My progress with LDN

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Jun 24, 2012
Hi all,
After my last post concerning my success with LDN I experienced a relapse. Not a bad one but a relapse non-the - less.

I attribute it to overconfidence re: the new drug. I started eating differently, not paying attention to my proven diet. There were also changes in my daily routines which were somewhat stressful.

So what I took from this setback was that LDN, although effective in the treatment of crohns, is not a magic bullet. One has to develop a healthy diet and stick to it, and reduce stress wherever possible.

Overall I feel better taking LDN + pentasa. I believe, as D. Bergy stated, that there will be ups and downs but I believe the LDN helps to produce the "ups".

Best Regards,

Brahm Friedlander
Good call. I've been sticking to LDN and Pentasa as well, but I know that my diet has slipped a bit, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop (while kind of hoping it doesn't drop at all). I'm not misbehaving toooo much, but I do wonder every time my tummy grumbles or if I have a twinge of pain if maybe I shouldn't have had X to eat or Y to drink...

How long would you say your relapse was? Are we talking a couple days? A couple weeks? Longer? Here's hoping you continue to stay on the up and up.
Hay Jessie,
I'm still not well. My days are mostly painless but the nights are no fun. I'm hoping things will turn around soon.

Best regards,

Yeah, LDN is not a magic bullet, or a miracle cure. Just a safe and effective medicine. You can't roll back the hands of time with it, so taking some common sense precautions in conjunction with it is just, welll... common sense. A sensible diet, plenty of rest, avoiding triggers, stressors, etc., taking supplements, vitamins, probiotics, even pre-biotics, adds up to a multi-prong attack/defense against inflammatory bowel disease.

I realize the temptation... start taking those little pills, things get better, stay that way, soooo lets go hog wild with the diet... or burn the candle at both ends a little. What could go wrong? This disease is a resilient, sneaky so and so. You have to keep your guard up. If you don't, it can surprise you.
I had exact same experience.
I felt like the terminator for 2 months straight then come Christmas
I got c diff and it all went down hill.
But I've spoken to kev and he doesn't diet. I think we need to remember that it takes
1-2 years for our mucosal layer to properly heal.
Sorry kev read your post.
Kev do you diet?
Remember you once saying you eat pizza and cheese etc