your pain might fully go away once you have scheduled surgery.

Obviously no one knows for sure, but I wish you luck with your job (did you find out if you can keep it?) and having a successful surgery soon.
Hi Mark, I am really sorry to hear about the exam results, I hope you have had some good news today? I cannot help with the gallbladder issue as this is not somethng I have any experience with but hopefully once it is out things will start to get better for you. Let us know how you get on.

NB :welcome: to the forum
Thanks guys, only medications i am on is librax for bowels, elavil 10mg at night for chronic pain and tecta for acid - Heres my take, your gallbladder stores bile from your liver, my gallbladder isnt working so the bile isnt being released to the small intestine causing a toxic response - food and fat is entering my small intestine without being broken down causing a mess in my small bowel/constipation/inflamamtion thus mimicking crohns - I think it might be the gallbladder all these years - but who knows til I find out. I still got my job going to work isnt easy but gets my mind off the pain - trying to turn the corner and keep my head above water. The only drug to ever help me at all is Prednisone Ive gone on a short course of it atleast 10 times in the last 7 years. But guess what prednisone can tame the gallbladder just like it can the intestines!!! I dunno im hoping its not crohns after all these years but we will find out soon!! Thanks for your responses