My update

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Feb 6, 2012
My GP said she could refer me to a different GI clinic. I don't know how good they are. She also said she may be able to talk to another GI at the original clinic I went to. Hopefully one option will work out. I really don't want to see the GI that's 45 minutes away. I can always see him as a last resort.

On 3/5/12, I had a Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy. The Ob/Gyn said I had endometriosis, cysts, and fibroids. He said the endo was not on the bowels. The hysterectomy should relieve part of my problems. Although, I still have pain and discomfort.

I still don't have an updated colonoscopy or other specialized GI related tests.
I hope you find a good GI doc to go to and you can get some answers for what is going on with you! :) I hope you start feeling better soon!
I originally went in to the ER with pain and they did a CT said I had an orange sized cyst on my left ovary and inflammation of my cecum. I had surgery the next day to remove my ovary with the cyst on it. They told me my inflammation in my intestines was probably due to the large cyst on my ovary. NOPE....that was just the start..after another couple of months with diarrhea I insisted on a colonoscopy and that when he found the Crohns. So yeah....u need to see a GI and a good one!!!
Thanks for responding. I hope I get better and find a good GI doctor.

I also see a pain specialist. Maybe he can help me with my pain/GI issues. I could also ask him if he could order a colonoscopy or further testing.

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