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Aug 23, 2009
Hi, Im new here. Im lee, from northern illinois. Ive always been thin, and had trouble keeping up my weight. A few years ago I started having back pain and inflamation, then iritis, joint pain and what they thought was on and off UC.

The rhumo doc and others thought it was ankylosing spondylitis. But a hundred negative test later we were clueless. Then my guts got bad, coke or coffee started to hurt me, I started having Ibs. Then It became crohns symtoms every day. My stoamach scope was neg. My colin scope was neg. "After two weeks of feeling well.

But then I got sicker and sicker. Cronic D, puss like stuff, at time's blood and or black stool. But since the scope was neg and my Ibd panel was barely negative. I got treated like dirt. But this year I was retested for S. cerevisia, I was mildly positive in 2007, now Im over positive in Iga, and mildly in igg.

So they started me on asacol a few months ago. It helped some. But Im still Ill.
Im 29, thin/athlete build. I was always healthy. What the hell happend. I hear its from polution, Ive been around plenty of that.

I also have bad fibro, I just applied for SSI. I use to do manual laber. I can barely work now. I sold my only good guitar amp like and idiot. I could have made more keeping it and playing on weekends. Anyways, thanks for reading, I hope to make some friends here, I saw a few other musicians here, cool. But I like most of everyone. Xcept jerks. well I gotta go. Ill be back later. I hope the best for all of you. Later, Lee.
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:welcome: Lee
Do you have a diagnosis confirmed yet??? It can take a while to get the correct treatment especially if the diagnosis is uncertain. There a many supportive and knowledgeable people here. If you have any questions please ask...I hope you get some relief soon.
Welcome Lee. Hopefully you'll have an answer soon.

I also play guitar!
Maximus...great name from a great movie! Welcome to the forum, sounds like you are having a great financial worry and that is havoc on the Crohns. I find stress does me in. Prednisone helps people gain weight but only for short term and it is cheap and helps your crohns settle. Not my favourite med but it has really helped me when I needed it. Keep us informed on how you are doing.
Welcome Lee. Sorry you are having such a frustrating time. You just have to keep on keeping on with the docs until you get a correct diag and some good meds. Hope this happens for you soon.
I'm so sorry Lee - it can be doubly hard when you don't have the direct support of your family. I hope you get the correct diagnosis soon and can get on meds to control whatever you are ailing from. Just keep on keepin' on - you'll get it figured out eventually, just have some faith!
Thank peaches, your word are gold.

Im on asacol, and bentyl. They help some, but now enough. The bentyl is great for the cramping, thanks for the advice. Im having trouble seeing any light down the tunnel.

And I get the complete opposite of support, unfortionatly. Being alone sucks too. After two real long relationships.Now Im sick and poor, who wants that.

At least I still look good, and have a good personality, But in this area, people care less about feelingsand decentcy, and more about$$$$$.

But like you said, I keep on keeping on. Thanks for the kind words, it helps, I always could use a boost. I hope your are doing well, bless you much!

Out of time now,,,,Thanks, lee.
(((((HUGS)))))) Lee! It is hard isn't it? Sounds like you have an 'interesting' family! Hope things improve for you really soon :)
Shazamataz,,Thank you, my family can be cruel cavemen and then some, but so many other people around my area are as bad. And Im not being critical, judgmental. This isnt just my perception.

I make many friends from out of the area who see it as well. Negative land, land of the bitchers and haters. The economy is real bad here and people are miserable.

Im waiting on social security now, good luck right. Between the chrons and fibro, I cant work most of the previous jobs Ive done. I still do some short side work here and there, Its gas money. And then a little.

My GI sucks, they havent given me anything other than asacol, and they dont take me seriously. They act as If they could care less if I die. As long as they get the money.

Sorry, Im whining again. I dont usualy do that much. Sometimes people feel as if its them against the world. Or the world against you, surrounded, overwhelmed.

For me its true, I cant wait to eventualy get away from at least some of it.
Well thank you all much for being there.