Click the tab bar's "Search" button above, to search the entire forum. Search the Titles Only (in the drop-down options window) with the keywords: my supps. My post is also found in the Your Story>Success Stories>MY Supps for MY Dis-ease. I've detailed my approach--that works for me--there.
If I were in the middle of a "flare", I would also search the website for "safe foods" and eat one food at a time until symptoms clear. Some of my safe foods, when not combined with other foods, are: hard boiled eggs, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, potatoes, herbal teas, grilled chicken, salmon, brown rice, organic chicken broth. Combining citrus/grape fruits/juices with any other food will usually cause problems, for me. Just eat real, whole foods and no sugar-added (including all fake sugars, other than stevia or honey sparingly) foods or drinks. I would also avoid processed, white flours or grain, personally.