I had some stomach pains on the 3rd of July while visiting family 3 hours away from home. I vomited everything I ate or drank up, then started to feel pain in the lower abdomen. It got worse so I decided to go to the hospital. They held me in for a couple days to see if the inflammation would go down. On the 6th they took an x-ray and there was free air where it shouldn't be and the inflammation didn't go down enough. That night they decided to do an emergency survey. They removed a couple inches of the small intestine, my appendix and a meckle (still not exactly sure what that is, or why). The next day I was walking a bit and on the 11th they released me to go home. I lost 15 pounds from 130, and lost most muscle I had. I've been progressing very well and the wound is healing great. I feel mostly normal and have had no pain. I'm taking 2 pills of sulfasalazine twice a day that's it. This all happened while I get ready to move for college in a week! in feel blessed that I've been recovering so well and it's helped me mature a lot and my faith in God has grown stronger... I've also seen how much my best friends/roommates care about me. This has been a positive experience so far and I hope it remains positive.:thumleft: