My story :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 10, 2011
my story :)

Hey! My name is Candy, I'm 19, mid-last year I was taken into hospital with abdominal pain. Immediatly it was thought I was suffering an appedicitus and I was rushed into surgery. The pain was in my lower right abdomen and was truely painful.
After this spell in hospital, 8 weeks later, I was admitted again, with the same pain. I had a ultra-sound a CT scan, blood tests, the lot, and nothing was found.
I was then discharged, as the pain had subsided and I was feel better.
4 weeks later, I'm back again, same pain, no explanation. I was thrown around from pillar to post over 8 days, gyne wards, surgical wards, and finally the gastro ward.
"Has anyone in your family ever suffered with Crohns?"
Yes. Many of them. I was then told I'd need a Colonoscopy. It was to be done as an in-patient but I had a huge reaction to kleen-prep. I was violently sick. I was discharged and told I would be brought in as an out-patient.
Now... Well I'm currently led in bed doubled up in pain (y) I am 2 weeks away from my colonoscopy (2 months after being discharged) and I went to the doctors today with a flair up in pain, I've been given painkillers for overnight, and told to go bck tomorrow first thing is I have a sleepless night again, so I can be sent and admitted to hospital.. So it looks like a trip to the hospital tomorrow, and time for my colonoscopy. Truely, I'm terrified, my mum has a horror story which hasn't helped, but I'm at the stage now where after an unnessisary operation and 5 weeks in hospital over the last 4 months, ill be glad to be treated!!
aw Candy, i'm so sorry :( a big warm welcome to the forum, and i really they can get you feeling better very soon. at least you're in the right place, and not suffering at home with no help at hand any more.

keep us posted, and if you need to vent about anything.. feel free!
Welcome to the site, you'll get lots of support here.

Its obviously a bad time you for you so bleep away, vent away, ask questions etc

Hope things improve and you get better soon but by the sounds of it Hospital is where you need to be, you'll feel better soon as they can work wonders these days.

take care

Welcome Candy!! Sounds like you're in the right place! What does (y) mean? I'm sure I could ask my daughters.
Hi Candy
and welcome fellow Brit

I really hope that they get you some appropriate meds this time round. I was in hospital for a week last year with the same pains you described, I was blocked tho.
A course of Prednisolone and Metronidazole healed me nicely.
Speedy recovery!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Just spoken to a doctor, I'm in over night, and awaiting a decidtion of whether the colonoscopy will go ahead while I'm in. My belly has gone up like a balloon!! And they are being a bit tight fisted with pain relief! :(
I am terrified about this colonoscopy. :(
Hi Candy!

Welcome to the forum and sorry you are in so much pain. It's good that you are at the hospital, though. And yeah, they shouldn't be so protective over the pain meds.

Ah, the dreaded colonoscopy. You have every right to be terrified. It's a scary and weird idea and procedure. But you may find that the worst thing about the colonoscopy ends up being the prep. Yuck!

Hopefully, everything will be sorted out for you when you check out!:) Get well!
Once the prep is done, the actual test will be a breeze. The thought of it is much much much worse than the reailty.

I realise you are wondering if i'm mad at this point, honestly I am not!
Ok looks like its going to be going ahead. I have a kind of choice of preps. I had major problems with kleen prep before, anyone have any ideas of the least horrid one.

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