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Aug 16, 2011
Hello everyone. I just got my test results and I am Anti Saccharomyces Cerevisiae IgG and IgA positive, which means positive for Crohn right? I have had cramps since 3 years but just learned about my inflammation a couple of months ago. My doctor is abroad and I am travelling this week and still a bit confused. I am currently taking Pentasa sachet 2g a day, but I think with my test results I should increase that. I suffer from a lot of pain and cramps and still cannot find the right food for me. Is there any advice you could give me? Is my life going to change? I am sick of the pain and getting depressed. Thank you
The positive test results you mentioned don't sound familiar to me, so Im not sure if this means you are "positive" for crohns disease. Most of the people on here have been diagnosed by means of bloodwork, CT scan, colonoscopy, small bowel follow through, upper GI, ect..
In my opinion, you need more tests to determine whether or not you have crohns. Like I said, I'm not familiar with the results and tests you've mentioned, but they don't sound solid enough to give a diagnosis. I would continue on the medications you have, and see your doctor when you can. Don't jump the gun and start self-medicating just because you think it's crohns. That could do more damage than good, in the long run. Do some more research on the internet, but be very wary of the people talking about how they cured their crohns with "this diet" or "this chinese herb." Alot of the stuff on the internet is complete ********. You need to be able to weed out the truth from the "it worked for me so it will work for everyone" stuff.
As for the depression, it's not just going to go away. Most crohns sufferers get depressed from time to time. Some are chronically depressed. Some take medication. Again, that's something you need to talk to your doctor about. All you can really do is stay positive and just keep going.
I hope you get answers soon.
Hi Zena! I am not quite sure about your tests results. However, being that you are already on Pentasa, I assume your doctor was quite confident you had Crohn's.

Crohn's is different for so many, but I do think we all have to make some changes. You need to watch your diet and stress level. Diet is different for so many, so you may want to keep a food journal to figure out your safe and no-no foods. A few foods to be careful of that many seem to have problems with are nuts, seeds, high fiber foods, and some raw fruits and veggies.

I hope when you doctor returns, you can discuss other treatment plans. It sounds like Pentasa or at least the dose you are on isn't doing enough. It may take some time to figure out what works best for you, but hopefully you will find the right treatment plan and start to feel better. Good luck!
Hi Zena! I'm just reading about the ASCA stuff you mentioned. Seems to be that ASCA
positive tests indicate Crohns or Colitis, or various other form of IBD.

However, I'm in the same boat as those above me: I personally have no idea what the tests mean. I've never heard of them. But I don't live in Lebanon. haha... But what I'm reading suggests that they're really good at marking Crohns or Colitis.

Pentasa suggests your doctor thinks it's Crohn's/Colitis. Cramps suggest colitis. I'm not going to damn you to a disease, but it does sound like you're in the same boat as everyone on this forum.

Learning what to eat is really tricky. We have a subforum here for diet, and in it is a very useful thread of collective data on what we members can tolerate/can't tolerate. Generally though, it seems that bland is best. Chicken, white rice, white grains (unless you're gluten intolerant/allergic), bananas.

I suppose your life will change somewhat, yeah. Medications, food, energy levels and such do have an impact on everyone's life. But, don't be discouraged and depressed :) There's still plenty of things out in the world to enjoy.

Keep us updated :)
Thank you guys for your support. I have already done a colonoscopy and found 3 inflammations of 3cm each in my small intestine. Anyway, I am seeing a new doctor this week to get a second opinion and see if I should increase my Pentasa intake. I have also ordered some books on Crohn's that include guides and healthy diets. Hope they will be helpful

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