My mother in law is starting in again she dont believe me that i am reallly sick

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May 31, 2011
my mother in law is starting in again she dont believe me that i am reallly sick

my mother in law is starting in again she dont believe me that i am reallly sick she thinks i am making and facking everything and its not true how can you make or **** something i dont make things up or fake it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :ymad: i am sooooo stressed out because of her

my mother in law is starting in again i am so fedded up and so mad right now i posted on my profile that i may have crohn's diease and someone from her side of the family seen it and told her and guess what she called my husband today and was starting in saying i am faking and makeing up everything thats wrong with me which not true and telling my husband that i am addicted to pain meds which thats not true i have to take them for my chronic pain she also told him i need to go to rehab however you spell it and get off the pain meds the reason why i know what she was saying is my husband went to awerner his phone when he did he pushed the speak phone button which put her on speaker phone and i could hear everything she was saying she told him he needs to grow some balls and stand up to me and make me go to rehab that made me soooo mad that she would say that to him she also told him alll i do is stay home everyday and does nothing and he told her NO she gets up and cleans and cooks and walks our dog she said really and he told her yes she does she made it seem like all i do is lay around all day and do nothing when i am also doing my best to get a job and help out with my bills that i racked up from the er's and doctor offices she told him not to ask her for money anymore because she is not helping us anymore by the time he got off the phone i was crying because i am so mad at her for talking to him the way she did

i know what she is trying to do she is trying to get us to fighting but its not happening this time i was yelling when he got off the phone but i am not mad at him i was not yelling at him i was yelling and saying she needs to stay out of it he agrees i told him i am not yelling at him i am just venting i am more mad that she calls him and starts in on him when he dont need it and i sure dont need it i am thinking about texing her and telling her if she has something to say to me to call me but she wont because i stand up to her i am sooo stressed right now as it is because i may have crohn's and the stress makes me feel worse thats what triggers flare ups of crohn's his mom also thinks all i do is look things up and say i have them and its not true she was also telling him that my own mom and my dad dont believe me and they dont believe there is anything wrong with me which i know my mom belives me and knows i am telling the truth about everything thats wrong with
she has started to text me over and over again grrrrr the stresssssssssss from her

she has started to text me over and over again she has been texting my husband at work and she also called my mom this morning she told me that i want to have crohns and its not true she is calling me a addice and drugg seeker she told me t...o stop taking pain meds and i texted her back and said your not a doc or my doctor and i am not going off them and i told her to leave it alone and stay out of it she told me not to ask her for money which i have never asked her for money my husband asked her if she treats the people she takes care of in the hospital she works at like this boy he made her mad when he asked that she is a nurse and he also told her to leave it alone and stay out of it she is mad at him to for telling her to leave it alone and stay out of it we both stood up to her and she did not like it grrrrr :mad2: the stresssssssssss :mad2: from her is making me feel worse the stomach pain and the diarrhea,throwing up
Tell your MIL that unless she is going to treat you with the same dignity and respect she wants to be treated with, to STOP harassing you until she does so. If she still calls, texts, etc. just ignore her altogether until she comes to her senses. If she doesn't, well it's HER loss, not yours.

My sister was the same way--faking my illness, calling me names, etc. I finally stood up to her and said that I still loved her but unless she starts to treat me with the dignity and respect I deserve, to STOP harassing me. She got pissed off because she claimed it was all my fault and just stopped talking to me. Oh more stress for me. Now I am better off and getting on with MY life....peaceful and quiet. :)

hang in there. ~GW
In-laws, what a nightmare sometimes! My MIL used to be that way too but she got a job in a hospital and asked a GI doctor what Crohn's "actually does to you"-intimating I was lying about my symptoms. Even my SIL who's an RN was the same way. Then my husband's uncle got Crohn's and they both asked him a bunch of the same type of questions-and got told off lol. Imagine-he's laying in the hospital with on ostomy and they're grilling him on "real" symptoms-it's nuts!:ywow:

I totally do not get people that act like you have to "prove" how sick you are-WTH? Why does it matter to them? Why can't they just be supportive and caring? And if for the sake of argument any of us WAS faking-how does their behavior HELP?

I cut toxic people out of my life-sometimes you have to teach people how to treat you by treating yourself with kindness first-let them know you won't tolerate any less. My husband and I have been married 17 years and most times he visited her alone-she eventually got the hint and knocked it off-by year 11 or so.

It's sooo not worth getting sick over-please take care and give yourself some TLC...hope you're feeling better soon!
Agreed, ignore her. There's no point in going back and forth because she has made up her mind for the moment. She may change in the future but for now let it go. Don't answer her calls or listen to her voice mails or read her texts cause they are a waste of your time and add on unneeded stress. We don't have time for people like that.
I am sorry that I missed this. I agree with the comments made. I have a very poor relationship with my mother-in-law. The strange thing is it started out okay, and got progressively worse after each baby. This past visit from her was the worst by far.

Life is too short and your health and well-being are too important to be affected negatively by that woman. I'm learning this too by the way. I will be civil, but from here on out, I refuse to put up with the nastiness. I plan on being honest by saying, "That comment hurt my feelings; or it upset me; etc." I'm not going to play a one-upsmanship game with her, or say rude things back. I plan on telling it like it is and if that is a problem with her, she can find another place to stay. I am tired of nasty, petty, passive aggression.

You have no reason to feel bad or guilty. You are dealing with an illness, and she needs to respect that. I know this may be hard, but try not to show too much emotion when nicely telling her off. Some of those vicious, old bags, love to cause problems, and to get a rise out of others. Good luck to you. :)
thank you ev 1 i agree i dont talk to her on the phone or online

thank you ev 1 i agree i dont talk to her on the phone or online she was on my facebook friends list but i took her off it a long time ago because she would try to tell me what i can and can not post she would tell me what pics i can and can not post my sister in law is the same way as her mom she treats me the same way to i have told my mother in law before not to call me or text me inless she can be nice to me

i dont think she and my sister in law will ever change more my mother in law because my husband told me before we got married his mom has always been like this she ran off all his girl friends before i met him and thats what she is trying to do but guess what its not happening ever she can try and try to but its not going to work with me she has told me or i have heard her say if it was up to her she would pick someone for her kids she even broke her daughter and her husband up and her daugher is living with her she has wanted me and my husband to move in with her to but thats sure not happeing

we know what she is up to she would try to break us up she has told me before to go home and live with my mom and my dad she dont like me being married to her son when she was calling me she called me a long time ago and was screaming and yelling at me to knock it off and telling me her son will get sick of me being sick and in pain all the time and tell me to pack my bags and go home and live with my mom and my dad by the time i got off the phone with her at the time i was crying so much and so hard i could not breath when i told my husband boy he was so pissed off at his mom and he called her and told her to leave me alone and stay out of it and told her that he better not ever ever hear her ever talking to me the way she did on the phone and he told her no one is ever going to talk down to me and he told her he better not ever hear her talking down to me again because she was doing that to i almost hang up on her when she was screaming and yelling but it would have made things worse my husband told me if she ever does it again ever to hang up on her because i dont need that and thats true he stands up to her and i do to thats what i did yeturday i stood up to her and so did my husband
You just can't fix crazy Sweetie-sorry you got short changed in the in-law department. We should start our own club!
I agree with Jeannette. I would join that club myself. I am learning not to let the mean, nasty things that my mother-in-law says get me down.
Do like me, keep your MIL on the other side of the planet. Thats the beuty of international

apart from that, i would just ignore them until they leave you alone. Life is simply to short to deal with ignorant people. Fammily or not.
Stress is sooooooo hard on anyone's body!!! I am so glad I dont have a MIL lol. My husband said to bad because she was a lovely lady. She was a baker, and I would be 500 lbs by now.

MIL should NOT meddle. YOU have ask your spouse, it is gonna be me or her. Support is what you need not stress. :hang:

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