My story - diagnosed with Crohn's in 2013

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Oct 3, 2015
Hello everybody
I just came across this page today, and fell like sharing my story, so here it goes.

I am a 26 years old law school student from Denmark, and i was diagnosed with crohn's disease in 2013. In 2013 i didn't know anything about this disease, and i didn't fell like going to the doctor eventhough there where blood in the stools, and i went to the toilet at least 10-15 times a day. But after a while i got fever, and discovered a red and sore spot on my left buttcheek, and i was forced see a doctor.

The next 13 days i spent on a hospital and i lost about 20 pounds. I went through a surgery to drain and remove the abscess on my buttcheek. Afterwards i had a colonscopy and i was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in my small-and large intestine, needless to say i was quite chocked by this announcement.

Afterwards my colon somehow quietened down without any medication, and the next year i was absolutly fit and healthy, my doctor called this a miracle.
Unfortunately trees do not grow to the sky, and i have now been suffering with abominal pain, blood in the stools, and going to the lavatory 10-15 times a day for 9 months and counting. :frown:

I have tried prednisone cures, and it worked fine, it calmed down my colon for a while, but the sideeffects where absolutly horrible, i got the "moon" face and i couldn't sleep at night, and my psyche where affected pretty badly. I have been taking azathioprine (150 mg) for several months now, but i don't really feel any effect at all.

Recently i have tried remicade, but unfortunately this didn't have any effect at all. My doctor thought my body where creating antibodies, and thats why the remicade didn't have any effect on me.

So now im going to try humira, i sincerely hope it will work!! I am so tired of being sick, and trying to keep up with my studies.

If you have any experience with humira please feel free to share it.
Glad you found us! This is a phenomenal board with tons of info and support. Feel free to ask any questions you need to, and remember this board is never TMI when it comes to poop questions
Ds has been on humira for 2.5 years now.
It works well but takes time to work. 3-5 months minimum.
Een ( exclusive enteral nutrition -formula only no food ) can be used instead of pred to reduce inflammation while waiting for maintence meds to kick in.
It is the first line of therapy for kids .
Polymeric formula can be used ( boost ensure etc..)
Ds drinks peptamen jr with prebio on his plus eats a crohns exclusive diet
This has worked out well
The plan is for him to move to humira every 7 days from every 10 days but he is a growing kid with no real way to increase the dose despite his increasing weight /height ( he is currently 11 and was dx at age 7.)

Good luck