My solution that worked

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my solution that worked

after years of treating my condition with or without a doc's help i self dianosed my problem when a new symptom came up.a real bad episode produced red eyes and a very bad rash along with the others.went online again and i had EVERY symptom known in was BAD!after trying several recommended treatments(months) i tryed aloe vera liquid,i take 6 oz. each morning w/ my decaf tea and have not had a single episode in nearly 4 months.i still regulate my diet btu have found i can eat alot more of what i previously didn't.i can even have a couple of light beers after wortk with no side can get a gallon of aloe at costco etc. for about 9's working for me!
budman said:
after years of treating my condition with or without a doc's help i self dianosed my problem when a new symptom came up.a real bad episode produced red eyes and a very bad rash along with the others.went online again and i had EVERY symptom known in was BAD!after trying several recommended treatments(months) i tryed aloe vera liquid,i take 6 oz. each morning w/ my decaf tea and have not had a single episode in nearly 4 months.i still regulate my diet btu have found i can eat alot more of what i previously didn't.i can even have a couple of light beers after wortk with no side can get a gallon of aloe at costco etc. for about 9's working for me!

4 months is good, but there is no "cure" for crohns, just a remission of symptoms.
sorry, but you can't self-diagnose Crohn's Disease.

what symptoms did you have? and for how long? and what treatment did the doctor give you?
I think this one may have tried the Spam diet? I hope not but it's looking that way.

I can't remember the specifics, but Kimberlie has used aloe vera juice. HOWEVER, she has IBS though, not Crohn's or UC.
She said that her research found aloe juice unfavorable for Crohn's or colitis patients due to causing bleeding (I believe).
I'd hate for someone to try it just because they are desperate for something new.
Maybe she'll be able to jump on here when she gets settled after her move.
As with anything, if you are going to try something new, you may want to research it or get permission from your doctor.
I went 7 years without a flare up and ate whatever and drank whatever I wanted in that time. Now I am sick again. Congrats on getting some remission though.
I am happy for Budman if it works and if he is not having any symptoms. I have heard the same from a few but with other conditions than Crohns. I feel that if I try the juice I still will not be able to come off of medications because I have experienced the consequences of not being on medicine for the crohns. I dont think the juice can stop the narrowing or other major problems that can occur with Crohns. Maybe I am wrong! Possibly I might try it with a combination with the medicine to see if I start to have less symptoms....But again if it works for some I am happy for them :)