Narrowed bowel and bloating

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Apr 25, 2006
I don't know where this weakness came from. Last week after coffee, I came home with dizziness, then a terrible muscle exhaustion followed. Does anyone else get that horrible muscle exhaustion? I also got very cold hands and feet. The dizziness has since departed but my bowel is acting up with little bits of acid diarrhea (it feel like acid being poured on my already inflamed tissue and hemmoroids) I just wish I would get over it in one sitting but no, it has to come in little bits and it's so painful. I don't know if this is because my intestines are inflammed or my rectum is so swollen it doesn't allow for more than a little at a time. :poo: I still feel so weak and still have cold spells especially from my torso down..these aren't chills, I'm feeling like an ice block for most of the day. If it doesn't get better, I'll be off to the doctor, again.

I have a narrowed bowel and surgery was recommended close to a year ago. I'm hoping that it isn't a partial obstruction, although for the most part I am free of abdominal pain, outside of some bloating and a stuffed feeling, but the butt pain and bowel irritation, well that's another story? Can anyone advise me or encourage me, it would be appreciated.
Had a full blood work done not too long ago. I will ask my doctor if he can give me another. I had these cold spells before and he checked my thyroid as well and they came back okay.
I tried helping myself by taking B vitamins and what a mistake that was. I cannot tolerate them, they have caused trouble in the past and caused trouble now, making the irritation worse. I don't understand what can be in B vitamins that cause my symptoms to become worse?
Daisy, sorry you are going thru a rough time. I have had many blockages and never had all those symptoms. Something else could be going on. I had severe pain and bloat but no D, when you are blocked you dont usually go. I would stay on a liquid diet, drink Ensure and see if things settle. If you get into alot of pain I would go to ER. With your feeling cold, do you have a temperature??? That is a bad sign. Keep us updated, dont let this go on too long. If a resection was recommened you could be narrowed more. Hang in there!
I was going to ask the same thing about the muscle exhaustion. I feel like that so frequently....feels like I just ran a marathon and all i've done is walk across the house. I get the pain that goes along with it...muscles sore to the tough...along with the joint pain and tummy pain...I feel like there isn't one thing on me that doesn't hurt. Good luck to you Daisy!!
horseluvnhonee this muscle pain you are feeling I also feel this along with the exhaustion. If I take prednisone like I have been the muscle pain goes away but I still have the exhaustion.
Yep...I was on a short course of Prednisone....and was helping the joint and muscle pain...made it a lot more tolerable anyways. Now..I'm almost weaned off of it because I need to have a repeat scope and she wants me off the pred. for at least 6 weeks. A lot of people tell me that maybe I have fibromyalgia in the mix with everything else...and that's where the muscle pain/fatigue is coming from. I'm not convinced because I dont think prednisone helps muscle pain from fibro if that makes sense? Good luck..keep us updated..I hope you get some relief!!
Jettalady said:
Daisy, sorry you are going thru a rough time. I have had many blockages and never had all those symptoms. Something else could be going on. I had severe pain and bloat but no D, when you are blocked you dont usually go. I would stay on a liquid diet, drink Ensure and see if things settle. If you get into alot of pain I would go to ER. With your feeling cold, do you have a temperature??? That is a bad sign. Keep us updated, dont let this go on too long. If a resection was recommened you could be narrowed more. Hang in there!

Thanks for the replies, much appreciated, and no Jettalady I don't have a temperature, I've checked several times and it's under the normal running from 95 to 96 even during the day and night.
That is ok, fevers aren't always there but sometimes white blood cell counts, will show. I was never the norm, that is why it took a year for dx for me. Have you been on any antibiotics, like Flagyl and Cipro??? They will help too. Keep us updated ok?
Hi, I've been on these two antibiotics in the past but not lately. I'm slowly starting to come around and have a little more energy today and even feel a little warmer, but I need somehow to calm the diarrhea which drains me a lot. Thanks for replying.

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